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Pedal Board Help


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Hey, everyone.


This is my first post in the "Gear" area, having mainly spent time in the Lounge and the SG forums. I'd like some help from those of you who are more effects-savvy than myself.


What order would you place these pedals in, from left-to-right, to get the optimal sound and signal to/from my amp:


BOSS Digital Delay/Reverb; BOSS Delay; BOSS Blues Driver; BOSS Compressor/Sustainer; Fulltone Fat Boost 3 FB-3.


I am pretty sure that the Boost—any boost pedal—should be the last in line… but maybe some of you have a different take? :-k


Thanks a lot!

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Thanks, you guys! [thumbup]


I was mainly wondering if there would be potential conflicts between the Boost and the Compressor/Sustainer… and which should be "in front" of the other (that is, which belongs at the far-right in the chain).

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  • 2 weeks later...

If in doubt, try it several ways. Let your ears decide.


I've had certain pedal combinations that sounded great one way and terrible the other.......experiment.


I agree with boost/drive front, modulation middle, delay/verb end, but you can often get different sounds depending on brand combinations, etc.


All part of the fun!



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I'd get the compressor as the 1st one in the line,... then add any boost/overdrives after.


One other tidbit, you may have done this,, set your out put level on the compressor so it's as transparent as possible. in other words:


I don't set up my compressor so that it's boosting the signal at all. just adding the desired amount of compression, so when I engage it, there's not drop or jump in volume.


I level out my over drives too, usually all these are adding is the desired "effect" that they are intended.


From there, I use my guitar volume to get my "boost" and set my amps master volume to the "max" volume I need for lead work, and pull it back for normal rhythm / chord work. (I'm on these volume pots constantly)


also as other have suggested, delay and modulation should fall to the back of the chain, (well verb too I guess..)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Check out "gilmourish.com" -- although specializing in the sound of David Gilmour of the Pink Floyd, he has great general tips, reviews and things guitar related. Can't recommend it enough.

On point, he gives recommended signal path for pedals and explains why he makes the choices he does, which is perhaps even more helpful.


Good luck.

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