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Gibson Brands Forums

T310 tele

Titus The Great

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Hello everyone, my name is Titus, typing from Italy, and I apologise for my written English; and thank all of you that will be so patient to reading my words.

I’m suffering of a strange disease well known as “collecting guitars disturbances [love] “... I love searching guitars from the ‘80 and 90 and bring back them to life. By now I own about 45 electrics and 20 acoustics... and a little bit of classics.

Recently I found on a road market an old beautiful T310 tele style Epiphone... I’m an old man, so I am not able to find any info about these beautiful lady. She was modified from unknown (...not professional) hands, and I bought all original spare parts (included with the bag)... but I can’t find any specs on pickups and electronics wiring diagrams.


Does exist in this forum an angelic soul who can help me?

I need pics, links, suggestions, and a friendly word to raise my sad sad soul... please, don’t leave me alone...


Thank to everyone will ask this topic

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Hello Titus and good day


Your collection sounds fantastic; what you have is called GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) which we all have.


The only way really to post pics on these forums is to start a free online picture account (Imgur, Postimage) then you upload pics from computer to there and post in the forums using the code they give. The whole thing is easier than it osunds but of course you need a digital camera - phone shots usually work fine.


You may have already found these: the guitar is called a Telephone in some of the YouTube comments! [biggrin] [biggrin]





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