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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. You have an unnatural obsession and, can I type the word "hard on" here for Lynyrd Skynyrd still touring. Its the current trend in music. Dinosaurs living for ever. As long as people buy tickets and they want to hear: If I leave here tomorrow Would you still remember me? For I must be traveling on now 'Cause there's too many places I've got to see They are gonna milk it till it bleed, and keep milking it till its raw and bleed, and then keep going.
  2. I almost fell out of my seat reading that. Someone agreed with me. I'm off to buy a lottery ticket.
  3. I guess. I was only in a warmonger service for 4 years. For 19, I was in the USCG where the mission is totally different. The CG deal with drug interdiction, illegal alien migration, keeping waterways open, search and rescue, and maritime law enforcement.
  4. No disrespect to Jolene but I hate cover tunes, and cover tune albums. And anyone who is considered a songwriter better be doing their own tunes. Used to drive be nuts when VH did it. Yeah VH are covering another Kinks song. And on Diver Down they were so Coc’ed up and drunk, and lazy they put 3 on that album. Yes I know the Fab 4 covered songs, but back then it was what you had to do, and it doesn’t mean I liked it. After Help! I think the only cover they did was Maggie Mae. After one maybe two albums you should not have to cover songs anymore. Freebird is not a bad song, just an over played one like that Zep song, I no longer want to hear it played by anyone.
  5. Music is not supposed to be perfect. Humans play instruments and we are not perfect.
  6. I’ve said it before, does anyone buy a brand new car and kick the doors and quarter panels in with steel toed boots? Nope. People buy NEW guitars that a guy abused with a rail road spike, and gladly pay extra for the privilege. It’s stupid but I wish I thought of it cause people want that sort of thing. You’re fooling no one that you have a real ‘59 LP. Cause a real ‘59 LP cost more than all my combined houses I ever lived in. But it’s your $ and if you have so much extra disposable income you want to part with please send me some.
  7. Good on ya. There are many business’s that do stuff with overseas parts. If you can sustain being 100% that outstanding. Now, here’s something, what was the first thing Gibson did after they bought Epiphone, which back them was American, well off to overseas land they went.
  8. I guess if all of us professional businessmen or women here had our owned big business's we would do it differently huh? You guys and girls here are no different than me, you complain about stuff you can't control.
  9. I think right after King Henry's reign was over and he was forced to step down, then they went back to it when JC righted the ship.
  10. We used to be #1 in everything. Won not 1 but 2 World Wars. Now I fear Korea or China would make our military look silly in a war.
  11. I brought that up earlier with guitars. I said how much of your guitar has stuff on it made overseas (or grown), but yeah a guy, girl, he, she, it , they, them assembled it in the USA, so there is the loop hole that its American Made. Now two people are saying in and not the the JERK me.
  12. You should have seen the cover they wanted to do, and it wasn't a glove believe me.
  13. But then again not to many record stores around anymore with HOTH sitting out on display either.
  14. $2500 for the cheapest use one on Reverb, and I mean one. And it says it in someone else's cart. All the other used ones are 3k and up.
  15. I know it was not a boob. But it looks like one.
  16. I'd rather go to Tortola, St. Maarten, or Barbados. I ate a Flying Fish sandwich in Barbados. Damn good. I was only on the Dutch side of St. Maarten, and not the French side. Drank many a Pain Killer at Pusser's in Tortola. PR is fun. I went all over the Isla when I lived there. One thing though is its pretty law-less. I went to El Yunque once or twice. We used to go to Ponce a lot. There was a place in Santurce called Cafe Diez Y Ocho that had killer Cuban sandwich's and killer Arroz Y Habichuela's. Down in Viejo San Juan there was a food truck the used to sell Tripleta sandwich's, and were they killer.
  17. Contacts usually but not always go the the low bidder. That's how it is. I may be seen here as an a-hole but one thing I do not do is lie. Is the contract awarded to the lowest bidder? In most cases, agencies award contracts to the lowest bidder. “Lowest bidder” is a clear-cut term. So, in cases where a product is quoted the lowest against its competitors, the bid will be awarded to that company. Does the government have to go with the lowest bidder? The federal public advertising statutes provide that an "award shall be made ... to that responsible bidder whose bid ... will be the most advantageous to the Government, price and other factors considered."2 States and municipalities likewise are authorized to award their public contracts to the "lowest responsible ...
  18. So from his serial number your got it all sorted out, and answered his question, huh. Well not hardly. The first line I typed said calling Gibson was the thing to do. I don't understand how some think a serial number tells you your guitars history, its just a number assigned to a guitar.
  19. No guitars of any kind in my future. I wanted an M-36 but the dream died, as they are now $3500, and used prices are stupid too.
  20. That movie is so funny. I loved when they kept moving the guys office around with the stapler.
  21. Does anyone know who actually wrote The Bible? Its believed that Moses did but I doubt it. I bought an ES-335 from SW and it showed up with the smile break due to I am sure an idiot dropping it in route.
  22. That would be the thing to do. How would any of us know from your serial number if Tom touched your guitar? Typing you serial number here gives us no clue about it. Use Imgur to post photos. I and many here use it.
  23. That is the way I looked at selling guitars. If I bought one for $2500 and sold it for $2300 5 years later. I basically rented it for a little over $3 a month.
  24. I've worked on Naval and CG ships that are "using millions of dollars worth of the most advanced military technology" and sometimes it lots of it is expensive stuff that breaks down. How do military contracts work? Well the contractor that gets the job is usually the lowest bidder, or it goes to a business that is minority or women owned. Remember that. Don't choose the best of the best, choose the person who undercut everyone else to get the job. Or you got the job because you sit down when you take a pee.
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