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Everything posted by DanvillRob

  1. Phil, I thought I responded to you.... the Koa 'Bird IS killer.... you know I bought it new in 2011....so it's had 11 years to open up some.....it's MUCH better now...and getting better and better with age. I like the short-scale neck.... it may overtake the DIF one day for tone. You know I love all your guitars.... I lusted after your 'Bird 12-String for a long time until Leslie decided to sell me hers....and it's un-feckin'-believable!
  2. Me & the J-50, (with a cheap sound hole pickup). In the next few weeks I hope to have proper electronics installed and the "Gibson" (Kluson?) tuners replaced with Grovers...new strings and a check of the set-up. I don't mind the current tuners, but the treble side is hard for me to turn with the advancing arthritis in my hands. Song written and performed by Randy VanWarmer in 1979.
  3. I've been lucky in that regard. After I quit music, I sold everything...not for the money, but just to get rid of it all....since that time, I've only acquired. Did give my Ovation 12-String away...but it was impossible to play....my luthier 'parted it out'.
  4. I don't think it's a bad thing..... my stuff (not just my guitars) are all very special to me. I have 6 amps (I think).... 4 of them I could care less about..... but I have an early 70's Fender Princeton Reverb that belonged to my dad. I've had it completely rebuilt, (with the exception of the outside....I want it to look the same as when my dad used it).....and I have an early 70's Dual Showman Reverb amp.....it's completely rebuilt, including the tolex and screen....even has "new-old stock" 15" JBL's. It's big and heavy...will go to one of the grandkids.
  5. Here's the DIF in action....nothing but it (and my voice....sorry). As I said, I'm recording every song in my repertoire for my grandsons to have when they're older.... and I completed all the songs in my chart books...and am now going through my old retired chart books and recording the songs I used to do many years ago. This is one of those songs I used to do (attempt). When I saw it, I had to find it and listen to it again to recall how it even goes. And when I did, I found it's actually a great song. Paul Simon is a master in song construction! Recorded in our master bathroom.
  6. Thanks, Not sure about the pickguard.... you can see mine has the 'standard' teardrop pickguard. I would have preferred a J-45, but the J-50 was a gift from my staff when I retired. You're right about the "Norlin-era" GIbsons. Since I have 3 Kalamazoo guitars and 3 Bozeman guitars, I can say the Bozeman are better....but the Kalamazoo guitars are no slouches! I can't imagine my giving up ANY of my acoustics.....I have some electrics...and a couple of them were built by my cousin before he had a devastating accident, so they won't go anywhere.... I have a Strat from his collection that I actually don't like much.... and a couple of others I could take or leave. Like your J-50.... my old Dove is amazingly loud..... the J-50 can hold it's own with it, (but certainly NOT the Jubilee).
  7. The DIF is a fabulous guitar...and my 2003 is probably the best sounding one I have.....but it's not my favorite....... first of all...it's unblemished....no scratches or belt rash..... I only play it in my sweats and shirts with no buttons..... I want to pass it on to my grandson in "like-new" condition, (same with the 'Bird Koa").
  8. Great to see you again, as well!
  9. Just a wonderous that in almost 50 years of playing Gibsons, I ONLY have square shoulders...and I have never sold one!
  10. Thanks..... I really love them all, (as Willie says, "Why Do I Have To Choose?"
  11. Thanks....collected over 40+ years.
  12. Thanks..... great to see old friends.
  13. Oh...and yes... Some Beach was the J-50. I really like that guitar.....it's kinda like my pickup... looks pretty good, but I don't have to worry much about it.
  14. I will... Krasi swears by 'em...and he plays out a lot (at least he used to). I figured about the feedback from the mic....but I mostly play in my music room..... I was planning of piping it through the Princeton Amp in there...you think it'll be better through the PA system?
  15. Oh yeah..... I thought you meant on YouTube.... I liked Some Beach....
  16. Since my last name is "BIRDwell" seems appropriate, eh?
  17. I post once or twice a week.... which post from Late January? I've been mostly using the J-50 lately...but still break out the 12-String on occasion.
  18. My Doves In Flight is a 2003. It's be best sounding of all my Gibson Acoustics, and is the most beautiful DIF I've ever seen, (Natural Back & Sides)
  19. I'm in the process of replacing the original tuners on my 1975 J-50 with a set of Grovers. The original "Gibson" tuners, (Klusons ?) hold the tune very well, but are hard to turn...and my arthritic hands ache each time I tune it. I'm hoping the Grovers will do better, (no issues on my other guitars with Grovers on them).
  20. I am currently in the process of adding a K&K Trinity (3 pickups and a mic) to my J-50. Am waiting on the preamp...but I'll mostly just play it in my music room, so the preamp won't hamper me much.
  21. Thanks, Nick. That is actually an unopened vinyl or Pebbles 10. I have the CD of Pebbles 11 too...but not on the wall. There are 2 books there too.... they're both in the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, (I actually have the induction letter). Kinda cool...not only in the books but actually on the cover! There are several oil paintings and drawings by my brother on the wall....then, the old posters, of course. I have several more posters, but no more wall!
  22. Rob, I think I remember you bringing that Jubilee to Ol' Fred's gathering at Neversweat back in 2013. Seems like a lifetime ago. Yes... I brought it there...and also the Dove..... with the addition of the J-50, the Dove stays at home now. I'm putting electronics on the J-50 now. Talked with Krasi and he swears by the K&K Trinity system. I have the pickups and mic...waiting for the preamp. If I like it, I'll install a system on the Dove. The 12-string already has a pickup....and I won't touch the DIF or 'Bird.
  23. I think I pee'd a little... that is quite the collection of Gibson square shoulders you got there. Yeah... love the dreads....When I was a kid I worked in a music store, (maybe '65/'66/'67). We got in a Hummingbird....so when the store was empty, I'd play it. Told my wife, if I ever got the money, I'd buy a Gibson Hummingbird. Well... after we were married for a year or so....she bought me a guitar as a present....she KNEW I wanted a Gibson, and she KNEW it was some kind of 'bird' guitar.....so she bought me the Dove! I'd get a standard Hummingbird right now...but I have no room for any more guitars....all 11 of them live in the music room.
  24. Since I've last been on the forum, I've acquired a couple of guitars. I hope I know how to post photos on here.... First on the left is my original 1969/70 Jubilee (my 'beater) Second is the 1975 J-50 my staff gave me when I retired last year. It is now my workhorse Third is my 1979 Dove my bride gave me back in 1980 or 81. Very special to me. Fourth is the 2003 Doves In Flight. Probably the best sounding guitar I have. Fifth is the 2010 Hummingbird 12-String. From Leslie...she says it's the ONLY 'Bird 12-String (Right-Hand) made that year. Sixth is the 2011 Hummingbird Custom Koa. Gets better and better as it gets older and older.
  25. Since I retired, I'm recording my entire repertoire for my grandsons who will inherit all my equipment. I've completed all my current stuff, and am looking through old chart books for stuff I used to do many years ago. I am also still putting new stuff up. Here's one I kinda like:
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