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Everything posted by DanvillRob

  1. Yes... that's Linda in the center. It's an original drawing by my brother...gave it to me for my birthday in 1976 (I think), Still trying to figure out how the forum works again....
  2. I haven't been on this forum for a few years. I have still been playin' pretty regular...more, now that I'm retired! I'm guessing I can simply paste a link to a YouTube video here? If there is a better way, let me know. Thanks
  3. This is not only good.....it makes me envious of your obvious talent!
  4. Sal, I heard it yesterday. Good stuff! That's some good pick in' there!
  5. Another attempt to post something here. This is a song made popular by Hank Locklin. Please Help Me I'm Falling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agc3P_1rzIQ
  6. Sal, now YOU actually DO have a great voice! By the way.......LOVED the song!
  7. Sal, you might be the very first person to ever say I have a great voice! Thanks I posted some stuff early on, (I was actually the first!), but the links got lost, so I went back an reconnected them!
  8. Just because I haven't posted anything in quite awhile. I heard Roger McGuinn do this on The Marty Stuart Show, and reminded me of just what a fantastic songwriter Bob Dylan actually is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSbSSbDZTWA&list=UUvmCHAaDl3S4WXR0LytIYHw
  9. NICE job!! I play Blackbird too...it's tough to make it sound good...and you do!
  10. Holy COW! I'd buy that in an instant! Can I PLEASE do a song with you sometime, somehow?
  11. BEAUTIFUL guitar...and I like the 'stinger'. Of course I'm partial to the Dove.
  12. I wonder if I bought this, if I'd sound like Leo?
  13. I do it a little differently now But what I really have to do is figure a way to post the charts for these songs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqrxk70BWKs
  14. Anne, thanks... it's been one of my 'staple' songs since the 70's. My favorite.... She Ain't Rose......
  15. This help? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otNiQ3usSQs
  16. They are sweet little devils, aren't they! Thanks for the story.

  17. Didn't happen.... Nick got back to the hotel too late, and Bob Wily said he didn't feel well.

  18. We'll have to get together on my next trip. We're putting new buses into Denver RTD soon, (probably starting next year), and I usually have to make a few trips there when they get new buses.
  19. You know....I thought I had long ago introduced myself on here....guess not..... My name is Rob, and I live in Danville, CA, (makes my sign-on name pretty clear, eh?). Danville is in the SF Bay Area. I grew up in the SF Bay Area, and was a working musician from about 1965 'til about 1967, (not that long, now that I see it written...seems much longer back then). I got out of music totally in 1969, sold off everything before I was drafted. Started buying back 'stuff' when I got out of the Army, first acoustic was a Gibson Jubilee, (1969 or 1970). Don't play out much anymore, but will play with anyone, anytime if I can. I work in the heavy-duty vehicle manufacturing industry, (for 45 years now). I'm a dog breeder, exhibitor and conformation judge. I grow and make olive oil, and grow wine grapes, (but so far my wine sucks). Been playing a Dove since my beautiful wife bought me one back in about 1980 or so.
  20. Ya know, Dan...It adds a lot to the most simple songs, (which are about the only kind I do!).
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