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Everything posted by DanvillRob

  1. That girl don't have measurements, she has time zones!
  2. Maybe by "beautiful" they mean in a ethereal kind of way!
  3. Well.... that's enough to make me switch to Pepsi!!! Oh...."purses"....nevermind!
  4. Nikko, my point was...you wanted to take a poll....but you framed the question in a way that slanted the answer....much like CNN, NBC and CBS ask questions, and if you actually dig into a Time-Warner/CNN poll, you'll see the questions are slanted therefore affecting the results. e.g. "Have you stopped beating your wife?" Any answer will leave the reader thinking you DID beat your wife, (not that there's anything wrong with it).
  5. Since you put it that way...I'll switch!! (YOU guess from which to which!)
  6. His old J-160e was much like a Line-6 now...the knob on the left changed the open tuning, like to "Open E" and "Drop G". The other knob only turned down the volume on Yoko's mouth.
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