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Posts posted by egoidealmusic

  1. So, my replacement J-45 finally arrived today, and she's even more beautiful than the last!  And that first big G chord hit really hard was true and loud and rang on forever.  And, almost as if they knew I hated the extra strap button on the heel, this one came without it.


    Trying to figure out how to post a photo but the file size is too damn big!  Until then, you can see her here: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=134994322154182&set=a.101308988856049


    Now she just needs a name.

  2. Well, Gibson has made the decision for me!  Got an email today that a brand spanking new 50s J-45 was shipping out today!  I'm guessing that it had been hand picked out of batch that's not even hit the website yet (still says out of stock).  It's funny, as soon as I'd decided that the J-50 was the way to go, fate decided differently.  Needless to say, I'm super excited to get, stare in awe for a minute, and hit a big G chord really hard and hear it sing!

  3. Thanks for the thoughts, everyone, and I decided to give Gibson a call today.  I said unless a 45 is rolling off the line this week that I'd actually prefer a handpicked and slightly aged 50.  The rep I spoke to said that unless there's some complication wtih it being a different sku # (even though it's the exact same guitar minus the coloring) he didn't see why it should be a problem and that he'd call me tomorrow.  As I thought about it, I think fortyearspickn is spot on.  A handpicked one is far more important than the color.  And I kind of like the surprise element.  Will update when I hear back!

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  4. Here's another question/complicaiton:

    Given that the J-50 is still in stock (is traditionally less popular) it's been sitting for a bit versus a J-45 that will theoretically come off the line in a week or so (from what they told me), does this matter?  Would you prefer something that's had 6 months to a year to age vs. something set out today?  Would it impact tone at all?  Would that time sitting there be good or not really matter?

  5. That is gorgeous.   And see, there's something about that aged looked that's so different that a brand new natural top look.

    And I see what you mean, Jed.  Would love to be able to go back in time and see if that's how they came off the line or it time brought out more of that 3D depth you're talking about.

    And the newer one you posted, great lines on that top.  The burst does level things out (i.e. the different ones look more "the same"), but that's best argument I've heard (seen) for reconsidering!

  6. Thanks for the thoughts, all.  I'd definitely choose the right tone over the right look, but as Gibson is sending me one as a replacement I can't play through a number of them to pick the one that's just right for me (though the idea of spending a couple of days in their shop doing this sounds like the best vacation ever).  It's interesting that before I had to send it back I had it up on the wall with all of my other guitars which are all bursts of some form or another (save the old really beat up Gibson classical) and I wondered to myself if I should have gone with the J-50 just for something new.  I know I love the feel of  that 50s chunky neck (which I do think alters the tone somewhat), so now I'm just wondering.   Hell, if I knew it was the best tone I'd play a pink one with a purple pickguard.


    That's a gorgorgeous peice of wood on yours Jed, so I definitley see why you love it.  And yet the one in the pic on the Gibson website is just, well, kind of meh.  And maybe Dave F is right--there's something about a slope shouldered guitar that lacks the style of a burst, and yet I think that Martin square shoulders look kind of odd in a burst.  I'm sure it's just what I grew up seeing (and obviously connected to who was playing them).


    Paul, do you have a pic of your J-50?  Maybe the pic on the website just doesn't do it justice.


    Jed, what do you think makes the newer bursts look cheezie?  

  7. HI folks,


    So you might remember my issue with my 50s inspired J-45 (lifting/leaning tuning posts), and I have a question for you.  As I mentioned elsewhere, Gibson decided to replace instead of repair, but the suburst model I'd originally purchased is on back order.  I'm considering seeing if they'd send me the 50s J-50 instead as I'm getting antsy and really want to play a Gibson again (I've been cylcling through my other guitars but none have that Gibson sound).  I've always loved the look of the sunburst with that batwing pickguard but love the look of a natural with that pickguard as well. . .just not quite as much.  Would I regret it if I made the stitch?  Should I just keep my pants on and wait?


    Yes, I know they're the exact same guitars structurally, but not the same vibe visually.

  8. I recently had to send back the exact same model for a differnt reason (tuning pegs were pulling out) and had thought I'd notice a similar thing but didn't think too much of it.  Had to send it back to Gibson repair shop and they decided that they were going to replace instead of repair, and one of the things they cited was the fact that the wings were delaminating (it looked EXACTLY like your photo), so I'm wondering if they had a bad batch.  I've been without my guitar for 5+ weeks now as things are on back order, but I'd defintely encourage you to contact customer service as this might be an issue.  I honestly didn't care too much about it as it seemed more cosmetic, but it makes me wonder if the wood used on the necks wasn't fully cured or something.

  9. On 5/4/2021 at 12:14 AM, Asphaltcowboy said:

    Hey folks in a long haul trucker and the unofficial unchallenged king of earth2.io I love acoustic guitars for me the j45 does it. Got a new one Gibson decided to screw my love without my permission kinnda mad but the guitar is flawless other than a strap screw on the bottom of the heel:( Gibson dont screw peoples girls unless they tell you lolol

    Haha I'm with you, Asphalt.  If I want a strap button on the heel I'll add it myself.  I'm the old school bootlace on the neck kind of guy, and don't like the way it hangs with the strap on the heel!

  10. Well, the verdict is in: they've decided to replace instead of repair (sadly I've got to wait at least another two weeks are they're on back order--grrr).  Apparently the holes were just too large as many of you suspected, but apparently on inspection they also noticed that the headstock wings were delaminating, which makes me wonder if there was a larger issues with that particular chunk of wood.  Anyways, just wanted to update folks and thank you again for all of your thoughts on the issue!

  11. Hi Folks, I'm Egoidealmusic, also known as Adam.  I've got a wall full of old and older beat up Epiphones (because I couldn't afford a Gibson except for the really rough Gibson classical I got for 50 bucks at a garage sale until recently but I liked having many different guitars).  Was a punk/hardcore kid for years until I got bored with that and got my first acoustic.  Haven't looked back since.  All of those were rescues that I've fixed up myself over the years (upgrading saddles and nuts myself, etc, learning how to do basic setups).  Only one bought newer is a black  EL-00 which I got because I wanted a smaller body guitar (and is really nice to play once I did some upgrades).  The Gibson 50's J (the never one, which as some know had to be sent to the shop) will be uploaded upon her glorious return.



  12. That's really sad to hear.  It amazing that I've owned a number of second hand cheaper guitars over the years (many of the Epi copies of Gibsons) and while they obviously have their, um, cheaper aspects, have never found something so obviously messed up as what you mention, gearbasher.  My most recent guitar was an Epi (https://www.guitarcenter.com/Epiphone/Limited-Edition-EL-00-PRO-Acoustic-Guitar-Acoustic-Electric-Guitar.gc) that was supposedly blemished (got it for super cheap as I'd been wanting to try a smaller bodied guitar) and I swear almost a year later I can't find anything wrong with it.  Was perfectly intonated and the action was great.  Have replaced the nut, saddle, and pins (bone, bone, and rosewood) and it sounds amazing.  I know that things happen and no one is perfect, but you'd think with the money that's put into high end guitars there would be better quality before it's shipped out.  A guy I play with now bought a new J-35 about 5 or so years ago and had the bridge lift within the first two weeks.  He bought it at GC and they fixed it and it's stayed since then, but still!

  13. Definitely that way for me, at least.  I've known some that complain that it's too big or adds too much weight, but at least in my (very amateur) hands it feels like home.  Maybe it's because I played baseball as a kid and I've heard some refer to that neck as the "baseball bat" neck.  Either way, just feels right to me.

  14. I've read some of your posts raving about that guitar!  I considered it as well but really like the feel of the big necks from the 50s.   I friend has a J-45 from the actual 60s (don't recall the exact year) but the neck almost felt like an electric guitar neck to me--way to thin.  I've got pretty big hands and felt like it was a bit too tight for me.  Plus, there's just something about the sunburst with the batwing pickup that I've always been drawn to.   I played a 1956 (if I recall correctly) one many years ago and was instantly in love--and yet was also very broke!

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  15. Yup, I'm not near a trusted Gibson repair facility so I had no choice but to mail it to the repair shop in Nashville, which of course slows the whole thing down.  They had it for 3+ weeks before they even looked at it to "confirm" there was an issue (that's what I was told when I called on Friday).  No idea how long it will take for them to decide how to handle it--was just told to call back later this week.  I assume if the decide it needs to be replaced they'll reach out to me?

  16. Yup, they're the press to fit tuners--Grover strap cream button (link below).  And that's great to know that it won't compromise tone.  And I did wonder if just slightly larger bushing would fix the problem, but given that it's brand new I thought it best to let Gibson do their things as folks have suggested.  Again, I was just worried that the wood was too soft which might lead to other/bigger issues down the road.



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