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Posts posted by altum

  1. Hi,

    My Steinberger Spirit GT Pro  arrived about a week ago and I'm really impressed with it so far.

    The only thing that is concerning me is that I've noticed quite significant marks developing on the nut/zero-fret. I've looked around to see if other owners have the same problem but can't find anything  about this issue. 

    It may be worth mentioning that I am using the single-ball string adaptor. From what I can see, the angle of the strings is less parallel with the neck than it would be with the normal double-ball strings fitted, could this be what's causing it?

    Is this a normal or part of it 'breaking in'? I'm just worried that it will continue to get worse and if it's this bad after a week of playing then the guitar could become unplayable over the course of a few months if the metal wears down to nothing. 

    Can provide pics if anyone wants to see.


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