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Everything posted by 10PoundLester

  1. I scratch-built an AC30 Top Boost with a half-power switch and low-voltage internal cooling fans. It was complicated as can be. It came out great and sold before it was done. The build process is here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/HDEbDru1RwFhNgSm9 I've also built 5F1's with 10" speakers - easy as pie. I would sell my soldering station before I attempted to do anything on a Mesa Boogie. Their designs are BS when it comes to that tube-matching scenario. That said, personally, I could not care any less about Gibson's newly announced amps.
  2. I can't tell you anything about that guitar. However, I will say that yours is one of the most beautiful Gibsons I've seen in a long time. Nice! I don't know if that price on the factory document is in US Dollars (I see it was from a dealer in South Africa) but if it is, that was a steal!
  3. Right, because our selection of available amps is so limited these days . . .
  4. I do the same thing when the guy from the "auto warranty place" calls and tells me my car's warranty is about to expire. I ask him which car is he referring to and that starts the downhill slide into their most frustrating call of the week. Also a lot of fun is when the "neighborhood tech support" guy calls from India and tells me he has noticed a hacker in my system. That is a ton of fun and makes for a great hour or so of messing with them.
  5. Back in the early 2000's I would get these emails and I'd play them like a fiddle for a few weeks making them waste a $hitload of time and effort, then I would just tell them to f-off after I got tired of playing with them. It was pretty satisfying actually.
  6. That cleaner most likely melted the lacquer finish so it probably is not an easy repair unless you know what you're doing.
  7. You have a 12-pound Lester???
  8. Based on the really bad looking inlay on the fb I tend to agree. If we had a closer look at the headstock front and back and a look inside the control cavities that would sure help but I'm thinking chinknockoff.
  9. Here's hoping we survive 2024!
  10. Welcome aboard! So here it is (the first request) - let's have a look at that 275! Being the owner of a nicely figured 335 I'm always interested in seeing other "figured" models.
  11. Beautiful! I would have loved to learn to play this instrument but I simply am not smart enough.
  12. I've scratch-built and/or repaired dozens of tube amps and I own several vintage ones that I almost never use. My 66 Vibro-Champ for instance. I did a cap job on it 10 years ago. I pull it out ever few years and play it and it's fine every time. I don't take much heed in what Pittman says about this but I don't see how it could hurt to do it. I also don't see how it can do much harm if you don't do it. The electrolyte is going to do its job regardless.
  13. Although we haven't spoken in a long time I knew Frank very well. He was a good friend and I'm sad for his passing. He was very much a driving force for me when I started my company. His input was invaluable and it lives on to this day in my shop. It is a huge loss to the guitar community. He was so willing to share what he knew. R.I.P. Frank.
  14. I assume you are talking about HJ?
  15. Or some senator will put something else through you . . .
  16. The question then becomes, "What did he squander it all on?". Certainly nothing to do with improving the quality of their products.
  17. Yes but the bean counters who run Gibson say "Nay, that would cost a few more pennies.".
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