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Everything posted by PrairieDog

  1. Yep, I can’t get enough of seeing other folks guitars.
  2. And what I’m saying is different instruments sometimes NEED different techniques. A Steinway grand does not play the same as a Kimball upright. But if you change up how you play the Kimball you will be rewarded with the sound and response of the Steinway. You are complaining a freshly baked French baguette doesn’t chew like a loaf of Wonderbread, for another analogy. But once again, if you don’t like chewy/crunchy baguettes, you don’t need to eat them. Nobody here can fix that for you. I’ll go ahead and suggest you could take it in to see about a proper set-up. Heck you can even get different frets. But you are already complaining about the cost even though guitars more than any instrument benefits from tweaking to make it a players dream guitar. Lots of issues can be fixed by getting it set up the way you prefer. Again, not every brand of guitar is for everyone. Except for a few exceptions, most of us own and are fans of Gibson’s and find them great playable, bendable guitars. If you really can’t experiment, making some pretty minor adjustments to your playing style, or change the set up so that it might make the guitar work for you, return it and move on.
  3. Like KB said, maybe give it some time before giving up, it may just be a matter of technique adjustment. Also, what gauge are the strings? Try lighter? Maybe you don’t actually need to smash down as hard as you feel like you should to bend? It doesn’t take much effort at all for me to bend strings on my Lucille. I realize that’s not a LP but it’s still Gibson neck and frets. And people bend strings on fretless instruments, so I don’t entirely buy it’s all just because of low frets. Gibson’s are known for being pretty responsive, so perhaps you are just over-modulating how hard you think you need to attack the strings. After all, It’s not like nobody has ever been able to bend a string on a Gibson LP. Or maybe, you just like other guitars. Nothing wrong with that.
  4. Aww, you’re living the dream!! I’m on the cusp and I’m feeling the peer pressure! Congratulations and well done!
  5. Nod, yeah this counts. It’s pretty low traffic, but anywhere you visit where folks post and chat through the internet is social media. And boy, do I get you about the phone screens. I have a 27 in screen at work that I still need to zoom sometimes, and here I’m usually on a regular 10” tablet that is zoomed way in, which is a ***** for typing posts, since it keeps jumping back and forth. I have a cell phone but again, zoomed for text, and using the maps is useless, (anyone else notice you can zoom in on the map, but the street names and such still stay at the same 3pt font?? 😠) and don’t even get me started trying to read messages on my smart watch. I need to use those “codes” to access sites and I have to grab a pair of cheaters on my desk to decipher the gnats arranged on that screen.
  6. I guess I’m a shut-in, pretty much only hang out here 🙂
  7. Yes, when I was researching for my bird, I came across an edition that was adi. But I can’t remember which one. However, when I looked this one up, Reverb described it as Sitka. But take that with …. “A grain….” I thought it looked like adi too, and even pondered it for a moment. Dang if I’m not still bonding with the one I just got… (which btw, for those who followed my J-45/Bird shaggy dog saga, I am won over 😊)
  8. Omg, You really are putting your foot in it, aren’t you? You really need to just stop, now 😆 Lot of folks here play acoustics both professionally and for fun. Volume isn’t an issue with acoustic pick-ups. Ever see an acoustic bass? I myself was over “thrashing” decades ago. I don’t need to modify the sounds coming out of my guitars. I LIKE the sounds my acoustic guitars make just fine. I bought them because they sound the way they do. You might slow your train down, stop to think just for a minute: Gee, I wonder, if they are so disappointing and useless, why does Gibson have a whole factory devoted to them, and why do people even buy all those sad, pointless acoustics? Okay, so now we need to qualify your initial statement about perfect number of guitars to, “you have figured out the correct number of “electric” guitars for somebody that wants to rock out in his basement and record instruments and compositions to a computer.” You are just arguing your personal taste. Tastes are acquired, and everyone’s is different. Insisting yours is the best one is just fruitless. I’m pretty much done here, but I would like to part with a bit of wisdom that most people learn eventually: what is important/interesting to you doesn’t mean pip to the rest of the world. (Unless you’re solving the nuclear fusion problem, that gets our attention.) The world is definitely happy you have found your groove, but everyone else in the world has their own perfectly good groove that works for them. Sometimes you get lucky and find a group that shares your passion, go nuts. But for your own sake, please stop make futile declarations about what is good and bad about things you are just making clear you don’t have any experience with. Rock on, and put up more tunes.
  9. I totally get that. And I really appreciate you are your own musician, not a “sound chaser.” You were true to yourself and used the gear that got you doing what you wanted to do. Hats off, and nothing wrong with using the tech at hand that works for you. My quibble with Vaseraly’s decree is that he believes he has figured out for everyone else what their “correct” number of guitars, and now workflows apparently, should be. He is completely blowing off the magic that happens during live performance, whether in your living room or in front of a crowd. Just because chips can create an imitation of literally everything now, doesn’t mean that is what we want, or should surrender to. Heck, AI can just do it all for us now. You can sit at your computer and say, “Hey, write, compose, arrange and produce a song about teenage disenfranchisement and panda bears. Guitar, male vocals, bass, drums, xylophone and accordion. Drive it hard, and give me a Slash style riff in the break.” Load it up to Spotify and you’re done. Who even needs humans holding guitars?
  10. Nod, we got one of those small Fender amps with 100 different models programmed into it for the Lucille. And our recording set up has 1,000s of pre-programs. Yeah, the models were fun to scroll through, but the tube modelers are just failures. Tubes changed tone constantly as you warmed them up and drove them through a set and depending on the humidity/air pressure, etc. The modeled digital versions all just sat there straight-line flat, the same tone from start to finish. Boring.
  11. Ahh, so what you have actually figured out is the correct number of guitars for a guy who likes playing his music alone to a computer. For me, I like to play my various guitars with/for other human beings. Computer? Heck, I don’t even need electricity to jam an acoustic set. But it is nice to have different acoustic guitars to get different sounds depending on the song. And how tedious to have to dial in a model when you want to change up a break in a song, when you could just stomp on a pedal or flick a switch. And then there’s all the time you need to spend pre-programming the hundreds/thousands of sound combinations you “might” want to have available, that you could access simply switching up different guitars. Not to mention having to remember where all the sounds are in your controller. Some of us who grew up in the analog era, find the tedium of the pure flat sound of digital cloning wearisome, even when it is modulated to “mimic” live performance. If you grew up accustomed to ubiquitous pitch-tuning, you might not appreciate the character and depth that comes from a natural human voice or instrument pitching a fraction off from each other, and the interesting, intrinsic vagaries that come out in a raw, live performance even when recorded.
  12. I second doing a medical check in. It might be your arthritis flaring, or it could be something else that might be addressable. Some conditions, like heart issues, or meds can cause edema and swelling. Good luck.
  13. You already posted this and got your answer
  14. So why are you so hung up on this? The needed number of guitars is a vacuous, meaningless self-serving argument. Just because you feel you have come to a great revelation about the correct number of guitars and which builds are the be-all, doesn’t mean diddly to everyone else who feels differently than you do. You do not have the mountain cornered on enlightenment. Some folks even have a hybrid and still have other guitars, because hybrids can’t lap the real deals, especially on the acoustic side not plugged in. They are handy, but are not true replacements, unless you don’t really care about subtle nuances of tone, playability, volume, and response. We could all still be strumming on mandolins and cigar boxes. Gosh, why did Gibson or Martin even bother to start building guitars, much less refine and expand their lines for over the last century and a half? Maybe because players were looking for/needing variety? Really, what’s your goal here? Are you truly expecting folks to go, “oh, gee, Valerly says I don’t really need all these” and ditch the overage? Or are you trying to dissuade naive lambs from venturing down the dark alley of overconsumption with your declaration. You already have plenty of responses showing that everybody plays, uses, and enjoys their instruments for as many reasons as there are people with fingers. Why don’t you go ahead and do you and play your heart out. That is what matters. Everyone else will happily carry on doing what they do.
  15. This is just the guitar fan forum. There is no app support here. Somebody might be able to suggest a fix, like rebooting or deleting and reinstalling the app, 🙂 but as far as I know there are no coders on here that can fix it for you.
  16. So curious, did you check out the place mentioned in the post you are are replyng to? They seem to do all sorts of custom stuff.
  17. Whoa, that water bill is dang scary. Average SF bill is around 100 a month. Even on an acre, it’s by usage, not parcel size, and like you said it’s not like you are watering lawns all day. I’m surprised your water board hasn’t been out to do an audit. Are you sure your drip system isn’t leaking somewhere? Or maybe you have a silent leak in one of your toilets? Have you checked all your fixtures? Those can lose 1/2 to 1 gallon an hour. If you are losing even just a gallon of water an hour, that is 100s of gallons a month. We have an electric well pump and our electric bill skyrocketed for a while, till we found out we had a broken line to the barn that was causing the 1/2 hp pump to run every 5 minutes or so. We couldn’t figure out why the pump was cycling on and off even when we weren’t running water. Finally had to have a contractor come out and excavate the whole 300 ft line down to the barn, starting at the well, and of course, the break was right at the wall.
  18. So yeah, wth, you do have an order? Why the hell did you say “all you had is a reciept and I don’t have an order number?” Thanks for being clear as mud here and getting folks worked up and worried for you. So yah, Just keep waiting, it will get to you. Sparkle on.
  19. It’s always a bummer when someone you think you want to know turns out to be a disappointment. Taints everything else around ‘em.
  20. I’m sorry if you are feeling dissed. That is always far from my intent. I always get a lot from your comments. I do think if anyone is a bit naive it’s the OP. Even folks who think 1,200 bucks is pin money expect SOs to be handled by the book. The OP didn’t seem to understand a receipt is not an order. He doesn’t seem to be familiar with how special orders work and he keeps calling the same guy, even after several folks, not just me, have tried to coach him on how to check things are kosher and move things forward. but yeah, I’ve said what I can here. I do wish him the best and a sparkly purple guitar shows up in his rack.
  21. I’m just saying the best case is it is just an order mix up and MZ will do right by him and get him his guitar in the end. And yes, he needs to stop dealing with Rick and talk with MZ management who can get him his paperwork. And he needs to do that by going through the MZ legit site directly, not whatever number he is calling to talk to Rick.
  22. Are you missing that HE DOESN”T HAVE ANY PROOF “RICK” EVEN PLACED THE ORDER? That is the what I’m talking about here. Not CS lead times, production burdens or Gibson Customer service. He handed over $1200 bucks on an assurance they “could” order his guitar. All he got was a “receipt” for the payment, with no order number or info about what he was buying, even what the final price would be. That is just not how special orders are handled, anywhere, for any store/any manufacturer. I’m leaving room for the potential that Rick just screwed up and didn’t place the original order correctly, but he should have by now, and MZ should give Jericho the paperwork to prove it. This is why Jericho needs to go over Rick’s head, and talk someone in the Business Office at MZ. My guess is Rick is going to keep kicking it down the calendar, hoping Jericho will just give up. If they can’t produce the paper, then there is a good chance he’s been scammed, and pretty much the only way to find out is to ask for his deposit back and see if they come through.
  23. Naw, I get it, I just don’t think this has anything at all to do with Gibson. Best case scenario is yeah, it’s a long wait. 2nd best, Rick forgot to put the order in a year ago and the phone call put him into but covering mode, and he just submitted it now, hence “6 more months” and Jericho is back to the end of the line again. But in either case he should be given a copy of the order. Worst case scenario, he is dealing with one of the MZ spoof sites, and Rick is just an offshore phone bank.
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