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Everything posted by PrairieDog

  1. Like both of them! And gee, reminding me about the E-bow. haven’t seen one of those in since the 80s! I may have to pick one up. Thanks for sharing!
  2. He formed the Michael Shenker Group (MSG) after that. I saw them once or twice. Really fantastic. Regarding the video above, did that sound like Phil Mogg on vocals? The whole track sounded nearly identical to the original. Re the V: no idea, but I had a buddy back in ‘78 who had a Tee shirt that said “Michael Shenker is God” and was totally psyched when he scored an identical medallion series V as the one Michael was playing 😄
  3. But now it seems this is not about patiently waiting in line with Gibson anymore. I get CS orders take a long time. What Jericho just said is he has no order number or any paperwork showing he placed the order, just a random receipt for a substantial deposit. If Rick at MZ never placed the order with Gibson being patient isn’t going to make a purple guitar suddenly appear. He doesn’t even know what the final price will be. All Jericho has gotten out of Rick is initial assurances a purple guitar could be ordered, and then repeatedly deferred estimates about wait times. And Jericho has nothing to show the order was ever placed, for what and for how much. Something just seems very off. Again, I hope I’m very very wrong and it shows up tomorrow.
  4. I always wished I could have seen Michael Schenker and EVH throw down.
  5. But, but, but! he didn’t “tell” you anything new! He literally just repeated what he told you before just pushed the date out again. This is exactly how a scam is run. If this is legit, there should be no problem getting a copy of your ORDER from MZ on MZ letterhead, with the original date and details of the order, and with the MZ legalese that goes along with special ordering something. That is the only proof for what you handed your money over for. There is no guitar being built anywhere if MZ does not have a record of you actually ordering one. The real MZ and Gibson DO NOT function on phone calls and vague assurances “it could be done.” Rick saying you could order one is meaningless if he didn’t place the order and get confirmation from Gibson they were willing to do it. The order only exists if it’s in the system, both MZ and Gibson’s. All this leaves a record easy to pull up and give you. You should have received this confirmation when you handed over your deposit. If it’s going to be another six months, then you may as well try asking “Rick” for your deposit back, and start over at another authorized M2M dealer, like Guitar Center. Be prepared to deal with the trouble of proving what the money was for, but MZ should understand given they messed up the order in the first place. They should have a copy of the deposit transaction in their books. Of course, if it’s a scam, well, expect to be stonewalled. Just saying, at another 6 months you are right back in the typical timeframe for a paint job custom order, with no other mods. Even if you are dealing with the real MZ they don’t deserve your business if they screwed up, didn’t place your order, and wasted your time.
  6. Yeah, just another version of “it came from my mother’s cousin’s best friend’s aunt, who once played it in a warm up band on tour with some other band.”
  7. M2M is just a one-off special order. The order process with the store doesn’t change. They still have to keep their books straight about which dollars/guitars go where.
  8. Jericho just said he never got any order paperwork from MZ. No paperwork, No contract. And he has been waiting over a year. A receipt outside of an order is meaningless. Anyone can write a receipt for $1,290 when somebody hands them cash. That just proves they gave them money. He needed/s documentation for what the deposit was for. MZ can’t call Gibson without that info. I did a quick google for MZ and scammers last night. It was grim. I’m concerned things may not look good for Jericho. I really hope “Rick” just was incompetent and botched filing the order and is in *** cover mode. In this case MZ may still have his deposit sitting in their “Pending” deposit account, waiting on an order to attach it to. But Rick has had plenty of time to fix that screwup. This is why I said call Music Zoo directly, do not pass Rick.
  9. A receipt would have an order number and all the other details of your order including the build, the total price, a delivery estimate and showing your received deposit. A business can’t just take your money without documenting what it is for. There are checks and balances that are required to record the transaction in their accounting ledgers. Was this an online order? Are you calling the number on your receipt to talk to Rick, or are you calling an actual MZ store? Google the MZ store/website and make sure the numbers match what is on your receipt. Then I’d move past Rick and speak directly to a manager, and politely explain what’s been going on and ask them for a copy of your paperwork, and proof of when the order was submitted to the CS. The manager should be able to follow up for you with Gibson. That is their job. I sincerely hope it’s just a long timing thing, but you got some red flags waving high on this one.
  10. I guess I’m curious, you said you tried DDarrio Xs’s. So if these were the same $20 would you pay that if they shipped free? And the shipping is probably not per set, so you could order 5 sets and only pay shipping once. No clue but if Gibson has them and vendors don’t, Gibson may be pulling back from shipping to distributors. Anybody can advertise they sell something, that doesn’t mean they can get them if the supplier doesn’t want to ship them. If Gibson has them in stock, I guess, it seems unlikely you will get your free shipping order filled anytime soon, if the vendor shows them on back order. If I can offer a little real perspective, it’s 6.00 bucks. Bus fare. If these were the strings I really liked, and I wanted them anytime soon, I figure it’s a pretty minimal cost of doing business. And If $5.99 is really standing between me and the living on the street, well… maybe strings wouldn’t on the top of my spending list.
  11. Oh, bummer. I noticed they changed format a few months back. But I didn’t seem to lose anything other than like I said, I suddenly was getting a “you have exceeded…” message. so I nuked a bunch of stuff, when I wanted to upload more. I haven’t gotten that message since, but I haven’t uploaded much either. Bummed though the nuking broke the link to those posts.
  12. Mine personally, or folks in general? I deleted a bunch when I thought I had to clear up space, but it turned out I just needed to put things in folders.
  13. 😄yeah, I thought about trying that, but when it comes to buying her things, I have no game. I’d end up giving it away. She knows too well my reflexive, “Ernie” laugh (sesame street reference). I use it when I get her something I know she really wants/or is totally going to be unexpected. And after more than 30 years she knows me too well and is almost always is able to guess what it is. Like I said, good thing we weren’t on screen. And besides, I didn’t want to break her heart on an already bad day.
  14. You do, but you can set your profile to private so you aren’t in the public scrum. It only shares with the people/groups you share it to.
  15. I’ve heard some folks say this. I just started using it last year. What’s different that I should be aware of?
  16. Since early April, every time we went into our GC, my wife would pick up this used Recording King RR50 mahogany round-neck reso and noodle on it. Last time it even had a broken string, but she was trying to pick some licks out on it, chuckle. She has two square necks and has a round on her wish list. It was not much, so I kept asking if she wanted it… she always put it back saying, nah, with some excuse why not. But then the next time we’d go in, she’d look for it. I knew it was going to be one of those guitars that you get used to seeing at the store, and that you think about, but don’t buy. And then one day it’s gone, and you kick yourself over why didn’t you just get it. She has been working really hard lately, and was out of town, having a crummy time on a job up north in the middle of some bad flooding. On my own back home, larking about running errands, I popped in to GC and bought it for her. The great guy at GC who knows us did me a kind one and took some more bucks off an already good price. We’ve spent more on groceries at Christmas. At home, I set it on a stand across the room from her Gold tone Paul Beard square, like it’s been there all the time. They are nearly identical, save the neck. When we were catching up on the phone last night, I told her I had checked GC while I was out. She asked if there was anything interesting, “Naw, nothing new. “ And sure enough, the next question was, “was the RK there?” I said “yeah, and they even restrung it.” I could tell by her voice she was relieved…. I grinned a little and was really glad we weren’t face-timing, I would have made a lousy poker player. Today she bagged the rest of the job, roads washed out so she couldn’t get to the next project area, and came home early. She popped her head in the music room on the way to unpacking and said, “Oh! You were playing my reso?… Wait!? What’s this???” I got a big kiss. 😊 So yes, the answer to how many guitars you need is: +1 😄
  17. Use Imgur. Click create post, upload your image, once it finishes, go to your profile, open your images, then click “direct link” in the menu that opens next to it. then paste that into your post here.
  18. Dennis Franz as Andy Sipowicz in NYPD blue.
  19. Yeah, looks like you can order them right from Gibson’s site. Hope you didn’t hand over any cash before they were shipped.
  20. From what I understand a dinged up, flaking/crazed finish job is kinda the point of a ML. They are out of the factory meant to be prematurely “aged” and to keep on “aging” at an accelerated rate. if it were me, and I wasn’t smitten with it, I’d return it and buy a regular CS version, and ding it up honestly. At least you’ll have the stories to tell…. Good luck.
  21. Oh yeah…. Just drove past 20 or so versions of exit 129 this weekend…. You nailed all of them. Good ‘un! Thanks.
  22. Grin, getting there. We already broke down the dining room to turn into a music room…. Still can’t fit everything in there. Besides the guitars and banjos, we have a full size keyboard, full size Celtic harp, and a variety of percussion (no drum set, yet) scattered elsewhere in house. We have a comfortable finished lower level walkout, but I’m paranoid about flooding, with it being below ground on 3 sides, and there is no way to seal off the spaces down there, so it’s tough keeping it conditioned properly: too damp in the summer/too dry in the winter. We do have our office pole building. We are beginning to joke about just retiring, and setting up the studio in there. But needing to walk in -50 windchills and blizzards to get to play sounds like a recipe for terminal procrastination.
  23. This why I have all mine out on racks 😄 Now the tape is just to remember which case is whose when we need to pack them up in a hurry like a tornado warning 😆 Just had to do this last week, and we ended up in a Sophie’s Choice situation deciding the most expendable children due to lack of space in the safe zone. It was harsh. I gotta get a better case for my 1910 L1. I realized it didn’t stand a chance against any weather in its cardboard sheath.
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