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Everything posted by PrairieDog

  1. 😄 No worries! We’re good! Now, if one more person tells me I have to “just” try 5 different sets of non-coated strings until I find the ones I like, I’m going to do it, then stick a raw, bloody, oozy finger in their beer 😆 😁
  2. Chuckle, yeah, you don’t need to tell me I’m looking for a 45. This whole thing got started because I was lasered in searching for a plain old used, standard J-45. I even put up a post wondering where they all were given how many have been sold and I could not find one decent one within hundreds of miles. Finally thinking I was going to break down and just buy the new one at my GC I got my head turned by a new Original Hbird in the case, with its come-hither good looks. Did an intense play off with the J-45 in the store, and convinced myself a bird was what I really wanted. The J started to sound muddy, while the Bird was more articulate. I explained earlier the test room at my GC really accentuates the bass, so the play off was a bit rigged for this purpose. Went home to see about a Bird, and found this too good to pass up deal: a 2020 for less than I was going to pay for the new J. It seemed like fate, and here we are. I already said I AM ready to let the bird roost for a bit while we get to know each other, and I’ll just resume my hunt for J-45. I DO understand and have admitted in several posts that I made a mistake thinking a bird would be similar to a 45! If everyone could now please stop batting me about the ears pointing out my error, that would be great, my head is getting sore from all the “thumping.” 😆
  3. Everything Phil said, he is one very lucky, and loved, young man. Good dad.
  4. ahh, I’m actually a naked finger picker đŸ˜±, I only tried some different picks thinking it needed more force. It didn’t help, 😄 Anyway, once I got it knocked out of my head that just because it is a big hog means it should be big and bassy, I am reassessing to appreciate it for what it is. As I said at the very beginning it is a very pretty sounding guitar. If the gist of the historic thread was that older guitars have more of the subjective thump, that would mesh with my experience with the 1995 J-45 I mentioned. It may be the only time I will get to hear the real thing. I had no idea that wasn’t just “the sound of a J-45,” rueful chuckle
  5. Oh, I was wondering why this post isn’t getting much traction, knowing how this would be right up some folks alley, and I just saw you posted in a sort of dead cul de sac of the board, meant literally to provide user feedback to the forum. I strongly suggest you repost this out in the Acoustic section where far more people hang out. There LOTs of far more knowledgable folks there. There is also a vintage section too, but that is also a quieter space.
  6. Wow, oh that baby does need some love. But so cool. Neat that you have the remnant of a photo label. That finish does tell a story doesn’t it? it looks like it got wet maybe, or doused in oil? It’s kinda a trade off, you can make it look prettier, but you’d be losing the original patina, such as it is. I’m assuming yours has the micro checking mine does, in which case be prepared that surface polishes could make things worse, as it can get in the tiny cracks and under the finish. Even if you don’t have them do it, it might be worth taking to a luthier just for a consult. If it got into oil or something, that could make refinishing a bit trickier, just some extra steps but each one comes with a bit of extra thought. Just fyi, My research go-tos would also be the state historical society, or the library of Congress/Smithsonian. They may have other documents/artifacts that could give you clues for what you are looking for. I tried doing a quick Google Patent search but didn’t find much but you have to be pretty specific in the search terms sometimes to get good hits, and I admit I only tried a couple of variations. Good luck.
  7. Yeah, we have some weeks left on the return window. One plus I will say for GC. We aren’t collectors so much as “adopters.” We are in a happy place in our lives where we can indulge in a good deal if we come across one. I’ve only made a couple missteps so far, the first went back, and this would be the second. And, I’m still on the fence if it really is a mistake, or I just need to stop thinking it should be something else, and enjoy what it is. Anyway, our larking about has made for a bit of a menagerie in the music room.
  8. I started with Elixirs. They worked great for a few weeks, relieved I was back on track. Then I couldn’t figure out why my fingers started going south on me again, til I looked close and realized the coating had worn off, right where I play of course. And I think I got bits of in my fingers, on top of the allergy, it felt like I had been touching fiberglass. Haven’t had the same problem with the Ddarrio’s, XS PBs. Re: the sound
 I have picked up a couple used J-45s, that I’ve already explained I was stupid about, and when I strummed them, the whole store woke up. Just a big, big boomy sound that said “This is a GUITAR!” I probably like the sound mostly because it’s so familiar, after all, so many artists play them, chuckle.
  9. Literally have had it six days, 🙂. I suspect it was kept mostly in the case for the last 4 years and not played much. It’s out now. At the moment, I have to be careful about playing it too long at one time so I don’t get a reaction. I’ve run it through some paces, but my wife has been doing most of the work trying it out. She actually really likes the neck, and she often finds my Gibsons troublesome to switch to. So who knows, it could be her decision in the end 😁 I’m all on board with that. As I mentioned at the beginning, it’s another “pretty” sounding guitar. We seem to keep migrating to them. They all fill their spaces, and this one adds another flavor. I’m looking for something with a little more bottom, unrefined, and loud. Lets you know it’s in the room, if that makes sense😄
  10. You’ll need to use a photo site like imgur to upload your pics, than copy the “direct” link and past it in a post here. Can’t wait to take a look!
  11. Oooh, congrats! Love that color. Good girlfriend! And, happy birthday.
  12. Yeah, this seems to be the consensus. It seems I made a wrong assumption that the mahogany square Hummingbird would still sound boomy like a J-45. I have gathered a string change won’t magically make it sound like a J, chuckle. Now I just need to step back and reset my expectations. At least now I can decide on its own merits if I want to keep it just because it’s another lovely, articulate sounding guitar for finger style. Since I got it at a price I’m unlikely to see again, and assuming the speaker trick helps get it more open and balanced, I’m guessing it’s going to land a space in the rack, and I’ll be back in the hunt for thump. Thanks for the advice, everyone!
  13. Thank you, that is very helpful, I didn’t think about the other parts. And here I thought the bone saddle and nut were supposed to be a plus for the Original, chuckle. Sadly for the strings, I don’t have a choice. I have the metal allergy, so it’s coated or I don’t play at all. My fingers looked like hamburger when I started playing again. Folks here steered me to the coated. Forever grateful to this hive mind. My ear has gotten accustomed to the tenor of coated strings. Since I don’t gig out, it’s not like anyone else will cover their ears in disgust (not for sound of the coated strings, at least) 😁 Thanks again and thanks for the kind word about the Bird.
  14. yeah, I know how it works, I was asking you experts about the extent a “change in tone” a string change can make. I was sincerely hoping someone would say, Yeah, it’s just the strings, change them, and it’ll be all good. I got some good answers, so I have enough info to carry on with my decision.
  15. I understand. No worries about being frank. If anyone had responded that yeah, fresh strings is the solution to clear up the lack of bass/thump, I was ready to do it. But so far, nobody has unequivocally chimed in with “fresh XS strings will make it thump more.” I was just looking for some back up it would be worth burning my last set on what I was suspecting might be a pointless hail Mary. I admit I am trying to avoid contributing 20.00 of shiny strings on a guitar that’s going back to the shop the next day, would be adding a twinge of irk to sadness. I’m thinking folks are right I may have just had misplaced expectations for a Hummingbird just because it was mahogany. I’m going to try the speaker trick re the case queen angle. Like Ego said, at least it’s free and I can try it within the return period.
  16. Thanks, I’ll try it! Appreciate the help. I’ll check back with how it goes.
  17. Come to my Window - Melissa Etheridge
  18. Oh it’s great! Even with the old baseball neck it’s really comfortable, even for my smaller hands. It’s hard to describe, it’s not the same sounding as a modern guitar but it has a great plucky (not plunky) old-time/bluesy sound, but with surprising presence and voice, which I think the bridge adjustment back a bit helped with. I got it for a song, because it wasn’t what the usually more electric clientele were looking for. I scored a nearly giveaway1926 The Gibson Banjo along with it. Again, nobody shopping there was into banjos. I think it was from the same person, because it was in the same nearly perfect condition, well, except for the dead life forms in the case, and solid three inches of spider webs we took out of the pot, 😆
  19. So, the speaker trick: I am intrigued about trying it. How loud are we talking for the speaker? Trying to figure out where to do it, since I don’t have a room I can really isolate here in the house.
  20. Nod, like I said though, I have to use coated ones, so not too many options. The XSs have been working great and sound great on everybody else. And they don’t flake apart as fast as the elixers seemed to do. I probably should have clarified I am asking if putting “fresh” strings on it might help. I was wondering if it could just be old strings that was causing the lack of bass in the tone. I know that doesn't really make much sense physics-wise, but grasping at straws

  21. Well no I haven’t, I was running blindered on j-45s cause they seemed like the most economical if I could get one used and the couple of older ones I tried had the sound I was looking for. I should add I scored the ‘Bird for less than a new Standard J-45 on their Memorial day special, so I kinda thought it was a no brainer to jump on it. I realize now the mistake I made throwing back the 1995 J-45 for $1,695.00 I tried early on. It was a cannon, but it had some serious repair work done on the top. Not knowing better, I figured I’d wait for one in better shape. As Homer says, “Doh.” Since I appear to be starting over looking for thump, no matter what I decide about the Bird, I will expand my search and add them to the mix. thanks for the tip!
  22. Soooo, which one is thumpiest? 😁 Would you mind running them down for me? Is the one on the right the original Heritage? Or the rosewood/rosewood burst?
  23. Aww, 62, you do have a way of making things complicated, chuckle. I was all set to be persuaded this just wasn’t going to be the right guitar for “me.” And you come right back with the exact conversation/justification I’m having in my head. Should I just try breaking it in and calling it another yet another voice of guitar? I can always keep on searching for that elusive thumpy 45. My wife would like to have words with you 😆
  24. Thanks, good to know, and I think that articulateness might be what I responded with the first face off between the bird and the J-45 last week. I did find the J-45 started to sound more muddled than the bird (and frankly probably more familiar, more like my DIF) which got my head turned around. It didn’t help that our GC has a special trial room that sounds like you are inside the guitar. Every guitar sound great in there. So I probably was getting more low end just from the acoustics of the room. Oh, and Sarge, don’t let your head explode that Chas took you seriously. He just seems to have missed the fireworks from the other day. Don’t worry, I understood you were trying to land another swipe at me about learning on cheap guitars 😎
  25. You may well be right, I love my DIF because I wasn’t expecting anything other than what it was when I got it. I think I was expecting something different than what the H’bird offers, just because it’s mahogany. So, even if I reset my expectations, it does sound lovely for what it is, do I really need another “pretty sounding” guitar? I have several dreads, maple, rosewood, and walnut, that fill that space right now. I really was trying to fill in a thumpy bottom with a mahogany. Thanks for the reality check.
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