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Everything posted by PrairieDog

  1. If you have any farmer’s markets, or organic coops near you, check them out for corn-free chicken and eggs. Lots of small farmers and organic growers are switching to corn free feeds. It’s a good niche for them. At their size they can provide the alternatives folks are looking for. And just fyi, you gotta watch your fish source too. Farmed fish like salmon are fed pellets that can contain corn. If you ever have strange flare ups, look back to whether you ate any assumed ‘safe’ fish.
  2. These “small accomplishments” can steamroll… Every year, with the deck out of service for the winter, our little house starts to feel even smaller, and our thoughts turn to how can we make the space more useful. With chaos burgeoning in the living room, cases and guitars leaned up against various walls, we swapped our unused dining room into a music room. We got the five case rack and everything loaded into it neatly. Well, a sad reso and my starter Yamaha had to be tucked off to the side, behind the door. We got a couple comfy armless task chairs from Office Depot, enough stands to keep the favorites handy, put in a spare tv so we could stream the lessons, and we were in practice-encouraging business. Not sure how, but there are accidentally five more cases leaning willy nilly up against the walls. (Did we feed the first ones after midnight?) There are stands and other bits of gear everywhere, the room is a full mess again, and I still hadn’t gotten my keyboard, hand drums and celtic harp loaded in yet. So, on a lark last night, we spent the evening measuring our bed to see if we could swap the music room for the master bedroom that has a bit more floor space. It’s doable, but seemed like more than we want/should really tackle. Which brings me back to winter dreaming about space. Every winter for 20 years we fantasized about bumping out the end of our modest 70’s rambler to make a larger living/dining area for entertaining. For 20 years we were foiled by various delays/false starts. Now, post-covid, entertaining isn’t a much of a thing anymore, our friends are away or not venturing out much. A couple years ago we conceded, huh, that was a bullet dodged we didn’t spend all that money. We adjusted our attitude and agreed, how much space do we really need to watch tv and read? Last night in the aftermath of several hours of measuring, and back and forth over the bedroom/music switch, the obvious dream woke back up. Hey, what if we built the room off the end of the house as a proper music room? With built in racks, storage, wired up with sound, and acoustical treatments, etc? I joked, we could make a proper “conservatory” like in the old manor houses. I chuckled at the idea of folks arriving at our little box, me greeting them at the door and in my best Masterpiece Theater voice: “Please, won’t you come join us in the conservatory?” 🤣
  3. ☺️ Okay, I got that bit, it’s just I’m a half century from pedals and mixing boards, and where whatever noise you ended up making was the noise you used, lol. We weren’t too concerned back then with the niceties of tone, balance, and capturing the authentic sound of the instrument, just enough to made sure your white noise wasn’t louder than my distortion 😆 I’m not sure I could tell if all the little dials and sliders were working within their parameters.
  4. Nothing like a good enabling friend 😆
  5. You are right, of course, Should I be leery of 20 year old electronic? There we go, that’s what I’m looking for 😁
  6. Anyone have experience with one of these? Went down to pick up some more humidifier packs (Winter here in the Great White North), and a 2001 songbird has landed with cutaway and electronics. So I know it’s a Ferguson era Custom Lab guitar, and I know they changed the name to Songwriter after 3 years. Not much out on the web about this, less about the cutaways. Folks seem to like the rebranded Songwriter. I thought it sounded really sweet, but we just absolutely swore off buying anything more until we wrangled what we already have. And while the price seems decent, I don’t know anything about how to test if the electronics are working…tips? Peer pressure to buy it? Advice to run away, they were all infested with Rocky Mountain Deer ticks? It’s so purty sounding…. Anyone game to convince me to pick it up?
  7. Just mentioning, there are alternatives to factory birds that might work for you. Small farm Pasture raised chickens have a far more varied diet since they get to eat anything they fancy, so far less corn, if any, is stuffed in ‘em. Same with free-range, pastured eggs. We fed our little back yard flock of layer hens oats and barley but they mostly ran around the yard eating bugs and seeds. Note “pasture raised” is different from “cage free” which is just the birds jammed together, milling about on the floor of the barn. Some might have flaps that open on the edge so the outermost ones get a bit of daylight or outside time. But it’s not the same as running free in fresh air all day. Just be aware there will be actual dark meat from using their muscles, just like chicken your grandma used to serve. Most better grocery stores will carry some true pasture raised for meat and eggs. In a lot of areas you can hook up directly with a farmer to supply you. You pay a premium, but it might be worth it to try. The chicken and eggs have that wonderful rich flavor I remember as a kid. As you said, you also want to go with all-grass fed beef. Regular cattle are raised on the same corn that goes into chickens. However, you want to check the supplier doesn’t graze on grass, but then finish on corn… That is a trick to get a heavier weight on the animal. Grass fed beef is lean, so it takes a bit of adjusting to cooking, but it tastes so much better. Again, bigger stores and local vendors can set you up. Pasture raised/grass fed that provides varied diets and exercise for the animals avoids many of the associated health drawbacks of factory farm sourced products. Some folks are even lucky enough to get chickens and hogs free-ranged under hazelnuts for forage which is supposed to be a whole other plane of eating.
  8. Yeah, the banjo, grin. That headstock font seems like 70s/80s era? And sliders!
  9. From the Gibson Page: “The pattern is as follows: YDDDYRRR YY is the production year DDD is the day of the year RRR is the factory ranking/plant designation number. Prior to when the Kalamazoo, MI factory was closed, the numbers 001-499 indicated Kalamazoo production. Ranking numbers 500-999 continued to indicate Nashville production through 1989.” Since 1989, all the acoustics are made in Bozeman So what you do is count the first five numbers from the left: (82897)001, the last two numbers of the year is split by the middle three numbers which are the day of the year, so this gives you (19)87 the 289th day of the year. The last three digits tell you what production number it is in the day: number 1. If the number is lower than 500 it was made in Michigan, if it’s 500 or higher it was Nashville. But if your date is after1989 then it was built in Bozeman. So this fictional guitar ends up being the 1st guitar built on Oct 16, 1987 in Kalamazoo. Someone else with more knowledge will have to answer when they were introduced, but with an 8 digit serial number yours must predate July 2005, when they switched to the 9 digit format. I have the Walnut, a newer one, and it’s a great, easy playing guitar, still has amazing sound and depth even though it’s a bit narrower than the standards. congrats!
  10. Yeah, I get what you are saying, all I was observing is those of us who know that x injury, or x musculoskeletal factors are causing our pain aren’t going to bother trying a diet as we understand that a diet is not going to alter structure and you can’t cure pain in general by just eliminating certain foods. Our nervous systems don’t respond like that, unless there is a real diet/immune system trigger going on. The PEMFT sounds a lot like a common TENS unit (I was one of the lucky early trials when I broke my hip. I was at the university where it was being developed and tested.) It was a god send and worked great to mask the pain my knees were giving me while I did the hip re-hab. I couldn’t walk across the room without a walker. she hooked me up and I sailed across the room and then danced a little jig. You can buy them at Walgreens/CVS/drug stores now for around 50 bucks. The only concern is they work so well you have to be careful and be well healed or monitor yourself. Otherwise you can end up reinjuring or aggravating the condition you are using it for, because you aren’t aware of the pain.
  11. Whispering so the others don’t hear, “So, whatcha got there? I can’t make out the headstock, but it looks nice.”
  12. The school was a bit of a circus, I handled it as best a small, nerdy, creative kid could. But it took me a couple decades to stop and wonder, “umm, where the heck was my mom while her crippled kid limped around for half a year?” Wry smile. Years before, when I was four, I was going septic from limping around for weeks on piece of sewing needle I stepped on that finally worked its way into the bone. Maybe she just thought “hey, kids limp?” Eye roll. The sadist she finally took me to, first tried to cut it out cold, no novocaine. I accidentally kicked him in the face when I yelled and recoiled from the searing pain. He swore and scolded me, “stop being a baby.” Finally took surgery under general anesthetic to get it out. Apparently, he still held that kick against me when my HMO booked me into his office 12 years later. His horrified nurse who witnessed his treatment of again a very painful appointment asked, after he left, if I wanted to file a complaint. I just got the hell out of there.
  13. Nod, it happens. I have arthritis in both my knees that started in my twenties after I smashed my knee cap in Jr high and it was never treated. The wear and tear from dragging the non-functional leg around for six months took out my good knee. When I broke my hip at 33, the doc recommended I have both knees replaced when she saw how they couldn’t handle the hip PT. If I had done it back then, I’d be on my second set of replacements. I’m still hanging on with the original equipment. My career is a physical job that requires a lot of repetitive crouching. One job, the gal working next to me finally asked to be moved because she couldn’t handle the ripping/tearing noises my knees make with every stoop. I have the left thumb arthritis from a joint break that got treated too late, again jr. high. Doc told me at the time it would eventually go arthritic by 40-50 unless I had it re-broken and reset and even then he couldn’t guarantee anything. I chose not to, as after all, at 13, that was so far off I expected to be dead by then, chuckle. Add on just the normal wearing out everything else, and yeah, it’s a hoot growing old. Really hope your helps keep helping. So far, I manage with mind tricks, and gritting my teeth, eye roll.
  14. Well, probably because there are huge differences in joint pain and their causes. Diet may help with inflammatory related pain, where the joint is otherwise intact, but something is angering it, like an auto-immune disease. Chronic inflammation can lead to permanent damage, so yeah, you want to tamp that down before it gets to that point. However diet can’t do diddly for structural causes like lost cartilage, misalignment, bone spurs, connective tissue tears or mis-healed breaks. All the carrot juice in the world won’t set a broken leg straight, chuckle.
  15. Really nice! And yeah, Inquiring minds want to know, “where’s the mic?”
  16. Way to go! I found my online banjo program had “Musette in D” by Bach. One of the first things I learned on piano. Of course I had to try to pluck it out. The circle closes 60 years later 🤣
  17. The app store details should list the available languages. As far as plans for Polish, you’d need to write Gibson. My understanding is Gibson staff no long monitor this board with any regularity.
  18. Thanks, nod. It’s often on the tip of my tongue but when the time is right, ie not at a big holiday gathering, which is the only time we see them now. I figure the topic will come up at a proper moment, when she can actually process it, and not just get defensive. Anyway, they’re the other half’s family so I gotta be big and smile along. But yeah, I sure wouldn’t be wasting anytime with them otherwise.
  19. Okay, thanks, that was what I always assumed, but I’m still new to “real” guitars, so I’m always nervous I’m missing some symptom I should worry about. Probably stems from the time my buddy in high school , the local gearhead, told me I could ignore the oil light lighting up my dash in my 72 Dodge Dart Slant 6. Just put a quart in occasionally. I drove around for months with a quart of oil in the case 😆 A testament to those indestructible engines that the car lot guy didn’t believe I drove it in myself, no tow truck involved. Okay I didn’t drive it in fast, but I got it there under its own power. Traded it for an even faster souped up Toyota SR5 that I had no idea had been rejiggered for racing. Man that thing was a rocket off the stop light! 🤣 But in the middle of the gas crisis it sure drained my wallet. Got like 7 miles to the gallon, but they sure were some FAST seven miles.
  20. Hey, that’s great! Looks like they have updated the design. Sleek. I still have and use the one my brother gave me 50 some years ago. Still can’t close it without pinching my finger though 😆
  21. yeah, it was probably tmi. Just trying to describe what it has been like dealing with this pair of emotionally indulged, undisciplined kids. We don’t have any, so when they were born we had hopes, you know. Being older and kidless, we are fortunate to have some play money to help with anything they wanted, not that their parents don’t take good care of them, we just can easily handle special extras. The mom lets us know what the desire of the moment is and we usually can make it happen. We just want to have a connection and maybe be a fun memory in their lives. We want to make all their dreams come true. (Okay, “thank you” is not an expectation, it’s just basic manners.) But the kids couldn’t care less about us. The parents are oblivious to their behavior, and rarely guide them to be kinder or more gracious. The girl openly displays her distaste to the point she has pointedly turned her back when I try to chat with her. Seriously, one time the topic was going to be about setting her up with a horse and riding lessons for the summer being at that tween-girl horse obsessed stage. She was so over the top rude, there was no engaging her, even her mom tried to cajole her to talk to me, knowing what was afoot. Faced with her pronounced disinterest, we finally lost enthusiasm for the project and didn’t pursue it any further. She never knew she coulda had that pony every kid wants, chuckle. Being the adults in the room we know it’s our job to be big people hoping they will outgrow their self-centeredness, so we take the emotional blows in stride when they deal them out. (Okay, there will be venting on the car ride home.) It’s just they are the only next generation relatives, I have no family on my side, and time is growing shorter to get to know them and be a part of helping them along. Right now, it’s looking like they may be disappointed when the will is read and the Humane Society ends up with a bigger share (half joking).
  22. Hey, newbie question, what is an “undesirable ping sound from the B groove area?” I hear that all the time when I’m tuning my DIF. I assumed it was just the string adjusting and figured “physics”, but now I’m wondering if it is something I need to be worried about or fix?
  23. 😄 I gotta Possum, a Pisgah Possum, (banjo, baby!) Okay, to get some guitar points, does it help I bought my spouse a 1934 National Duolian square-neck for birthday/Christmas? ☺️
  24. I waded through the whole 9 page thread on the other forum and about 6 pages in the Poster has already admitted it must be a fake and asked for his money back.
  25. You can say that again… weird is the polite word. Hey, speaking of thoughtful personal presents, how did your handmade leather fobs/etc go over?
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