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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. I have no idea about the specific guitars you're talking about but if you have Boston Strangler hands (like mine) 50s necks are fine, 60s are a little too puny and right in the middle is best. If you have long arms (like mine) most Gibsons are too short and stubby so that's why they invented the Firebird. It's all a matter of what fits you.
  2. If you have one with a red interior don't be surprised if you wind up with pink binding on the neck. Thank you, bean counters.
  3. I just looked at my notes from a 2 hour seminar at work - I thought I knew what I was doing but those notes look pretty perplexing!
  4. You're on to something there - weight relieved tone plastics for the ultimate in tone control!!! I wonder if we can get Jim DeCola to do an instructional video on the subject?
  5. I'm surprised Gibson hasn't come out with a Wireless Tone Plastic System (WTPS™) for people who keep the pickguard in the case.
  6. Same paint that's on your 2001 Explorer.
  7. No wonder you're selling it, you lose all the tone without the pickguard.
  8. They put on a free concert at Lancaster, PA about a decade ago - I liked their version of Dead Flowers.
  9. That is the truss rod cover that came on my Satin. I guess they're afraid you might forget what guitar you bought.
  10. Looks like just a shadow. They're nice guitars and it doesn't take much to buff it out to a semi-gloss finish.
  11. Lighter fluid on a cloth won't hurt the neck finish, Just use a little bit on the cloth and buff it dry, it'll evaporate pretty fast. I've had two Firebird VIIs and both had sticky necks. The one I currently have took some polishing with Mother's Carnauba Wax (twice) and then just buffing it with a clean cloth after every time I played it. It took quite a while but it's finally slippery like it should be. Gibson recommends their pump polish but you'll still have to keep wiping the neck down until it finally cooperates. My guess is they put on too much paint and the underlying coats didn't have a chance to evaporate sufficiently before they gave it another pass with the gun.
  12. I had a yellow Faded Les Paul double cut w/ P90s and a yellow Faded SG Special, each were around $400 used, I think list was $650. No binding, no frills but they were good guitars and they were affordable. I'm sure they sold a ton of them.
  13. I was really happy to find this one as I was lucky enough to have been at the show. They were enjoying themselves and so was everyone else. Our joke was next tour Robert Fripp would be performing from under the stage (he's not much of a showman).
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/moon-zappas-complicated-relationship-with-valley-girl-40-years-later-i-just-was-trying-to-make-my-dad-laugh-203637351.html
  15. For a Space Force song you think they would have asked William Shatner, I'm sure he'd work cheaply enough. That could be our secret weapon: surrender or we'll let him sing.
  16. Bring back the old app, those were the days. These new apps, they're just mass produced cookie cutter junk, not like the old ones.
  17. I finally got around to watching Pink Floyd, DIrector's Cut Live At Pompeii last night and Mr. Waters did one really weird spaz out in an all-knowing manner about the market crash will be everywhere (or something like that). He also did a segment or two about how talented he is. Now he's at the Get Off My Yard stage of his life. As for the DVD itself, I think I paid $8 for it which was about right. Lots of black and white footage of them shoving food in their faces and bubbling mud and lava in color.
  18. Shame you got rid of the dreadnaughts, you could lash them together for a raft and float to safety.
  19. You could sell it as Murphy Labs Prototype Les Paul 00001 (for when they were just getting started), Either that or see what Stewart Mac offers, I believe they have nitro touch up kits.
  20. When you get up/walk around with one put your right hand on the trailing pointy section as the body really sticks out back there. If you don't you'll accidentally smash it into something. Can't help you with Dirty Fingers, I have Classic 57s in one, Burstbuckers in the other one. If you like a Les Paul you'll like the Explorer.
  21. You could have kept Bob Seger a regional act, we wouldn't have called you selfish.
  22. The guitar itself is fine, it's what they did to it. It looks like a dried river bed crossed with the mummy.
  23. I'm pretty sure MM is Margaret Mead.
  24. Friends don't let friends buy reliced guitars.
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