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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. I recall Frank doing a bit about Reagan's Star Wars (Star Wars won't work, it's a piece of sh*t), a bit about when Reagan mined the harbor in Nicaragua, he changed the lyrics to "he called her a ****, a pig and a Republican" in Dontcha Want A Guy Like Me", there were voter registration tables set up at his later concerts, Pat Robertson, Oliver North and Richard Nixon were featured in his songs so yes, he was political on stage. Before my time he'd have audience participation and he got some Green Berets to come onstage and show everyone what they learned so they bayoneted baby dolls and rip them apart, stuff like that. I was hoping his son would carry on the tradition but it's just note by note, a little improvisation. The only act I've seen recently that expressed political views on stage is Patti Smith and that is because she heard someone in the audience asking her to (no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq). I wasn't offended by Frank or Patti's statements as I agree with them but it didn't make the shows better or worse for me. It's kind of like when Janet Jackson's top was ripped open at the Super Bowl - how do you like that? and then back to the game. I STRONGLY disagree with Roger Water's statements, that would keep me from going to any of his concerts or purchasing any of his music in the future.
  2. I'm not surprised Poland was getting ready to kick his butt out. The Poles are arming to the gills in case Putler comes a'calling. Luckily, it appears he's advancing in reverse. Kind of like Roger Water's tour.
  3. We've got some good college stations around here so I still have quite a few tuners in the house. The commercial FM stations are garbage, they were all snapped up by Clear Channel so if you hate a Foreigner song on the East Coast you'll get to hate it in the Midwest and you'll get to hate it on the West Coast.
  4. The Special Space Force Salute, I did see Kate Upton floating around wearing a bikini. Maybe you float upside down and wave your implants at each other. I'd sign up but I'm too old and my implants would sag no matter what the gravitational pull is.
  5. Do YOU have what it takes to become a Space Cadet?
  6. For the Bowl games they're going to need a mascot:
  7. A vendor touts his 20 year warranty and you want to say where do you think I'll be 20 years from now?
  8. I thought it went You're in the Army now, you're in the Army now, You'll never get rich digging a ditch, You're in the Army now! and then you repeat it 50 times.
  9. Mel Brooks might have been involved in this one.
  10. He also thought Yoko was quite the talent so kids, JUST SAY NO thank you.
  11. I thought I was just getting to be old and dumb. That could be but maybe I'm getting a little outside help: https://www.yahoo.com/news/covid-raises-risk-long-term-150329709.html
  12. That looked to be a good night. How was Edgar?
  13. Does it cost more if you don't go hang out with him? Asking for a friend.
  14. There's lots of great motorcycle roads down there - NC, Kentucky, Tennessee, just tremendous. I hear northern GA has some good ones, too. Good fishing, too.
  15. Hey, the South has kudzu. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Mister! Also have chiggers and fire ants so be careful where you stand.
  16. I think that pandemic is over bit is a nice way of saying it's been around long enough to bump off everyone who is easily killed and they expect the death rate to be on simmer instead of boil. Flu shot this year was rough, too. Probably just old age getting to me.
  17. Speaking of Mr. Zappa, no new releases since the catalog was sold. Still patiently waiting for Grand Wazoo and Waka Jawaka, on vinyl, that would be appreciated.
  18. Here in Pennsyltucky they pack 'em in at Wally World and fart COVID.
  19. Like Sgt. Pepper said, it's a strange one, I think I had it twice, es muy malo. The first time was right before it hit the news so I don't think they knew what it was, the 2nd time I had a surgery coming up and didn't want to get tested and screw things up. That new booster vaccine packs a wallop, it made me think of Eric Clapton so I did a little recreational sniveling as I shuffled around.
  20. https://www.amazon.com/Dunlop-47PEJ3N-Johnson-Classic-Players/dp/B00DRFPF7I held backwards with the pointy end away from the strings, one of the top corners is used on the strings. Works for me.
  21. I still don't know who Rick Beato is and probably never will. Thinner wood, no grain filler but it does have neck binding. $800, $900 but not $2000.
  22. Thanks. I chased it all over the country for three months: it would pop up for sale and I couldn't afford it, a few weeks or months later it would pop up somewhere else, same financial position and FINALLY I snagged it by begging my wife to loan my $700 for a few days! With a little patience a used one will pop up at a reasonable price.
  23. The goal of Florida: Drain The Everglades! That and You're other left, Ford!!! What happened to you, you used to be such a nice kid? (answer: puberty).
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