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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. Sorry to hear that, just from that photo you can tell you had a buddy.
  2. Your spam folder now includes emails regarding Burial Insurance...
  3. Your mail consists of a utility bill and junk mail from AARP.
  4. A Studio is a nice guitar and it's not a collectible one BUT compare the $800-1000 used price to a new one. Now the price doesn't seem unreasonable. Every once in a while I browse the Gibson Firebirds to see what's available and have some of those ever shot up in price. I wouldn't buy a Firebird VII at today's prices and most of the Vs are really pushing the price envelope.
  5. I'd take the 355 over the Trini Lopez, you get the ebony fret board and the tone suck device and a Bigsby to fool around with. What's the neck profile on that like?
  6. It reminds me of this woman I know who's in her early 70s. She's now started posting pictures where she's holding the phone above her head and taking an action shot of her cleavage. Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, when you're young at heart...
  7. You can do the p/t gig AFTER you get a red headed mistress for that all important cardiovascular workout you need. Just don't overdo it, a couple of times a day should be fine.
  8. Very handsome guitar, congratulations!
  9. Great musician but what an odd duck.
  10. A 91 year old man tell you that you're too old to ride motorcycles. Who asked ya, ya old busybody!
  11. The silver lining in the dark cloud is that 80% of the polyps are benign and they got the other ones before they turned into cancer. Yay, old people!
  12. The specs are just fine. I would prefer no fake ageing, a Lyre vibrato and a reasonable price but I'm not their target consumer.
  13. Larsongs, I just saw that, my sympathies to your family.
  14. You seem to get a lot of good news/bad news as you age. Good news from the butt surgeon was come back in a year (not six months) and then we'll do in 3 years and then in 5 years. Bad news is that he didn't go any further in time than that which means he doesn't plan that far ahead, he thinks I'll be dead before visit #4 rolls around or I'll be too poor to afford his services. Hmmm...
  15. Those Costa Rican cases certainly weigh enough.
  16. Did they ever find a new home for the Zappa forum?
  17. When you consult the paper on the fridge and it says that today I may have chicken broth.
  18. Sooner or later Armaradillo Warts will make the jump and take us all out. It's just taking a while because OK is sparsely populated because it's so flat and hot and the cops in Norman write everybody tickets which makes everyone move away.
  19. Good old Norman, OK - where the cops hide behind that billboard and ticket EVERYBODY. Or at least they did when I was there.
  20. I'm in the minority, I like Oklahoma - armadillos and gopher tortoises and tarantulas and rattlesnakes and scorpions, all sorts of exotic stuff for a kid from NJ. You can go like hell out on the highways but it's just a flat, straight line. The people were very friendly when I was there, Mexican dirt weed was $10 an ounce, better be prepared to smoke a LOT of it! Hotter than hell in the Summer, I'll say that much.
  21. You really hope they stop scheduling you for colonoscopies at 6 month intervals.
  22. Not MHS but I'd say ground wire to the bridge is correct. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmBd3blt3w8
  23. Whatever it is he should quit, it's turned him Steven Seagal lite.
  24. On a positive note, one of the most attractive and personable women I ever met was from India. She told me that India is the land of the reptile and I had an Indian python so her husband was happy to cut the visit short.
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