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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. He could always get the mutl-talented Steven Seagal to be his opening act. They share a similar world view and talent, oh my god.
  2. I would like to add Roger and the Phlegmtones, dont know how they were overlooked. P.S. I've got Roger Water's next album title: China and Russia, Mysterious Lands Of Enchantment and Hidden Treasures. Just don't hire the Wagner Group for security at your concerts, it'll make Altamont look like a Campfire Girls bake sale.
  3. Roger that. There's just such a difference, what's left of Pink Floyd came out with a single supporting Ukraine and there's Waters saying it's their fault they're being shoved into mobile crematoriums. He should trying reading a book... David Gilmour's Live At Pompeii is excellent if anyone is looking for something to watch (or buy a new box set of albums). The Live At Gdansk isn't bad, either. He's really an impressive guy, no flubbed notes with him. Nick Mason's A Saucerfull Of Secrets is also pretty good. I won't be buying any Roger Waters stuff, he's way, way, way too important for someone as lowly as me. Plus I can't understand the lyrics as he has his head up his ***.
  4. I would have kicked that crazy old fart out of the band, too.
  5. I remember Charlie Brown saying don't touch it if you want the guitar to stay in tune.
  6. When you notice they've raised the price of prune juice. Again.
  7. Sorry to hear about your pet. I had a beautiful Grey Persian and one sad day a car got him. A car hit a bear cub and he must have gone to investigate and then a car got him. Since then, no more cats as there's too much traffic around.
  8. When the young ladies start saying how you remind them of their grandfather. Hmmm...
  9. Maybe they could do a MUCH cheaper run of Gibsons where the signature artist doesn't drag it around his house by the neck or whatever it is he's planning on doing.
  10. Those two long bolts should hold it together, you're only removing the pivot points. I wouldn't do it.
  11. It looks like you'd have to put it in a hydraulic press (or improvise something with a large shop vice) and press out those three those pivot bushings. I'd leave it, that's what makes the model what it is.
  12. Best be careful, Gibson may have a PAF on the "I" word. Looks good!
  13. When you have enough gas to fill up the Goodyear Blimp and somehow can't bring yourself to care.
  14. I had some spare junk laying around collecting dust so I managed to repair the headband on my old Stax Sigma headphones (bought new in 1983, whaddaymean no parts available, what kind of a company are you running?) and did a temporary lash up. Rega Saturn CD player, Conrad-Johnson MF-2275 amplifier, Sonic Frontiers SFL-2 preamp and it all worked out really well. I'll move this upstairs in the Fall and add an old Harman-Kardon tube tuner which I just love. Total overkill, it's kind of like putting a Marshall Stack in your bathroom but oh well.
  15. If you had Koss back in the 70s you were the King of The Junior/Senior High School Heap! It turns out they're still around but you don't hear anything about them these days. Grado in Brooklyn, NY makes good sounding ones for not a terrible amount of money. Kind of cheaply constructed, though.
  16. Sennheiser makes really good headphones. I've been using some mid-tier Byerdynamics but they're a bit too bass heavy for me.
  17. It's been a while since I bought any audio gear and I wrote to Japan to see if they would have a headband for my old Stax Sigmas (purchased new probably 1982 or 1983). That got me poking around to see what Stax products are currently on the market and next week I should have a used pair of Stax headphones and a Stax tube amp in my fat little fingers. This is a good way to get really good sound on the cheap (more or less).
  18. Wait a minute, there's something worth less than my Signature Model? Are you sure about that one? I'm told the marketing campaign is slated to be When Les Is Less: A New Low In Collectibles. I should probably be offended but they haven't asked for the prototype back. Yet.
  19. Hold out for the Steve Ford Signature Model, probably get it for $499 with a hardshell case. All kidding aside, let us know how it is when it shows, please.
  20. This showed up last night and the word for this one is ferocious. The audience must have walked out buzzing from head to toe.
  21. Where do they come up with these figures? Maybe they have a little Wheel Of Fortune desktop spinner, starts at $4999 and ends at $9999. And... and... and... $9799 it is!!! I suppose it's all in how popular an artist is. If they were to do a Steve Ford Signature model they'd take the base price and then discount it by 65% and throw in a handfull of guitar picks and hope for the best.
  22. I've pretty much just settled on the Firebird VII but I love the Tone Suck Device, you can get a lot of different sounds out of it. Like most people say about the current 335/345s, you need to dial back the tone controls a little bit on the VII.
  23. Seeing that giant pig fly down Madison Square Garden was fun, that whole album is good. Thanks for the heads up on that new single, I pre-ordered it. All proceeds go to Ukrainian humanitarian aid so get a new tune and it's for a good cause.
  24. How do you like the current 345? I was looking at them but without the Tone Suck Device I took a pass.
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