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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. Why, so they did. I've never seen a 2015 Firebird, I always thought that Zero Fret nut was interesting despite the initial roll out being made out of recycled soda cans or something similar. My 2014 really could stand that improved output jack on the 2015, I have to use an O-ring on the cable's male connector to get it to seat right.
  2. I'm sick of looking at a Gay Putin Clown but damned if I can find where I changed my avatar. Somebody he'p me!
  3. This getting older stuff isn't quite what it's cracked up to be. One of my coworkers who sat next to me for years is being buried today, breast cancer got the old girl. They called her my work wife, she was one of a kind. I was sure she'd beat it but guess it got into the lymph nodes and we know what happens after that. On a cheerier note, I've got two King Crimson albums in transit, the ReconstruKction of Light and Power To Believe. I'm trying to buy a few records each paycheck so got some holes in the Adrian Belew collection to fill coming up next.
  4. I can't say for sure but it really doesn't look like one from here.
  5. I think they left what they're now calling the Designer Models (Firebird, Explorer and Flying V) and the ES models alone for 2015, it was only the Les Paul and SG models that got the different necks and all the rest. Is that correct?
  6. That Bruce Willis thing was rather unkind.
  7. Being a Moderater here would bite, you'd have to read every single thing to see who is misbehaving. I do it on an audio site and have to do practically nothing which is my specialty. If I was a Moderator on the Gibson Forum I'd just ban myself and get it over with.
  8. I oftentimes think just how lucky we are. Good to hear they escaped Putler's invading hoarde of criminal scumbags.
  9. JJ's are good for guitar amps, they sound pretty bad in a lot of stereo gear. I wish they didn't but that's how it is.
  10. That looks perfect, good job.
  11. Just looked, no 1959 Les Pauls in the closet. Maybe I moved them somewhere and forgot where I put them.
  12. Their 300B is $700 https://www.westernelectric.com/300b Granted, that's for a specialty market so we'll see. 12AX7s were in the low to mid $20 range before Putler lost his marbles. I sure hope they can pull it off and we can buy decent tubes made in the USA again.
  13. If it's the "I" word they can keep it. The last super fancy one they made was $150,000 but they made 50 of them https://newatlas.com/martin-2-million-special-edition-acoustic-rgm/47043/ If it's up for auction I'll bet it goes north of $250,000 to some gazillionaire.
  14. Hell yeah. Most vendors are sold out as there was panic buying o'plenty. Rumor has it things will return to normal in 2024 as far as tubes but nobody really knows.
  15. Now THAT'S a shopping spree. It would be tough to pick a favorite, they're all really nice.
  16. One American owns all of those tube brands, all made at the same place in Russia. His hair must be falling out in clumps. The various audio amps here take 36 power tubes, the little signal tubes I can usually get old American ones but not the big power tubes.
  17. The Les Paul Standard looks like they had a list price of $2500 in 2019 to $2800 here in mid-June 2022. Their Legacy section stops at 2019 and they took off the prices so you can't easily see how things have jumped around over the years.
  18. Supposedly the Chinese Psvane power tubes have higher quality control, the Russians just slam it out the door no matter what. You look at photos of the old American tube manufacturers and they had mountains of rejects to be destroyed.
  19. Last night I decided to retube my old VTL 300 monoblock amps, the Winged C 6550s in there are pretty old and crusty. I had 15 new Sovteks in the basement so ordered one new Sovtek and popped in the 15 new Sovteks. Out of the 15, one failed instantly, two wouldn't bias. I now have 3 new Sovteks on order, we'll see how they go.
  20. I clicked a spot at random and within 5 seconds somebody used the "I" word.
  21. A Road Trip might be in order. It just so happens I have a Gibson SG Standard with the original golf club bag case in MINT condition that I could swap 'em for it.
  22. Up, UP, UPPEN go der prices.
  23. Frank Zappa - You Are What You Is, Freak Out, Roxy and Elsewhere George Harrison - All Things Must Pass (probably 1 album could be culled) Leon Russell - Leon Live (same as above) Blue Oyster Cult - On Your Feet Or On Your Knees
  24. A three part series on The Twang Bar King, it's worth a read: https://musicaficionado.blog/2020/02/20/adrian-belew-part-1-1976-1980/
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