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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. I don't know if it loaded correctly, if you see a square full of things to click on you want the top left, Tina S Cover
  2. Every Flying V I've ever played had a slim neck and the guitar is really light. I believe Andy Powell started with a new Flying V back in the 70s when they were first starting out which makes me think slim neck on his particular guitar.
  3. What ISN'T a carcinogen? I've used Zippo lighters for decades, I'm still here, nothing has turned black and fallen off that I've noticed.
  4. Naptha will remove peanut butter and jelly residue from the neck and won't hurt anything. I've had two Gibsons with sticky necks and nothing worked until I gave it a waxing with Mother's California Gold (it's a car and motorcycle paste wax). It took two attempts and a lot of wiping down over the course of a few months. Gibson Polish, Virtuoso, nope.
  5. Wipe the neck with a little bit of Naptha (lighter fluid) and then polish. For the body I'd just use a damp cloth to wipe it down and then polish.
  6. Can the OP change the title of this thread to Angryville Posting?
  7. And then the jackass loses the election because most people are sick of him and he tries to steal it while (of course) accusing the winning side of stealing the election! When absolutely nothing else works he sends a lynch mob to the Capitol and sits on his giant butt watching it on television and thinks it's great stuff as the hapless cops are being tasered and shot with bear repellant and having the snot beaten out of them for hours. What a guy.
  8. I watched Trump say that about getting disinfectant into your lungs and a light inside of your body. Dr. Birx looked like she wanted the ground to swallow her up. He's dumb as a rock and could care less about anybody else (except for the object of his desire, Ivanka). After he nearly died from COVID-19 he went right back to the pep rallies, sucks to be you but I've got mine. He had the chance to step up and pull the country together and make this a WWII-like campaign of us against a pandemic but, of course, he did the exact opposite.
  9. I'll bet they'll combine shipping if you ask them nicely.
  10. For $40 I can buy a tee shirt with a guitar pick holder! https://www.gibson.com/en-US/Gear/Farewell-Tour/GA-FWT-BLKT/Small I'd better get two before they sell out.
  11. No, we had his cousin for a while, you can keep him.
  12. That looks like quite the house with a really great view - congratulations!
  13. When your mad lips are driving me wild?
  14. I believe the nice people at the grocery store gave me COVID last Saturday so it's been a week of hocking up globs, shuffling around like I'm 120 years old and sweating bullets in my sleep. It seems to hit heart, lungs, joints, eyes. Got 3 shots in me so just hope this is the tail end of it. This is what suggested the name Lester Phlegm as the frontman for the Rude Yank Wanks.
  15. No pickguard for that 336? I tried one of those Double Cutaways many years ago, I bought a LP Studio instead.
  16. Not me, I just ate dinner. I might be a little gassy but that's about it.
  17. Un poco but Google has a translation service which is easy enough to use.
  18. A guy at work sent me a video of his stereo system and one wall had a giant Swastika on it. His grandfather would have beaten the hell out of him AND sent him a vile, angry post.
  19. Bienvenido y puede que estés mejor en la sección Gibson International - España. Hice trampa y usé un programa de traducción de Google.
  20. Now there's a billing for you: The Troll Homies open for Lester Phlegm and The Rude Yank Wanks.
  21. A Lucille without a Tone Suck Device is a cheap imposter. I might make fun of it but BB King really liked it, he said it was his "secret weapon" when he was interviewed about the guitar way back when. I wish they hadn't gotten rid of the tuners with the flip out speed winder handles, they were great. The brass nut was an interesting feature, too. For all the ragging on the Norlin era guitars, my 1980 Lucille was perfect, the quality of workmanship was better than this red one which I think was built in 2006, maybe 2003? The serial number is really faint under the paint on this one.
  22. I'm sure they have an agreement with his estate. You know how Gibson necks are, my first Lucille had a big neck but this red one is a whopper, feels like it belongs on an acoustic (but the frets haven't fallen out and the binding hasn't gone SPROING!). Most of the electronics are currently inoperative, though. It's always something.
  23. Rude yank wank. Lester Phlegm and the Rude Yank Wanks, that has a nice ring to it.
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