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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. Grog, I've always been interested in that model. What's your take on it?
  2. The thread is Angry and Vile, not Cruel and Unusual!
  3. Not when they're chasing you out in the parking lot yelling, Hey, come back...
  4. I'm on the fence with this one but I'm partial to vile angry posting. I suppose there's something to be said for angry vile posting but it wouldn't be my first choice.
  5. Easy come, easy go. I dug mine out for a bit and boy, does this one have a monster neck. That's probably why the guy I sold it to sold it back to me, he probably wasn't expecting it to be so stout. Hey, that's not what I had in mind, ha ha.
  6. Oh, darn, it's Out Of Stock. Another dream cruelly dashed.
  7. Hey, don't forget the red ones! They really are nice guitars and have a totally different feel to them than the other ES models. Heavy as any Les Paul ever was, too.
  8. Have you seen the price on the 335 Figured? I believe it was $3400 last week which I thought was a bit much. Today it's at $4000.
  9. They gave it the 25th Anniversary Les Paul fret markers but I'll hold off for the Murphy Labs version where they hit it with a belt sander, muriatic acid and a heat gun and then throw it in a freezer. Slim taper neck - the originals were Tree Trunk Taper for Mr. King's gigundo paws. They were stereo, too, this one is mono.
  10. The spurs? Maybe he was part of a Village People cover band. I like the smell of the Y M C A...
  11. I get my medical advice from guitar and motorcycle forums. I'm still waiting for the CDC to get back to me on which pick ups to use in my SG Standard, there's something wrong with that place.
  12. To play it safe I telework, wear a mask in public settings, avoid diseased humans, have had three shots, dumped some Ivermectin and Viagra in my Head And Shoulders, never, ever bite the heads off of bats AND threw away my Oozie Oozebourne records. I'm still here. Something's working.
  13. I've been trying to buy a tube stereo amplifier which is on consignment at a stereo store. I put in an offer of $250 under asking price and I'll pick up shipping and any PayPal fees. The response was to raise the price $100 plus shipping and no PayPal accepted! HA!
  14. I know exactly what you mean. Who cares what a chair thinks but they just keep yammering on and on and on. You know what settles them down? TACO BELL.
  15. I still like Clint Eastwood even if he has public conversations with an empty folding chair. Heck, I've been known to talk to the toaster (even though the microwave is eavesdropping).
  16. I just read that article Sgt. Pepper linked and I feel even stupider than I did before (and that's really saying something). Subliminal messages, the hivemind, who comes up with this stuff?
  17. And I think it's safe to say the elderly Mr. Clapton had some spare time on his hands and has fallen in with the conspiracy theory people. It happens, a friend of mine's elderly brother was snowed in but he didn't want the driveway plowed because "the Communists would get him". No, I am not making this up.
  18. My guess is this time next year he won't remember saying it. And then they'll take away his car keys.
  19. He is starting to lose his marbles in public. It reminds me of when Clint Eastwood put an empty chair on the stage at some political event and started talking to the empty chair to try and get some sort of point across. It was kind of hard to watch.
  20. That kind of stuff is only acceptable on a $9000 Murphy Aged Firebird. For six grand, hell no, back it goes.
  21. Buy a dozen and you can build a small house out of the cases.
  22. The current Firebird picks ups are really good. Go back to the old head stock with the banjos, support the headstock better in the case and use the new pick ups are my suggestions.
  23. I've seen it in the Martin factory, it just makes multiple passes up and down the neck getting the frets even.
  24. When you screw something up just stop and let the audience know, it's not your doing, it's the Tone Suck Control's fault. I had it set to 5, now it's at 3, I don't know why it does that, right in the middle of everything, too...
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