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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. Merry Christmas to everyone! Santa already dropped off a copy of my least favorite Zappa album, 200 Motels. Beats a lump of coal, I suppose.
  2. I can't help you with the dog ears but I had that exact same model wine red 335 when I was in my teens. That is the one guitar I really regret selling.
  3. With all that glue you could get a job at Bozeman! It's finally starting to feel like Christmas. Not only did I survive a surgery but got sent home to recuperate, the UPS driver handed me a big box and I hear Santa is not giving me a lump of coal for being so good for nothing all year long.
  4. Good for him and yes, I agree that woman sounds like she was asking to have an M-80 thrown in her mailbox at 2AM. I'm told they go straight up in the air...
  5. I understand musicians want to get paid for their work and they should. This recording is also available on youtube. Is he getting paid for that? If not, is he going to go after youtube and the people who put music up there?
  6. According to Clapton's manager, he's done this hundreds of times before. https://www.timesnews.net/living/arts-entertainment/eric-clapton-successfully-sues-over-bootleg-cd/article_be11b317-c3f0-5f6b-8972-d4c37d0c3331.html I suppose this instance made the news due to the disproportionate legal fees and his whining over getting vaccinated which made people think about him again for a couple of minutes. He's no Dua Lipa, ooh la la.
  7. That's a really clever design, I've had it come on two guitars (25th Anniversary Les Paul, Lucille).
  8. I just took a real close look at the nut on my Firebird VII - not exactly a thing of beauty and there's a little sliver of plastic sticking up where they weren't real clean with a razor blade. I still think I'll keep it.
  9. Yes, that listing has been up for years.
  10. You can simply contact eBay and ask them to remove the listing. Thanks for the link, now we can listen to his stolen licks without paying for it. Never mind, two songs was enough.
  11. and then I sued a German widow. WTH? https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/eric-clapton-sued-a-woman-who-listed-a-bootleg-cd-on-ebay-for-11-she-now-owes-thousands/
  12. Pass. Buy a recent one, you'll have a better guitar.
  13. Please, no bat guano, we've suffered enough.
  14. Recent Explorer You can see they put in studs for the tail piece which is why the bridge has to go up higher on the newer models. Never mind, someone already posted this. It's nothing to worry about.
  15. So who is the vendor for these curved Les Paul tone rings? They might be too powerful for a 335 but a Les Paul...
  16. It seems like these obvious defects are showing up on the guitars sent to Europe. Correct me if I'm wrong but we're not seeing stuff this bad in the US. I have a 2019 or 2020 Explorer and the only thing wrong with it is the owner is funny looking. Well, the fretboard was dry but that only took a few minutes to fix.
  17. Considering where both myself and Sgt. Pepper work we both know that your package will be transported to Alpha Centauri and you'll have to fill out 27 different forms to track it down. At least with FedEx they'll throw it in the neighbor's bushes so you can walk around the block and find it.
  18. I use 11s on all of my electrics. You'll need to run a file through the slots in the nut to open them up a little and give the truss rod a tweak.
  19. Write to Gibson and ask them if they're shipping guitars to the UK without the goodies.
  20. I bought it as a little kid when it first came out. I think that may have made up Eric Clapton's mind not to form a band with John Lennon. You want me to be a part of what?
  21. Correction: It may or may not be 100x not as good as something else or 100x better than something else. From my limited experience the recent LP Standards are very good guitars. Pricing in the US looks to be around two grand (give or take). https://reverb.com/p/gibson-les-paul-standard-60s-2019-2021
  22. I think I'll go put on side 2 of Live Peace In Toronto at 45 RPM and call it a day.
  23. I had the binding come off my Guild, I probably over humidified the thing. No issues with my HD-28V so far. I haven't even had the frets do the Doves In Flight thing, ha ha. I shouldn't laugh, that must have been such a horrible shock.
  24. I have zero, this is a double width 335 with no center block. They're more of a jazz box, I think they're cool as sh*t and I'm sure they feed back like crazy. I believe ksdaddy had one and he said the neck was unusually narrow or super skinny or something like that. I guess somebody famous visited the factory, liked a narrow neck for his tiny little fingers and they switched production over to his preference?
  25. My post vanished into the Twilight Zone so here's Take 2: I have either a 2019 or 2020 Standard 60s neck and it's no weight relief, slim neck, pick ups which are particular about height and the build quality is excellent. The secret is the factory bought some light bulbs. I would not hesitate to buy another one if I was in the market. It's probably 100x not as good as an R8 but is 100x better than a 2015 as others have noted. The archived models show the 2019 as having the asymmetrical slim neck and weight relief but I think they made a mid-year change to different necks/pick ups/no weight relief sometime in 2019. http://legacy.gibson.com/Products/Electric-Guitars/2019/USA/Les-Paul-Standard-2019.aspx
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