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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. Yeah, go get that 335! I would really like a 335 with a trapeze tail piece. Maybe Santa will reward me for misbehaving all year.
  2. Quite a few, they reproduce when you're not looking.
  3. I am now officially in Guitar Rotation mode. Broke out the Martin this morning after two years of sitting, it just needed a small truss rod adjustment. Here's an old pic of the thing before I pimped it out with ebony pins:
  4. In imgur use Direct Link to copy and paste.
  5. Brian Setzer is real good, the whole grunge thing and the mosh pits and stuff, at least it gave Weird Al Yankovic something to parody.
  6. Cold guitar in cold case opened up into warm room. Unless you're the one who did that I'd send it back.
  7. I meant in general, not any specific band. I'm a dinosaur so wasn't really paying attention to what was being released, last night I listened to The Beatles, Frank Zappa and Pink Floyd so... PJ Havey came out in the 90s, I'm really not sure who else was doing what. Tom Waits went off the rails in a good way, Jeff Beck came back, Lou Reed came back, I think the Chili Peppers were making it big, Mose Allison switched to the electric piano, Frank Zappa died, that's about all I paid attention to. I think Oozee Oozeborne was on the radio along with AC/DC, Guns and Roses, some other stuff that they played to death.
  8. They made music in the '90s? I did not know that!
  9. Good deeds pay off. A fellow just wrote me and said I told you I"d sell you this amp so are you still interested? YEP!
  10. I think the 135 and 137 are basically the same difference? Sitting down it just feels really awkward to me with the top button.
  11. I've got a 137 and wish they had put the button on the heel. It's too big and bulky to hang like a Les Paul but YMMV.
  12. It was good enough for Steve Marriott. I never knew what the model was until mihcmac bought his.
  13. A buddy of mine had back surgery, sold his Triumph to my old boss who gave it to his wife who proceeded to drop it a few times and gave up AND the fellow with the back surgery just became the most miserable, nastiest SOB ever since he sold his bike. ***** ***** ***** pain in my you know where carrying on yelling just shut up already you grouchy old etc. SO, one of those two bikes that I committed to is going to mr grumpy back surgery guy to give him something to look forward to! He's all happy now. My good deed for the day.
  14. Okay but I'll still give you a chance to come to your senses.
  15. I like the wood grain on that one, if you ever think about selling it don't.
  16. Most of us have a bunch of guitars so do you gravitate towards one and just pretty much play that all the time or do you rotate them? Maybe I'm just too lazy and untalented but I gravitate towards one and play that exclusively for a year or so at a time. For the past 6 months it's been a Firebird VII, my 8' long monster with a whammy bar.
  17. And the essential hot hide tone glue.
  18. Tracked down an old buddy in Texas and one thing led to another and I wound up buying a 955 Triumph Sprint that belonged to a late friend from him. He also had another one that his grandson crashed and he said, I'll tell you what, I need the space, I'll give you that one for the cost of shipping SO soon I'll have two more Triumph Sprints showing up to keep me out of mischief. I don't know what I'm going to do with them all but I do enjoy fixing up motorcycles so that will keep me out of mischief for a bit.
  19. It is a really nice Les Paul with a big fat neck for your big fat fingers. I think the Murphy thing is they just beat it up to make it look like it was abused on tour so you're actually a grizzled road dog with throngs of groupies mobbing you everywhere you go. Kind of like pre-distressted motorcycle jackets so you can play dress up like a pirate on the weekends and are actually a bad *** biker who eats nails for breakfast, rusty nails.
  20. That crazy old fart looks like he was worked over with a Telecaster. Tough kid, takes a bullet and comes out swinging.
  21. Pardon me for intruding, I will not do it again.
  22. Why would they work so hard on getting the color to turn out correctly and then turn it over to somebody to beat the snot out of it?
  23. Congratulations, I always wanted one of those.
  24. Oh. I was thinking period correct plastics.
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