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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. Nah, long finger nails. Do I win a dog doo emojicon or whatever those things are called? I'd say file marks, I've stupidly done the same thing. It doesn't take much as I discovered.
  2. 9 years later... I hope he's a patient man.
  3. bbp, Didn't you have a cheapie Guild jazz box? I recall you were looking for one and I think you bought one but never heard much after that.
  4. Golf club bag, not hardshell https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/LPTRFHNH--gibson-les-paul-tribute-satin-honeyburst
  5. Boy, tough crowd! If it comes with the fan to blow my hair back I'm IN!
  6. And then when she got pregnant he disappeared along with merciful-evans' SG Standard.
  7. Did they legalize marijuana in TN? Could be the Friday Bong Hit Special - a limited edition model.
  8. 2014 was no nibs, 2015 was when all hell broke loose.
  9. If Ted Kennedy had played an Ovation he would have been President a long time ago. Thank you, I'll be here all week...
  10. Did rct set up a photography class without telling us about it? Even so, I like the shading on that one, congratulations!
  11. I think you're referring to that Made To Measure program. First they measure how thick your wallet is and then they make the guitar just for you. You go through your local authorized Gibson dealer to do it.
  12. I would love a korina V that isn't pre-beat up. Where the rosewood comes from wouldn't matter.
  13. $2500-3200 seems to be the going rate, any higher than that and it'll probably sit forever. There might come a time when you want a change from the acoustic and you'll be kicking yourself - the money will be long gone and so will the guitar. I don't think you'll find a better guitar than what you've got. I use a photo editing site (IrfanView) and then a photo hosting site (imgur) and for imgur you copy Direct Link.
  14. https://www.gibson.com/GibsonTV/the-collection/the-collection-cesar-gueikian-brand-president-of-gibson-brands
  15. You remember correctly aside from the weight, it's similar to a Lucille but feels bigger due to the wider body. I think it's one of Gibson's best guitars but the whims of fashion, I suppose.
  16. There is a point where how much can you say about a guitar? Luckily, Gibson has made so many good models over the years that there's aways something new to complain about, ha, ha.
  17. Got up early, ran down to a reptile show and sold 42 hatchling boa constrictors, came home and found a straggler perched on a power strip (got two more loose somewhere or other) and finally purchased a good CD player, a 2010 Rega Saturn with a new laser and power assembly. Should be here next week.
  18. That's about the price range I was thinking. Maybe he came to his senses as I didn't see one on Reverb.
  19. Yes. Look down where the neck joins the body and that's what the white strip is.
  20. I learned that the upper management at work is totally untrustworthy and will say and sign anything. Crossies!!!
  21. I don't know where you're located but I'd say price it like a Les Paul Standard, maybe a little more and see what happens. I don't know how much of a market there is for them but I wouldn't sell it if I were you, that seems like something you'll come to regret. Picture a gigantic, wider Les Paul with a some weight relief, a fairly fat neck, tall frets and the ToneSuck Device and that's pretty much it.
  22. I learned that a Rolls SX95 Stereo Subwoofer Crossover MUST be kept turned on at the same time as the amplifier driving the subwoofers is. If not, once every 15 seconds both subs will go THUMP! and then you'll spend two weeks driving yourself crazy trying to figure out what is causing the problem.
  23. I don't think Montana has 50 million people over there by the dental floss bush.
  24. Pretty much. I wonder just how skinny the neck is on the 61 Reissue? When I was a kid I always thought necks could never be too slim but my tastes have changed over the years. I prefer to have something fill out my hand a bit. I also don't get the faked patina stuff. If I buy a new guitar I really want one that looks like new.
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