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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. Not too much info out there but it looks like they shot for a run of 150 but the demand wasn't there.
  2. I like the whammy bar on that one.
  3. I had a running gag with this woman in the IT Dept. about the new cord smell when she was upgrading the phone systems at work. Once that new cord smell wears off the equipment stops working properly. She had a big retirement party with all of the top brass there and I gave her a going away present: a gift wrapped aerosal can with the label "Cord In A Can". She loved it, everybody in the room looked at us like we were nuts. Maybe we are.
  4. My front picture window has had some weird crap going on with the plaster beneath it bubbling and crumbling like something out of a horror movie. I had some fellows over today and it was what I thought it was: Carpenter Ants. Those little bastards had eaten away about 8' of the sill and were going up the support beams. The carpenters said I caught it just in time, if I had waited any longer the front of the house would have started sagging which would really suck! They Sawzalled the piss out of the place, new timber, gigantic double glass window put back in with ant resistant foam and tomorrow the vinyl siding goes back up. Guess a lot of the house is made with cedar which the little ****ers don't care to munch on. I think I'm going to have to do some long overdue yard work and pick up a boat load of cedar mulch to put around the house to keep the bugs at bay.
  5. You can call them and ask but I've never seen one listed on their site.
  6. I think they're just about squirted out around here as it's quiet outside. It sounds like they had a good time while they were at it. I stand corrected, they just had to warm up a bit, they're back at it.
  7. Yes. It preserves that New Pickguard Smell. That's really what you're paying for.
  8. Is that one of those wretched Murphy Labs pre-chewed guitars?
  9. That could very well be shipping damage, these things can take a real shot falling off a high conveyer belt. Back it goes.
  10. Nothing a little plastic wood and a yellow highlighter pen won't fix.
  11. They're here and aren't shy about letting us know it.
  12. Yes, I remember that. He was lucky to have a friend like you is what I'd say.
  13. He may have been the seller. There was an unused paper towel and 45 cents in one of the pockets and there is no sign of bug guts anywhere so it may have been used just for posing.
  14. The Post Office finally delivered a Fox Creek motorcycle jacket which I ordered weeks ago. I was sure it was gone for good but it's here and fits perfectly.
  15. That explains Joe Bonamassa's complaint, then.
  16. It has both the thumbwheels and you can do it with an Allen, it's a great idea. The Gibson website doesn't give a clear photo of the post so you'll have to give them a call.
  17. Here it is, every Thursday. https://www.gibson.com/giveaway The days all kind of run together but I think Mr. Agnesi kept them all for himself and this is some sort of cruel jape.
  18. That's gratitude for you. Seriously, didn't they say one per week or did I just imagine that?
  19. No, not even an empty box. I guess they don't love me after all, the cheap bastids.
  20. I could have sworn they said that would be a weekly disappointment and all I saw was a Gold Top. Maybe that's how they stay in business: you don't win one guitar.
  21. Got the title for his next album: Old People Being Weird
  22. Isn't that the secret one only known by Carlos Santana? That doesn't go into the case.
  23. Odd, I was just thinking I could use a little head when suddenly...
  24. Fuzzy hot water heaters (somebody else's driveway for a change)
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