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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. Give the 20C some time to break in and they sound pretty good. The price is right, too.
  2. That's a rather iconic looking white guitar he has there.
  3. And they even come pre-dented and scratched so you don't have to do it yourself. Hurry, pay day...
  4. $30,000 for the set? Let me check inside the couch. Milk Bone, old sock, petrified fig newton, wait, wait, here's a quarter, getting closer...
  5. WOW! Congratulations! How do you do it? That's a hell of a long time.
  6. I have a Flying V but not the $10,000 Jimi Hendrix Replica and the $10,000 Jimi Hendrix SG!!! Talk about iconic. And priced about 4 times what they're worth as far as I'm concerned. I just don't like the feel of Fedner necks and can't play them worth beans. What I would like is an ES-150DC but they're so old by now I worry about structural integrity. Even HOT HIDE GLUE can only do so much. I also recall KSDaddy saying the necks were super skinny so...
  7. We'll get through it. Maybe something with some air inside of it or a really nice 12 string for a change of pace. The kind of thing you always thought about but never acted on because you always had something more important to do. Not today, back to work!
  8. This upcoming bit is going to be rough, that's for sure. We went up over 5200 cases in ONE DAY here in Pennsyltucky. YOW! People who can't entertain themselves with a musical instrument must be having a really hard time of it. Having a "new" guitar to look forward to every so often will brighten things up. It's good when relationships are new, isn't it? That old joke when you're first starting out you're at each other all the time then it tapers off to every couple days and then down to once a week and then every so often and at the end you pass each other in the hallway and go **** you!
  9. I was doing some reading on a non-guitar forum a few minutes ago and it looks like the coronavirus will be bumping us off until maybe another year from now. That means that I'm going to be stuck sitting on my butt for another year. It seems rather unlikely that a 19 year old Bridgette Bardot is going to break into my bedroom to boff me into a vegetative state SO I'm going to have to buy more guitars to keep myself occupied. Don't think I can top the Firebird VII but I'm willing to give it a shot.
  10. Was the hardware that tarnished when you bought it?
  11. They're sure busy cranking out the emails. I wish them well, even when they screw up they take care of it right away.
  12. Sounds onerous but I think you can do it.
  13. Congratulations! Looks like it's in really nice shape, too.
  14. That's an unusual Firebird, dot neck with only two tone controls.
  15. Just got an email from them, they're in Chapter 11.
  16. Nope, I've only been tempted to change them out once and routing was involved SO I've never changed any out. Today it was work, work, work, pay bills and they FINALLY rereleased PJ Harvey's first two albums on vinyl so I ordered Dry and Rid Of Me. I'm really looking forward to giving them a spin.
  17. Maybe pick up a Marshall Origin if you want the sound on the cheap. Don't think you'll get the Marshall sound out of a Fedner.
  18. What kind of plastic is your pick guard made out of?
  19. Look at the price, no wonder they dropped it.
  20. Two lucky gentlemen - what better way to get through the pandemic than with a new Gibson? Enjoy!
  21. And here I thought they were meant for hanging potted plants. That's why I like this forum, every day you learn something new.
  22. I used the Sonic Maximizers on stereos until my current tube preamps caused the speakers to go into some weird oscillation with them. It really worked wonders with other preamps, though.
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