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About Bldsnn

  • Birthday 10/09/1987

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  1. This. I have a bunch of pickups in a drawer and they always stick together.... Didn't know strings could be magnetized that easily and I wouldn't suspect a regular magnet to permanently magnetize them. Physics aside.... Does it have a freaky new sort of sound or is it just dead?
  2. Thanks for the advice! I will be able to test some amps first week of feb, so plenty of time to research en read reviews. No sales person will be able to fool me by then. B) It's a 2007 but I think it was GOTW that year . To me it looks and sounds awesome. And the neck is perfect! (I really like the slim profile)
  3. They look nice. There's even a shop within 20miles of my town that sells these I have exams till the 5th of feb so I'm kind of tied to my books right now... shouldn't be dreaming about a new amp... oh well...
  4. Well, it's got to be an amp I can use without making the audience deaf. I have my own PA system in case it's not loud enough so no need for a 50W Marshall I once left a bar because of a thin lizzy tribute band doing a gig with a pair of marshall half stacks playing at stadium volume. I might have stayed to listen if I had some earplugs with me that day. It don't want to take such a risk because I have a drummer that likes playing very loud and I want her focused on the music and not following a loud amp... I play straight forward rock music. (My playing style is very Kurt Cobain-like) My band has only two members. People always think we're a white stripes cover band or something, but we play our own songs. I like amps that can handle heavy genres, but I also like playing calmer stuff (mostly ending in overdrive and perhaps a killer (extended) solo B) ) I like to fiddle with knobs on an amp, but I don't like it if there's too many options and settings (like on the cube 60, I only use the clean channel with a distortion pedal in front of it). The Vox AC30 appeared to be somewhere in the middle. Enough to work with... And still capable of doing what the cube does now... but sounding better while doing it. As for the guitar... IT ROCKS! It sounds brilliant even if it's completely unplugged... (To bad my girlfriend doesn't see the difference between my strat copy and this beauty...They're both black you see:P )
  5. I have an SG '61 reissue and I'm saving up for a new amp. I would like to know which amp you think goes best with an SG, I'm not an impulse buyer, so i'd like to form an opinion. I don't have a tube amp (never had one) and thought it was time to consider buying one. (I have a Roland Cube 60. Nice amp, but I'm starting to dislike the overall sound of it.) It's going to be at least several months before I'll have the money. (800-900 euros, think that's around $1100) All the time in the world to decide and go try out different amps. The vox ac 30 caught my eye, is it any good? Thanks.
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