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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Yep. Glen Campbell, a former studio musician, put out TWO albums (33 1/3rpm vinyl- remember?) of him playing one 12 string, nothing else. A dozen folk classics on each one. No vocals - just him and his guitar. Amazing what he could do with that instrument - great versatility.
  2. Wow - What a show !! Great set list. Songs like "Keep Your Hands To Yourself" - just old fashioned good time fun, Rock & Roll. What we need more of today. Keep it up !
  3. 12 String Guitar players - spend half their time tuning it, and half their time playing out of tune.
  4. I was being courted to fly over to interview for a job in a hospital there - 20+ years ago - but, while they clearly had an offer all ready to make, we couldn't come close on the salary. They wanted to pay what the average salary was in CONUS - and I kept pointing out that their Cost of Living was double what it was in the lower 48. (Sort of had to argue the point since it was a FINANCIAL position). Finally, the hospital CFO told me that the benefit of living in a tropical paradise made up for the shortfall in the pay. I managed not to laugh, and never regretted missing out on a free 3 day visit to The Big Island.
  5. Well said. Interesting how what we have to say changes as we change.
  6. Rudi, That was beautiful. I can't think of a more appropriate single word to describe it. A perfect example of how music can lift our souls. True artistry. Thanks! Jim
  7. That's roughly a $2K guitar. If it's in a gig bag, and falls, the headstock will break and cost more to repair than an inexpensive hard case. And it will decrease in value. Take it into a larger guitar shop and they'll fit it into a case you can afford. A gig bag is a garbage bag waiting to happen. Only had 1/2 of my first cup of coffee thus far - so...
  8. Paul is great. But it was the synergy of all 4 of them that made them what they were. His musical talent, if it hadn't been embellished by John, George and Ringo - would never have gotten him international fame and fortune. His guitar - certainly sounded good. Studio probably helped. And I'm sure these re-issues sound really great. BUT - I'm sure that our own TPbill has at least 100 guitars - various makes and models - that sound BETTER ! So, again, I'm not seeing this as a viable direction to go if, as I suspect, Bozeman could have used the plant capacity to crank out an equal number of one of their classic, iconic models. Took me more than Sarge's two words - but my thoughts are the same.
  9. My mother-in-law - Bee L. Zabub - couldn't cook, quilt or do anything except drink Scotch and play golf. If she had given me a quilt, I'd have expected it to contain razor blades appliqués and broken glass fill.
  10. Yep. My wife started making quilts 15 years or so ago. Mine was one of the first. She's made one for each of our 4 kids and 8 of our 9 grandkids. Youngest just turned 1. She gets better at it with each one. Incorporates embroidery and appliqué. Whatever that is....
  11. Unless I'm missing something - the Bozeman made Epiphone Texan is only a hundred bucks less than a J45. It would have to sound a lot better for me to gamble that much on it.
  12. ...unless it's in a foreign country. In which case I'd buy the other, other one.
  13. Vintage is a newer version of True Vintage. Only difference is the V has a 'torrified' top. Which means heated slowly over time to age it as if it were decades old, with the humidity content of the wood (and I assume it's ability to hold moisture) reduced, And, as a result - the 'burst' is different.
  14. You rarely get a chance to play two guitars either of which you are 100% interested in purchasing , side by side. Any other type of comparison - if one is in another country, or you can't get to it until the following weekend, trying to compare it with your recollection of how the first one sounded and felt. So, since you say you would be happy with either - you should consider the nuts and bolts: Warranty, $500 savings, Return Policy, and verification of the True Vintage designation. If those things are a wash - I'd not think twice and get the TV. They're not making them anymore. Full Disclosure: I've had one for 6 years or so and it sounds far superior to the couple I've tried at Guitar Center years back. As Em7 said - consider it from a standpoint - not so much "Which one should I buy?" but, a couple of years from now - "Which one would I regret NOT having bought?"
  15. bill, you're very lucky to have shared music with your wife, and to have recordings. I made the probie mistake, on our honeymoon, of offering constructive criticism to my wife's singing. We were married in early '71 and both brought our guitars on our mid-winter honeymoon in mountains in Cashiers, NC. . That ended any possibility of our becoming the USA's version of Ian & Sylvia.
  16. jaxson, Nope. I'm not saying individuals lose their 1st Amendment rights when they become business owners. I'm saying I won't do business with CORPORATIONS that think individuals lose their 1st Amendment rights when they become employees. Or Suppliers. Or Customers. Yeah, employee contracts and handbooks, and Right To Work laws mean Fender and GC did nothing 'illegal' But neither had to do what they did. Yes, they had the right. You can't yell 'Fire' in a crowded theater and you can't say anything your employer doesn't like in a forum where it reflects on his business. Fender and GC chose to be politically correct. I miss the good old days when we had the right to be politically incorrect.
  17. When I read a couple of months ago that some states were retroactively re-classifying deaths when the patient died from something else, but counting it as CV because they had CV-like symptoms - I gave up on paying attention to that metric as well. No one in our extended family has tested positive, that's the only metric I feel I can trust anymore.
  18. I'll support a business, even if it's not a Mom & Pop, if it is music oriented and struggling - and ignore their illogical business decisions as best I can. But, when they decide to start making political, cultural, human engineering statements, they'll have to do it without my money.
  19. Yeah, but the Culture Warriors at Warner Brothers took his gun away last week.
  20. Great performance. I appreciate the reminder of why so many fell in love with Folk Music. Great song - and there were literally thousands just as good, when performed without distracting things getting in the way.
  21. That reminds me - we need to ban that stupid movie FROZEN too.
  22. WHOA ! That was sarcasm. Sorry if it was too 'real'. Maybe I should have suggested deleting Mary Poppins or Polyanna due to a lack of Diversity. . Of course I'm opposed to the Banning, Firing, and Virtue Signaling.
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