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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Liklihood of either is about the same. Though Jennifer might be a possibility when she's 80 years old. Just tell her it will remove the wrinkles in her wrinkles.
  2. In an attempt to lighten the mood in The Lounge, in contrast to 2 or 3 threads (one closed) that discuss the nitty gritty of the Pandemic - I thought one or two or three members might prefer to share some jokes they've come across related to The Shutdown. Or LockDown. Or Shelter In Place. Or Quarantine - whichever you prefer. I'll go first: YOU THINK THINGS ARE BAD NOW ? IN 20 YEARS - THE WORLD WILL BE RUN BY PEOPLE WHO WERE HOMESCHOOLED BY ALCOHOLICS. or I ALWAYS THOUGHT THE REASON MY HOUSE WAS NEVER CLEANED WAS THAT I NEVER HAD THE TIME TO CLEAN IT. NOW I'VE FOUND OUT THAT WASN'T IT.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I just spent some time on CBC. It seems to be pretty balanced. Liked the format. Fewer ads. I'll check in there once every day or so. Thanks
  4. Oh, and in answer to the question: Jimi Hendrix. Saw him once around '66 and I was too young to appreciate him.
  5. Good One ! Sadly, I can't blame the Lockdown on my lack thereof !
  6. Lars, I was really bowled over. I guess different strokes for different folks - but this 'theme' is one I seem to prefer over all others: "Lost Love, Returns Years Later". (As PatBike said better. ) I could not find anything I would change - seriously! Did you consider capoing it up a key ? Might make singing more fun - open up being able to play with it. And in case you didn't realize - you sang, at the end 'no bruises' instead of 'no more bruises'. More is better, I think. Singer Songwriter ! I think you've arrived! And, the fingerpicking was exactly what the song needs. Emphasize the words. Most people want a lyrics with a message, not fancy music with words thrown in as an accompaniment! Five Thumbs Up !
  7. But apparently you’re OK with Nicki Swift ! Where do you all get your “fax” in Canada ? Have your own news service?
  8. Ghost's authoritative post comes from a Nicki Swift youtube/web page. What is "Nicki Swift" "Nicki Swift is the top source for all the best dirt and juiciest gossip on the celebs you love…or love to hate{". (pinterest) "Nicki Swift. 427K likes. Covering celeb news, gossip and glam, and all the dirt in between, with smarts you want and style you'll love. "(facebook) So - ghost may be more than just 'out of touch'.
  9. https://www.foxnews.com/us/colorado-lowers-coronavirus-death-count Colorado overstates CV19 deaths by 25%. This isn't a 'seems to be' it is an actual fact. Does that mean the US deaths are overstated by 20,000 ? Ghost?
  10. Google 'ad hominem attack'. Here's a hint - it's the first step you take when an owner of a store tells you he doesn't want you coming in without a mask.
  11. Here in San Antonio, our mayor and county official are defying the State's 'guidelines' and requiring all wear masks. The State Atty. General has sent the two of them a warning letter, which they are deflecting, of course. To the point - we've had at least 3 cases in the local news in the past week, where physical assaults have taken place between Pro-Mask and Ant-Maskers. Usually - a customer not wanting to wear a mask, assaulting the manager of the store who won't let him in. Interestingly, it's been in the inner city type places. In one case, two customers came back with a gun and shot and killed the unarmed Dollar Store security guard who wouldn't let them in. I'm guessing the Mayor is including that as a CoronaVirus death.
  12. Actually - we have more than a few regular members here on the acoustic sub-forum who have never owned a Gibson Acoustic. We believe in 'Diversity and Inclusion' when it comes to guitars - the only requirement is that you love guitars ! So, stay - hang around. Tell us about your Taylor (it is sort of ' not too ugly' !). Many here have Taylors as well as Gibbies. My daughter got a nice Taylor Koa Mini for Christmas. Sadly, I had to have my will changed. But, seriously - don't go.
  13. I suggest you watch your language, or you’ll get your own thread locked.
  14. My sister-in-law's sister worked there, In the mid-70s, when she found out I had an LG1 built in Kalamazoo, she got me a set of Gibson strings for it. Wish I'd have saved them. JT - if you had not written your book - and done all the work surrounding it, before and after, 225 Parsons would have wound up like thousands of similar factories from that era. An empty lot. We lived in a 'Mill Town' in Western Mass, in the 80s and it was sad to see all the empty buildings where they made tools, guns, etc 100 years ago. I hope the new CEO at Gibson appreciates the contribution you've made to preserve his company's history. You can't put a price on it, as evidenced by the comments here.
  15. Recently found a company that makes really high quality straps. Guitar, banjo, mandolin and Resonator Guitar. They are buffalo hide. Thick, strong but very soft. Regular width or wider, various natural colors. Beautiful leather - but no fancy designs - just a great functional strap. And, excellent customer service, if you screw up your order and need help getting the right strap after you order the wrong one. USA Made in Oklahoma, by Native Americans. Lakota Leathers: https://www.lakotaleathers.com
  16. The confusion stems from "Emmitt the Newbie" trolling a 10 year old thread.
  17. Maybe they found a bunch in a Ryder Truck outside a nursing home. You live in NY ?
  18. Think of mine every day. Hard not to. She lives upstairs. (No, I'm not living in my Mother's basement - she's in Heaven!)
  19. Even comes with an authentic 60s era cardboard case ! The end of the fretboard - is a clumsy attempt to copy Gibson's volute. But, I've never seen one on a Dove. Pretty sneaky those Chinese.
  20. Welcome Aboard ! ! Pictures would be nice. Many of us here live vicariously.
  21. Ziggy, All these comments are excellent - very relevant, I think. Classical is easy to fret and Banjo even easier ! Point being - different stringed instruments are inherently soft or hard - and you will not find what you're looking for in steel stringed acoustics. I think people who make the transition from Electric to Acoustic accept the advice like all that given above and get a good guitar with a great setup and use light strings. They put their electric crutches in their cases and force themselves to only play the acoustic for several months. At least six! That will get you past your aversion. A $300 Takemine from 30 years ago (without a setup?) would put off many of us here today. You can do better now - BUT recognize the fact you may have to spend more than $750. With inflation - that's probably around $300 in 1983! You'll be doing the same thing and expecting different results. A bigger investment will mean you have more skin in the game - and will play more and bond sooner. All the suggestions above are great. Boyd mentioned GC: if you go to Guitar Center's: Used Acoustic/ Gibson/"Excellent - Great" sort/section, you will not find ANY under $1,200. And - interestingly NO standard J-45s ! I look at these here are 'coal mine canaries' - how is the used market doing? There are usually a few. (People are holding on to them as they are holed up in their bunkers !!) But - several Studio, Chroma, etc. J-45s and J-15s which people haven't bonded with. In the 'real/standard' J45s, they do have two: one Custom (RW?)and one Limited ('hog?) with a beautiful blue tint like BucMaster's Hummingbird. You can get some good deals on used acoustics and can't go wrong with a J-45. And you usually can get them to come down from their sticker price. And return after 3 days as I recall, if you have buyer's remorse. G'luck!!
  22. Yep. REAL nice. Which begs the question - do you have a guitar that inspired your "59 Gibson" nome de plume ?
  23. Sometimes, to me, it seems like that next brass ring is what keeps us sane. The hoping and planning for the next guitar, car, gun, girl, bottle of Scotch, or trip to the beach. I wonder if we'd all still be living in caves, eating twigs and berries if we didn't have this drive to improve our lot. Now, being in the category the experts describe as 'medically fragile', the light at the end of the next tunnel is just a return to a semblance of normalcy - to see family and friends again without everyone being masked and fending off hypochondria.
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