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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I guess regional pride is sort of a subset of national pride, so it is actually a good thing. Many of us in the US, at least on this forum, have had the opportunity, ability, and freedom to see and even live in many parts of this great country. Having also had the opportunity to see other parts of the world - I'm pretty sure I could find a nook I'd prefer anywhere - North, South, East or West. I use to scratch my head, being brought up outside of NYC , why people who never lived there said New Yorkers were cold and rude. My experience was the opposite. (Even if you were a recognizable tourist asking for directions, driving a golf cart.) So, having lived in "The South" for most of the later part of my life - I have learned to accept the regional stereo-typing of Southerners as a form of - "My ...... is better than yours." Insert 'car', 'dog', 'guitar', 'girl friend', 'musical taste' or 'reaction to covid'.
  2. Yep ... the world has changed in the past 4 years too.
  3. You forgot to capitalize "Nazi".
  4. Life has a way of interrupting our dreams. Guitar playing always plays second fiddle to things like eating, , family, health, etc. In general, used guitar prices have risen in the past 2 years - so do some research. Don't let on you are selling it because you need the cash. Consignment in a music store may take some time, but is the least hassle for a reasonable price. Look at asking prices on Reverb. Get examples as close as possible to yours. Also look at what they sell for, deduct the fee, shipping, insurance, etc. Go to a GC and see if they'll offer that much. Others here have great experience in selling used guitars and will provide you with better insights. G'Luck.
  5. Yep... As Sgt.Pepper wrote - this is relatively new. Sort of reminds me of HIV: Scientists and Govt were confused, media kept it quiet for the first few years. Since it affected a different demographic and was transmitted in a different way - and we were less suspicious back then - keeping it on the download was handled without much pushback. Took 50 years to see Big Pharma come out with tv commercials advertising pills for it. I wonder if they actually researched scientifically to get there, or if they accidentally stumbled on a cure - for example while trying to make chewing gum last longer. BBP - I've never met a medical doctor I didn't trust, and I've met many. My concern is with the ones who, in spite of the M.D. after their name, do not see patients - and get wound up in the politics of medicine. And eventually, whether it is in Research, Medical Schools, Lobbying or simply making and selling drugs and supplies - the cash causes them to forget the "First, do no harm." part of their oath. Not sure if Dr. Mengele took the Hippocratic oath.
  6. There is a new sport here - in Austin and in San Antonio - and I'm guessing in every major city - called JUGGING. Jogging/Mugging. They scope out someone making a large withdrawl at a bank or ATM, follow them and when the victim stops - someone wearing a hoodie and Nikes jumps out of the following car, makes believe he's jogging and then mugs you. I guess it's just a spin off of robbing someone selling something off CraigsList. Brave New World !
  7. Yep. "Balance, Daniel-san" As he has him wash and wax his fleet of classic cars. And paint his fence ...
  8. So - you just lay the bait out and wait for someone to take it? Nice. I'll nibble ... I'd never heard of him or AFPAC ... had to Google it: all the top 10 hits make it clear the organization is to the RIGHT of .... or is it to the LEFT of .... fill in your favorite Historical Extremist. I guess I'm fixated on other things. What does bringing that group and person up have to do with the thread? Aren't you the one that always says "This is a GUITAR forum!" Possibly Nick Fuentes would think you are the nut job.
  9. ALGEBRA - dusty cobwebs blowing through the corners of my trapezoid mind ... HS Algebra - male teacher, exactly like the DanRob's Mr. Kazarnoff. Got a "C+" as I recall. College Algebra - 8years later, after 2 years of college, first semester I enrolled in after 4 years mental sabbatical in the USN - A Very Attractive teacher. VERY... I got an A++. "When the student is ready - the teacher will appear." (is that Zen ?)
  10. Given my wife's culinary skills - I'd be scared shyteless if I couldn't first smell and then taste what she was serving up. Could have been turpentine laced tacos !
  11. BBP, Hang in there, it's 'only' been a month. I'm sure you'll slowly find the fog has cleared and the sun back out. Not sure of your age or medical status otherwise - but I think all those things interact as the wild cards that affect your hand. Overlay the virus mutations and the different 'vaccines' and then the different boosters... it's no wonder we in the US seem to have thousands of different symptoms appearing. But it seems pre-existing conditions like diabetes explain a lot of the most severe. Of course, scientific explanations don't make any of us feel less fear and anger. Our family of 19 has been very lucky.
  12. Neck notwithstanding, it would certainly have a different sound - small, not maple, etc. You can always use electronics to get over that. If you have pain from playing other necks, that clearly is the over-riding criteria. Players got to play !
  13. Very inspiring - you certainly upped your game several notches this week !
  14. Psyko, Congrats on getting your 'dream guitar'. It's called "The King of the Flat Tops" for a reason. Not a volume monster - but tone to die for. I use 12s ( Martin Retros) but tune down a full step to D. Welcome Aboard. Oh, and your ingles esta better than some here who were born here !!
  15. "I've had mine for a few years.....but a friend just put one in....think it was just over $17K." (DanvillRob) In My Humble Opinion - Not many people can afford this. Or have the physical, technical expertise to deal with it. Gasoline goes stale, etc. 5 gallon can get pretty heavy. I think the OP's question on how to backup critical medical equipment was extremely timely - and may have touched on some of the same concerns and broader ones we here in the US have - sparking this 'lively' discussion. But we don't discuss politics here.
  16. Danvill Rob, I read a book decades ago - "Embraced By The Light". It proposed that some people are in our lives, sometimes only briefly, so they can touch us in a meaningful way - causing us to be better people than we otherwise would have been. One example she used - a man leaving his work for the day sees a homeless drunk passed out on the sidewalk. He is so powerfully overcome by the tragedy of the life lost to despair and dissolution - he suddenly realizes he needs to become more understanding of his fellow man. His life is changed for the good - forever. The drunk - he agreed that his life on earth would be one of sadness and desperation - so he could in that one minute - offer the opportunity to his friend, the busy businessman - to 'embrace the light'. To become a kinder, gentler person. The drunk lived his life, of course, not knowing he was here on earth to 'save one soul' - his already having been saved. Somewhat romantic, fanciful and 'spiritual' - but it helped me consider the possibility there is more to life than what we see on the surface. Ethyl May Shaw - she didn't realize she accomplished so much and brought so much happiness to you. And, I'm sure hundreds of other students. At least not in her conscious mind.
  17. One thing stood out - at the time - made a lasting impression when I was in 7th grade Catholic School. Not a nugget extracted from the mountains of information a la "You may want to take notes, you'll be seeing this again at the end of the semester.", stuck because Brother Finian told it to my parents. "Your son is smart, but a bit lazy." Up until then, I had loved school.
  18. https://www.sigsauer.com/p226-mk25-full-size.html You had me at "Sig" ...
  19. Points? Condenser? for an ignition system before they became 'electronic' ? (edit: Aaaah... just got the 'clue' bonus 'points') Have to disqualify my guess - it may have been subliminally affected !)
  20. Elves have found it easier if they self-identify as Munchkins. They get hang out with witches instead of dragons.
  21. Watching the service live on tv now. Very moving. Fitting tribute to someone who could be considered 'Person of the Century'.
  22. Yep. "You know you're old when you can remember when you rented DVDs at a store instead of a vending machine at Walmart."
  23. Cletus Maggard !? Had to google that one hit wonder: . CB radio genre ! A la "Smokey and The Bandit" !! I don't even want to guess what #1 refers to.
  24. Agree. It needs to be sand blasted and sent to Earl Scheib to have the fenders removed , some Bondo and a $19.99 paint job.
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