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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Lars, RBS - you are both great contributors here. Possibly you each had a bad day and it came to a head here. I bet if you could meet and have a beer, you'd find you agree on 99% of what's important in life. Guitars being #2!! A misunderstood word or phrase can cause issues on social media. Sort of like the opposite of "The face that launched a thousand ships." Peace, out!
  2. I know necks to nothing about necks, and the half dozen profiles that are normally referred to: C. D. Baseball, etc. But I'll kick this of by throwing out tout 2 thoughts. One, are you sure it was the neck profile of tour '67 that favored your CTS ? After 18 months - you must have played it before - same result? Question is - maybe something else affected your good fortune. What did you play the day/night before? Second - if you satisfy yourself through scientific deduction - that it is definitely the neck profile of your '67 J45, maybe you can make a mold and give it to a luthier to carve a neck that is exactly the same. Obviously not starting with a 4' x 4' hunk of lumber - but an existing neck that is chunkier all round and could be fit on your guitar body of choice. Maybe you already have an acoustic you love that a luthier could modify the neck on. Granted, buying a new '' 60s original would be easier - but might not work, and cost more. G'Luck.
  3. I was born in the US in '47. Father and his mother came from UK. I sat and watched The Coronation with her on black and white. She was proud of her heritage.
  4. Farns - don't ever give up. Ever. If you do - 'they' win. I know I'm boringly repetitive on this issue - like water on a stone -but.... it might be helpful to leave the threads up and freeze them, pointing out the offensive comment(s) so we can learn by our mistakes. Otherwise, it's like ""one form of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results'. Most of us have No Idea why the thread was deleted, and probably half of us wouldn't had known it was if Mr.Gibson hadn't started a new thread asking where it went...
  5. Not liking Game Of Thrones ( I know, I'm weird) I didn't bother with House Dragons... Instead - "Wheel of Time". Seems to me, compared to the review here for House Dragon - to be a bit more interesting. Sorry, Sgt. Pepper. not one instance of butt acrobatics.
  6. I recognize the top part as a shower head... what do the letters and numbers do without buttons? Spell out 'Hot' or 'Cold' Gallons ?
  7. "Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my Close-Up." "No you're not. Get rid of those hideous brown highlights in your black hair."
  8. Thanks for the suggestion. You might find you'll be disappointed though before you reach the century mark with comments under your belt. We go far afield often.
  9. Yep...same concept as putting a big windmill on a 747 to back up the solar panels in the wings.
  10. Very courteous and conscientious of you to come back and let us know how your issue turned out. "All's well that ends well." ! Most new posters who come here to ask a question or point out an issue - never close the loop ! Hope you stay active here: Now that you have a "King of the Flat Tops" you have officially ARRIVED !
  11. RBS - Hospitals spend million$ on redundant power back up systems. But, from my third party knowledge and fading memory - those will not withstand major, long term outages. That's why The Powers That Be Make sure to have 'roving' blackouts. Here, 2 years ago we had an extended power grid crisis. But the sectors that hospitals were on always got power. If you lived in that sector (next door to a hospital) you almost never lost power. UPS -- Uninterrupted Power Supply... usually for IT stuff.
  12. I've heard the Millennials have even ruined Farrell's Bar & Grill. Almost like tearing down a statue !
  13. I hate it when we drive 4+ hours to South Padre Island and gave to wait as long to get into a restaurant. (sarcasm off) When both of my grandmothers and several aunts, uncles lived in Brooklyn - Greenpoint and Prospect Park - those areas were lower middle class, blue collar, in decline and completely undesirable. A few decades after they passed or moved - the places they lived suddenly became trendy. Brownstones were gutted and modernized and prices went through the roof. Pun intended. I doubt the 'happiness' of children being raised there now is any higher than it was in the 50s.
  14. I wonder what else is up in that 'cloud' ? I guess every search, txt msg and snarky comment I've made here...
  15. I can't remember the last time I saw a 'Pay Phone'. I've heard they sell them on EBay - the fancy chrome plated ones.
  16. The grammar school I went to in the late 50s had an annual 'Coupon Drive'. We kids were expected to go door to door in our neighborhoods to ask folks to donate any coupons they had been saving. Ciggy Butt coupons were popular. Many products had coupons on the package - from cereal to soup. We also had to go door to door later in the school year- to sell candy. I guess it built character. Sort of reverse 'Trick or Treat'ing ! A different time.
  17. After listening to 'Hell Train', I saw on the Utube suggestions - Jimmy Strange produced a good volume of work, albums, 12 string, etc. Funny how many Great Guitarists there are and were who never make it to the level of being 'popular'. Like a Rascal Flats or a Florida Georgia Line.
  18. I guess, since Bozeman produces a bunch of 180s that are tamer looking, they believe throwing a few out there that are significantly different - will snag buyers who would otherwise not buy one. Like the pink or lime green J45s they produce every now and then. And, obviously, Martin produces some outrageous looking guitars for that small market niche. If we all wanted the same exact thing - we'd all be playing boring looking guitars and driving ... white Camry's ?
  19. Some really great music on that soundtrack. John Hartford, Allison Kraus, Ralph Stanley, Emmylou Harris, Gillian Welch .... I guess George Clooney learned to sing from his aunt, Rosemary.
  20. RBS - You forgot the basic lesson - new 21st Century dogma - Everybody Gets a Trophy ! LIKE anything anyone posts, or Sit Down and Shut Up. New definition of the First Amendment (an 18th century artifact in our country.) To me, the guitar itself is great, but you do NOT need 2 massive pick guards, on top of which a brown pick guard on a black guitar is a Fashion Faux Pax. They're trying to make a statement, create a visual impact - the very first think your eyes go to is the two pickguards that look like fenders on a 1940s Packard. Like something you'd find in the Gibson Garage Lifestyle Clothing Website. If you're trying to make the guitar look extra-cool, pick a pick guard color that pops out. The brown on black hurts my eyes AND ears. And anyone who doesn't think having 3/4 of the top glued to plastic is in denial. Even Sgt.Pepper can be right sometimes. Like a broken clock - twice a day.
  21. I learned more from my mistakes than the trophies I won. (Ok, technically no actual 'TROPHIES').
  22. Play it before you ... oh, never mind.
  23. Just add an N to Asheville !
  24. And Australia gets 'honorable mention' ! Barbie, sheila, crikey ...
  25. Yep. But for the Blues - it was top grade wool and thick. Warmer than the 'sweaters' they sell now in Old Navy made out of plastic. And when it was really cold and wet, we'd wear our actual navy blue wool thick sweater under that blue wool jumper. And then, there was the even thicker pea coat. I only remember wearing all 3 on a cruise above the Arctic Circle. None of the above when circling Cuba ! Did they have prohibitions against sweaters in New JERSEY !? 😀
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