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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I don't think anyone here questioned its 'authenticity'. Just whether it was Paleolithic or Bronze Age. Some folks, for some reason remove the paper labels visible in the sound holes, and more so - the paperwork is either tossed or lost. China maybe knocking off Gibson acoustics in this century - but I don't think they were back in the 70s. It's a great guitar at a great price. Alls Well That Ends Well !
  2. "Sarcasm" (sahr-chasm) a form of humor often resorted to after midnight in comedy clubs . Requires Meta certification if used on Internet.
  3. In the US we have a law... I think it's called "The Commerce Clause" which prohibits any government entity from forcing you to purchase anything. I'd be really un-happy if some brownshirt came to my door asking for a monthly check simply because I owned a television set. Of course, we have National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting System - they're just more creative in how they get our money.
  4. Remember to cleanse your pallet by sniffing a Taylor in between Gibsons.
  5. Remembering when stores didn't have to lock up Spam to keep people from stealing it.
  6. When I come back - I want to come back as a Yellow Lab.
  7. AARP is financially supported by United Health Care, for hawking that company’s Medicare supplemental insurance to its members. Billion$.
  8. I know it's not what you asked, and that you and your daughter have probably already dismissed other alternatives, but for that $2500 she could get a brand new Gibson acoustic with a warranty: a Hummingbird Studio, a J185 EC Walnut, an LG2 or a J45 Studio Rosewood for example. You get a warranty and the assurance it's not going to be a pig in a poke.
  9. Hah - not having read this, I commented on this on the "You know you're getting old" thread, simply because someone mentioned 'bubble gum cards' ! I think the Mantle cards go for $5M to double that. I try not to think about it, knowing I had at least one. Long gone now.
  10. I know I'm old when I hear the phrase 'bubble gum card' and it triggers my memory of my stack of 1950s baseball cards, which I know included at least one Mickey Mantle because, being brought up outside of NYC - had most every card from the Yankees, Dodgers and even the lowly Giants. Not sure where my two shoe boxes of baseball cards wound up. Although, now that I think of it, my younger brother retired early and has a lot of nice cars...
  11. He did two albums in the 60a - acoustic 12 string solo - no singing, playing 2 dozen traditional folk songs (Cottonfields, etc). Amazing! He was a session player - and those 2 inspired my to get a 12er. Whoever wrote the song "Galveston" probably made more $ off Glen Campbell's iconic version than he did off anyone else cutting it including himself.
  12. Yeah, absolutely Dave. Wouldn’t want Pat Boone singing this one either!
  13. "It's the economy, s....." There are literally TRILLION$ floating around out there - which weren't several years ago. Much of it is being treated by the lucky winners as 'Disposable Income'. In other words, new found money: winning $10K at the lottery, $1K at the slots - or finding Three Twenties and a Ten in your faded leather jacket when you thought you didn't have any money to buy a round. For all intents and purposes - the Minimum Wage has doubled from $7.50 to $15 for those who work. Then you have handouts like Government Covid money going to renters so they can pay their rent. In many cases it is being spent on Guitars and Cadillacs instead - because local cities have enacted laws prohibiting landlords from evicting deadbeats. So ... after the nouveau riche get past the flush of buying Patron instead of Schlitz - they sit down and ask themselves that question: " What have I always dreamed of since I was a kid ? Being able to play the guitar ! I need a good one! I deserve it." The real estate market - single family homes - exploded. (In desirable locations.) Now it's shrinking. Same will happen to the guitar market. The market always adjusts to reality: the government announced they'd issue you a $7K rebate on "electric cars made in the US". So, manufacturers increased their prices by ....
  14. Johnny Cash belts it out. Grabs you by the ears and grabs your attention with his powerful voice and stage presence. Roger's performance, to me, draws you in and makes it believable. I think because it is more 'believable'. And he apparently knows more chords than Johnny Cash.
  15. If new, you should have gotten a Certificate of Authenticity that would give more info than the label. Calling would too. The orange label instead of white indicates it is not a 'standard' - so yes, obviously some degree of 'customness' due to the Ebony, Rosewood and Abalone Rosette and fretboard inlays. I have one similar, koa, which I absolutely love. First one I grab. I think the paperwork calls it a "J45 Custom Koa". But "A rose by any other name ..." Congrats and Welcome Aboard.
  16. Hence that city's motto: "Keep Austin Weird."
  17. I think the concept of our not owning important stuff is more akin to the Native American Indians who felt they did't own the land. They respected it probably more than they would have if they thought they owned it. Probably wouldn't want to buy back Manhattan Island today !! I accept the fact that someday I will have moved on, but my 4 instruments will still be here long after. And it makes me happy to believe they will give others as much joy as they give me - hopefully my 4 kids ! Most of what we own today is 'disposable' or short-lived. And the batteries even more so. Caretaker is a good way of looking at it.
  18. Agree - my other 2 (an H'Bird and an SJ200) have tulips and look perfect. Agree - my J45 is a Custom with mucho blingo. Hence the gold button Grovers go great.
  19. Agree. I love customizing some things, but not my guitars. I understand those with electrics will want to make changes - depending on the model, age, price, etc. But for my acoustics, as long as the tuners work and aren't butt-ugly, the ones the maker put on stay. I do swap out plastic pins for bone with abalone inlays though. But that doesn't require reaming out the tuner holes in the headstock or adding screw holes and washers. As far as weight ... I'm sure I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. The guitar is either hanging on a strap or perched on my lap. But, I will admit - white oval buttons seem to be made for sunburst j45s. Regardless, mine has gold and those are staying.
  20. I love that song. Johnny Cash killed it. You made it come alive. Thank you.
  21. Or when "Guitar Light" would come on and tell us his Epiphone standard sounded better. Good times !
  22. Looks really sweet - it'll will sound better and better over the next couple of years. Case is the icing on the cake !
  23. When I retired, as a Director in Finance, the CFO asked if I’d be interested in coming back to Work On special projects. I told him I would at the standard rate consultants were paid. Crickets. imho, if you work part time, you aren’t getting the full benefit of RETIREMENT!
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