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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Nope. Saying I’d rather support American workers in Bozeman than people getting paid slave wages in China. Even if the guitar costs more and has a few glue drops inside.
  2. Thanks RvrDxn - You're a gentleman and a scholar!! I watched most will watch the whole thing again later. But seemed the reviewer is in the mode where, like a food critic, he gets more hits/$ the more criticisms he can come up with.... Great case - BUT not a hardshell, etc. He spent more time complaining about the fact the Gibson logo was spray painted on the headstock than the fact the fingerboard and bridge were ebony.. 'braces are scalloped, but end grain is rough' ... I think his main issue is making the point Gibson's low end guitars at $1500 should be closer to their high end. The G-45 should be closer to a J45. As far as the 'plastic drywall screw'.... it's an anchor/mollie. Commonly used to make sure an actual screw (or in this case - an endpin) stays secure in the hole. Like the glue drops inside he complained about a few times - these are hidden, cosmetic and do not affect tone, playability etc. Only make the guitar more affordable. Amusingly - he noted there were fewer glue drops inside on the back than on the face - and said it was because Gibson knew you couldn't see the ones on the face. I can really see a supervisor telling a worker - "Don't be careful gluing the braces on the face, our customers will never know." The only real problem is - it's a US made guitar in a small hands on facility - not made in China on an assembly line where the workers get 25 cents an hour.
  3. Be curious to see that review ... where was it ? Trying to envision a plastic drywall screw holding an end pin in place...
  4. Hard to 'swing' when you're tied to a walker. Swigging now - that might sell. I get more haircuts now - the barbershops now offer up to 2 'free' drinks. You can even get monthly memberships !
  5. Our Butt Guy (Dr. Ben Dover) last time round told us, having hit our 70s didn't need to come back. But I think he got behind in his yacht payments and we got notice we were back on a 3 year schedule. I guess the science evolves in direct proportion to how the cash flow devolves.
  6. I read at different times you're supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day. I'm guessing that is mis-information put out by the Bottled Water Industry. I've also read that you can drink too much water - cells get too full of water and you feel different types of symptoms. The solution: BEER. You pass out before you over-hydrate.
  7. I think I just found my new screensaver. (Thanks MO Picker!)
  8. Ten years ago, wife and I were packing to head out to meet with family (our 4 kids and their kids) for a week at a Gulf Coast beach house we rented. Being a little crazy, I decided to hide my CD collection in case of a burglary. Couldn't think of a good place - then hit on it. Had taken out the trash and had a new bag in the kitchen garbage pail. Decided to hide them there. Knew I'd remember after a week of vacationing and would retrieve them as soon as we got home. And, I did. A couple of months too late.
  9. You have to hand it to male models. They keep a straight face no matter what kind of ridiculous haute couture they are forced to wear. Sort of like Kim Kardashian saying her greatest concern 'is having people see me for who I really am'.
  10. Read the whole article. Liked Tasjan's quote - I’ve always used clothing and songwriting as conduits to express the arc of my human experience. So, coming together with Gibson and Billy Reid for this project felt right for me,” Rolling Stone has a link to pics now. It's the 'leather cafe racer that's $1498. I guess the low end - $48 is for the strap or pick accessories? If I had $1500 'disposable income' I'd be more inclined to buy a guitar than a leather jacket. Found the adjacent article on Olympic Skateboarding more relevant - although I did learn that Gibson CEO James Curleigh's nick name is "JC'. Creativity abounds ! Reminds me of a former US President who named his dog "BO".
  11. Normally, I detest Zombie threads. But I really, really like them when they are all about beating a dead horse.
  12. isn’t this kind of thinking. What got Gibson/Norton in trouble? Next Nike will be selling guitars.
  13. Gibson Garage…. They spelled ‘Garbage’ wrong.
  14. My wife has a CriCut machine. You can buy templates on line to load into it on just about anything. Cuts out letters or any kind of drawing, decoration on adhesive vinyl. Now they even have blades that can cut through thin metal. Sort of takes the mystery and romance out of those $5 dollar tee shirts.
  15. Might be a better price if it were a full monte pick guard with a cheap guitar attached.
  16. As far as looks - A beautiful guitar - if it only had ONE pick guard. TWO - ruins it.
  17. Yep - it is not a standard production model. Never was. So, comparing it to a J45 is apples and oranges. The large variations on J45s is a function of it's being their 'workhorse' and Bozeman knowing they can leverage that popularity and can sell more by producing variations on the theme. Some of those versions are simply different colors - green, blue, pink. Some of the more interesting versions are different tone woods. There are probably a dozen 'changes to specs' possible: Tuners, pick guards, fretboard/bridge wood in addition to tone wood and colors. Then, there's bracing - which is obviously different for a 12s. Bozeman is a relatively small facility - not to be confused with a fully automated, robotic auto manufacturing plant. They encourage their '5 Star Dealers' to consider what variations might be marketable - and allow them to spec out a 'Limited Edition' order - usually around 50. The dealers are able to market these 'special edition' guitars over the internet well outside their primary locations. So - you get more variation than you do if you are looking at a Toyota Camry. But, of course, you can always play it safe and just get a Standard J45. And, as has been generally accepted here - if you've seen one J45, you've seen one J45. Even within the standards - they can feel, sound and 'play' differently. You realize that - knowing your new arrival may or may not fit what you are looking for. So, accept it is not a 'standard' anything. "A rose, by any other name..." Let us know about it once you've had a chance to play it a bit!
  18. Can't reach my tongue into my own ear and I'm sure not gonna try sucking the earwax out of someone else's. I'm guessing Rabs was going for hyperbole. The benefit of beer, tequila, whiskey, etc. not tasting like Gummy Bears dissolved in seltzer - is that the taste reminds you to pace yourself. The first acquaintance I had with the evils of sweet alcohol was Boones Strawberry Farm on the first warm Virginia Spring Day several decades ago. I learned my lesson well.
  19. Remember when you were younger and tried to pass as 18 to buy beer ? You know you're old ... When you stop trying to pass for under 65, and ask the sweet young thing behind the counter for a Senior Discount.
  20. Don't like INFLATION? Caused by printing and distributing trillions of 'fake' money? (like counterfeiters do - but they're a cottage industry compared to the US Treasury) ? Then try SHRINKFLATI0N: Kellogs keeps their prices the same to compete with General Mills, but puts less cereal in the box. So - can't afford a guitar ? buy a ukulele. Because, on top of handing out trillions of dollars - when prices drivers like gas and food and housing are made to go up - and you mix in the final ingredient: "Supply and Demand" - No child will be left behind. Prices of everything will go up, even foreign made LP's.
  21. Only seen him once. Great respect for guys like him who travel the country in a bus to share their music.
  22. Sadly, Dr. Seuss died before he could redeem himself. Disney had Snow WHITE and Seven WHITE Dwarfs. Never any pushback, but they knew they needed to start cranking out more Diverse Stuff quickly a few years ago to stay ahead of what was looming on the horizon. On second thought, maybe Dr. Seuss was the lucky one - passing on to his just reward before all this Wokeness was visited upon us by morally and intellectually superior beings.
  23. Given the handling of The Pandemic, I would not be surprised if that other virus was handled poorly by the government, science- nationally and internationally. Many songs are to be enjoyed for their affect, not their meaning. To me - "Modern Art" is driven by the intent to create an emotion or impression - not communicate a message. And then there's poetry. Maybe Freddy was feeling 'dark' and wanted to create a song that would make us feel that way. Irregardless..... Great performance, DRob.
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