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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Finally got time to listen - you are obviously a very talented musician with a very deep level of musicality ! This is an impossibly complex, difficult song - and you did a superb job. And with a 12 string ! Like Ginger Rogers matching Fred Astair's dancing step for step, while going backwards in a dress and heels ! Good Job !
  2. Dressed Beer: salt on the rim and a wedge of lime. For Blue Moon - just a wedge of orange. Hipsters are re-defining "beer". Is nothing sacred ?
  3. Clyde Barrow had an endorsement deal with Ford. Bonnie drove a Prius.
  4. Guitars and Cadillacs and Hillbilly Music !
  5. Now, when you order a beer - the barmaids ask “Do you want it dressed?” Wife bought an 18 pack Friday for a get together. Shiner Brewery Tour. Only 6 cans were “beer” and 3 of those were “Light”. One, “Agua Fresca” was just carbonated water with 4.5% alcohol. I’m guessing they make more $ on that crap.
  6. Chief, I'm getting dizzy. Let's go have a beer. Anything except that MoosePiss.
  7. Echoing the Experts: Ball end of string should be snug against the bridge plate under bridge, and resting snug against the pin - not sitting on or near the end of it - that'll pop it out. ("You'll put an eye out...") 'Saddle has some staining that is bleeding onto the finish of the body'? The saddle is that white plastic looking thing that the strings rest on and sits in a slot in the bridge. Normally, neither the saddle nor the bridge are stained or painted or have any nitro 'sealer' on them. So - the saddle doesn't come in contact with the body/face of the guitar. If you meant the bridge is bleeding - as ZmbyWf wrote - it could be a drop of glue that squeezed out. But the only 'stain' is on the face of the body. As far as the nut falling off ... that's a QC issue for sure. As KBlast wrote - 2 of the smallest drops of glue you can squeeze out. Slightly/lightly 'clamp' it with your fingers - snug against the both sides it needs to be flush against. You should be able to bring it in to the place you purchased it and have them do that for you. Maybe call ahead since we are in a time of staffing shortages and their 'Guitar Tech' may be backed up. G'Luck. Welcome to the Forum. The H'Bird is one of the best choices you could have ever made !
  8. FWIW - my 2022 New Year's Resolution was to never use those sad/confused emojis. Though tempted, I have been able to resist. Confident I'll make it to 12/31. Hopefully, I'll be completely cured. IMHO, in this thread - you are bringing them on yourself.
  9. Confused: You're talking about the Cat Stevens collectors edition with a MSRP of $7500 ?
  10. June 17, 2022... according to the s/n 'checker' sites.
  11. Probably wannabe's. SF is in no way in the same league as NYC. Maybe you heard wrong and they were saying "The shitty". (apologies to any offended by the word - it is in Merriam-Webster and the joke / play on words would have been less effective if i had instead wrote "The &$%#"
  12. Good Point. Or are 'moderators'. My wife's English - I'm Irish. We re-enact "The Troubles" once a month.
  13. I think I saw that marriage proposal on a Hallmark movie last month.
  14. Woodstock is over 100 miles north of THE CITY. If you are from "Greater New York" - everything is considered 'upstate' except Long Island. At least that's my recollection having been born and raised there.
  15. She's brought the 12 string to new heights ! Talent and hard work ! Reminds me of the quote - "Music is the Soundtrack of Our Lives."
  16. You can hear the difference in tone in these two Murph-supplied videos. And in style - one is three finger picking, the other two finger. Those who can tell the difference in tone between using bone pins and ebony pins on their acoustic guitars should be able to here the differences on these two. And, it is possible to customize the sound/tone of a banjo much more than you can an acoustic guitar. But, yes at the end of the day - they all sound 'banjo-y'... no mistaking a banjo for anything else.
  17. "In spite of the American tendency to appropriate cultures without attribution or apology, our melting pot at large often produces incredible synergies, and the modern banjo is no exception. This is why the banjo's evolution through a "clash of cultures" is a beautiful thing." Rhiannon Giddens (The Carolina Chocolate Drops) Yep, Sgt Pepper right again !!! The 'banjer' came from West Africa. Went to the Caribbean first as a gourd with anywhere from 2 to 4 or 5 strings. , refined a bit, moved with those slaves up to the Southern US English colonies. Evolved as Minstrel Shows became popular forms of entertainment, where white performers shared their appreciation for the instrument with black performers. Moved to the Appalachian Mountains - hollers and groves - evolved to the point it became popular in Ireland. Most Americans only know "Deliverance" and have no appreciation for the depth and history of it or the versatility.
  18. Probably in Austin - it's their South By SouthWest thing (SXSW) that's more of a 'festival'. As far as the original Woodstock - I was in the NYC Port Authority Sunday getting on a bus heading back to Norfolk as I did most Sundays - when I noticed these thousands of raggedy axx hippies floundering all over the place. A few years later I realized they were heading upstate to someplace called "Woodstock". Up until, I thought that was just the canary friend of Snoopy.
  19. And sadly, strangely - after the Nashville Flood in 2010, Gibson never went back to building banjos. Their 'Mastertone' was the gold standard. But Henry decided that product line was not financially worth re-building. Unlike acoustic guitars and mandolins - banjos can be built in your basement. You just buy parts from different manufacturers and assemble them. In fact, many of the parts Gibson was using in their final years were from sub-contractors. The end of an era.
  20. When your cardiologist wants payment up front.
  21. It's easier to comment on generalities rather than the 'particulars' of another country. Sgt. Pepper was referring to the many questionable activities of the Pelosi family - details many Americans are not familiar with. But 'more support' is not something the Pelosi's need. They have more than enough. And as far as 'hateful' - trust me, Nancy has more than enough of that too !
  22. I think, if you'e into dreaming, it's time for a Three Way:
  23. Did some Googling on Sarah Jaroz after your comment on a similar thread. She's the real deal. International, real music schools.... More talent in her little finger than ... well, this thread is about mandolins, not me.
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