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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I'm a white chip kind of guy I guess. Can't deal with those fruity seltzer spritzer girly drinks. I understand some people don't like the taste of actual 'beer'. My problem is - if what I'm drinking tastes too good, I'll drink more of it than I want, but not realize it until tomorrow morning. Drinking whisky straight keeps me honest. While we're at it - I also can't deal with jeans that look like they were torn apart at a Monster Truck Rally. If you have nice legs (like the two above obviously do) just wear cutoff jeans. Sort of like 'relicing' a guitar. I don't think I've ever seen a blue color worker with honest wear jeans that had more that patches sewn on the knees. But - these girls are musicians, and musicians do have to wear 'costumes' that support the music they're playing. Just don't want to see anyone here with jeans torn to shreds drinking raspberry infused malt liquor.
  2. Mr. Rogers (yes, a musician - "It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood".
  3. Beauteous ! Welcome Aboard ! (Stay hydrated. 12 packs, not 6 packs ! )
  4. Yep... with some members here - all they have to see is a leaf blowing across their lawn and they think "SQUIRREL". It is people just like Waters who have made forced 'politics' into every fabric of our lives. Can't even go to a concert without being told, 'if you don't like my politics - leave, or shut up and don't annoy those here who do'. Pretty arrogant after he's gotten paid to sing and already cashed the check. He basically is saying "I'm smarter than everyone else in the stadium." Wowsers !
  5. GG, can tell from that one photo he was a really great dog. Remember - "All Dogs Go To Heaven" ! (main reason I want to get there! )
  6. Yep - saw them on AGT a week or so ago. They're really good - hope the At Least make the finals. A breath of fresh air like this is what 'country' needs today. Half of it seems to be whiny male singers who are not really 'country', but don't fit neatly in Pop, Rap or Alternative.
  7. Sgt. Pepper knows a lot about rich dentists who buy expensive guitars we all can't afford. I bet he'd tell us the average age of retirement for those guys is in their 30s !
  8. While that barley & hops p/g is unique, and being wood pieces inlaid into the top makes it technically difficult to create - I still think it's unattractive. And the two bees on the bridge push it past that. I've seen pictures of Picasso's that I wouldn't hang in my house, so I guess my taste is all in my mouth. I sort of think a pick guard should be something that can guard the guitar proper from pick scratches, and not be something you are even more concerned might be damaged than the guitar face.
  9. A year and a half ago, we lost 2 of our 4 dogs a few days apart. Cooper, the Lab, was old and it was expected. But 5 days later with Sasha, the German Shepherd it was not., and we were still struggling with losing Cooper, She was healthy and only 9, but one day she wouldn't eat, the next day she couldn't control her bodily functions, blood in the urine, etc. Next morning took her to the Vet expecting some type fix. Nope. She had to be put down that morning - cancer of the spleen, suffering. I still get teary eyed driving down the road we took our walks on. I read somewhere that - as much joy as you get from a pet - you can expect as much pain when you lose it. But - the alternative is worse, imho. Allow yourself a week or so to be miserably sad - but then tell yourself you have to accept it as a part of life. Flowers bloom, the plant eventually dies. Accept that and you'll be able to appreciate each day.
  10. Yep, trying to play with your left wrist at a 90 degree angle is unnecessarily difficult. I don't recall it ever being dissed/discussed on page one of "How To Play The Guitar". I usually play seated, using straps set though to hold guitar high, though not as high as Sean. I have a footrest I use most of the time to bring the guitar up around 4 " so the straps are comfortably loose, just help keeping me from dropping the guitar. Also have a kidney/cashew shaped foam pillow that will do the same thing. You put it on your right thigh; guitar sits on it, nestled into the waist of the guitar. I never use it though. Maybe I should dig it out and give it another shot. Definitely high on the dorky scale though.
  11. When you can't find the definition of 'shart' in Merriam-Webster but refuse to Google it.
  12. I’d always heard , and adhered to, the old wives tale that you should only turn the nut a small amount and give the neck time to respond. I never turn more than one half a revolution. And check the relief the next day.
  13. I guess some prefer cats, some prefer dogs. Some, like Tman like both. I like cats. Just can't stand kitty litter boxes in the house.
  14. Poor kitty - wish I had a $1 for every time I got stuck by the cutoff B string on the tuner. Stunning guitar : interesting choice, maple on a J45. Bet it sounds as good as it looks !
  15. ,,, and it keeps repeating. I remember some of the stuff going on now - happening 50 years ago, names changed is all. I just hope the "fashions" from the 70's never come back.
  16. I use 12s, but down a full step to "D". And leave them on for a couple of years. Martin SPs.
  17. I'm partial to emulsifying: You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose ...
  18. That's how it should work ! If you have a complete hierarchy of 'good people' top to bottom - the sky's the limit. Sort of what 'capitalism' is all about. Unfortunately, I worked in 'Not For Profits' almost entirely funded by federal and state money - so the model didn't work there. You were lucky - but you also made your own luck by doing the right thing for those who worked for you and who you worked for. Good way to go through life in general !
  19. You know you're getting old .... When 'running errands' means going to Doctor Visits.
  20. Wowsers ! Thanks for the music lesson!! Great job! Now I can get to second base with this one. Very faithful to the Mavericks classic:: kept a little of the Tex-Mex in there, which is the flavor that makes it such a fun 'breakup' song. Thanks for this! Yeah, I was fortunate for a period of almost 10 years in the middle of my career to be leader of a TEAM of 18 professionals who really made work fun. Unfortunately for us - my boss was a former VP from IBM and didn't think work should be fun, or workers should be productive, innovative, etc. Keep it up - you certainly have what it takes. Even to be a 'lead player' ! Jim
  21. Why do I keep trying to assign Forum Members to each of the characters in that poster? Guy playing the Martin - easy choice... guy playing the mandolin...yep.... Why do bass players always seem a little weirder than anyone they are with? ... lots of choices there...
  22. Yep. To my ears, at least as much variability as switching between strings. All sorts of shapes, bevels and materials not available fortyearsago.... Technology occasionally does actually deliver the goods !
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