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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. If you can't play it without significant pain - the answer is obvious.
  2. The way it works is - you have inventories that cost what you spent on them - x years ago, but they have increased in 'value' in times of inflation. You wouldn't sell a Mickey Mantle baseball card you bought for 5 cents with 4 more cards and a stick of gum today for a penny. So, on your 'balance sheet' you value that asset at its worth today. as a result - your 'Equity" or net worth goes up. Same as if the real estate worth of land in Bozeman your building is sitting on went up because of all the California immigrants. The cash Bozeman doles out this year to buy rosewood which they have to sit on for years, has to be covered this year by cash they take in this year. Or - they look like they are losing money. And, they would be. A minor point - otherwise I agree with you 100%. (I'm guessing the Russians have seized all the Ukrainian Rosewood.)
  3. It's basically a $5K guitar, with a pick guard that goes down past the bridge... The extra $2,500 goest to CS for the time it takes him to fit his hand in the sound hole to sign the label.
  4. Whitefang, No complaint. Just general observation that age, and it's implications is getting closer to all of us. "Growing Old Is Not For The Faint of Heart." was my mother's favorite saying. I appreciate your great attitude and the good things you bring to this forum. I hope you and your wife have a good day today!
  5. Dhan - you're right, of course. What starts out as one, simple, humorous, ironic, sarcastic comment can quickly grow into trolling from several sides at once. And if someone throws a political comment in - it's a free for all ! So we need to agree to tip-toe around politics when talking about inflation. That said ... I see this as a 2 part question: Are Gibson's price increases higher than inflation? and, is Gibson pricing their guitars out of reach of most working musicians? Many here have touched on pieces of the answers. Even Sgt.Pepper with his "Yes" and then "No". (Probably the best answer.) "Official Retail Inflation" (the Consumer Price Index) in the US has been increasing each month this year. It jumped by 9.1% in June and 8.6% in May. Few people are seeing their paychecks go up 9% this year compared to last year, so few people are able to buy as much as they could a year ago. This leads us to consider costs - always the starting point for setting prices: how much have Bozeman's costs gone up? We all know specialized wood is going up. I saw plywood prices at Lowes last week - WOW ! I'm guessing skilled labor costs in MT are probably going up faster than the average US labor rate. So, it is likely that the average cost increases for Bozeman are greater than 'average'. So, it's probably safe to conclude prices on Gibson Acoustics have gone up at least to keep pace with inflation over the past few years. Or they'd be operating at a loss! The second part of the question - affordability to a Full-time, professional, career Musician. If we just consider USD on Gibsion's site - and hold aside the differences in exchange rates, which is real. and possible increases in sales tax, retailers markups, etc. the question is answered by asking the question differently. Have inflationary pressures on gas, food, utilities, housing, etc. , caused people to have less 'disposable income' for entertainment? Is proportionality less money being spent on 'music' ? In the past 2 years, we've heard many anecdotes here that would suggest that to be the case: that there are fewer better paying opportunities and that probably translates to lower pay rates. So, in today's economy, US or International, can a Working Musician afford a brand new SJ-200? Probably not without dipping into savings (hope the roof doesn't spring a leak) or financing it. But no one is at fault here. Can a working circuit race car driver, aspiring to break into NASCAR, get a competitive Chevy or Ford? Not without sponsors. Can aspiring sculptors afford high grade marble? Not without sponsors. Can a portrait artist afford new canvases, or does he have to paint over last years unsold portrait? Can a house painter afford scaffolding? Capitalism - it isn't fair, but it's better than the alternative.
  6. Nah. No points ... you get a TROPHY for being an acoustic guy. Of course, everyone gets a trophy, so.... Was trying to point out that when your surprisingly respectful and insightful comments on the actual topic of Gibson Pricing were getting trashed by someone, derailing the discussion - the fact RvrDxn jumped in with his charm and wit, was proportionate, appropriate and worked. So he shouldn't be criticized. Gee, someone even thought he might have been a reincarnation of D28 !
  7. i for one think Rvr is a breath of fresh air here. No harm in pushing back on members when they sidetrack threads with snarky comments. Even if they are directed at Sgt. Pepper.
  8. Yep. That's the one Master Chief. Supposedly good for glutes. I'd guess nothing sexual happens for at least 24 hours after - based on the ER docs discharge instruction! Dan -- know what you mean. Neighbors/friends across street, Ms.40 use to go walking with wife most mornings - they've both been incapacitated. "Perfect Health' up until a few weeks ago then he got one thing after the other - and she has balance/vertigo issues and is suppose to use a walker. He can't get out (up until a few weeks ago, would do all his own lawn work) so she is the 'designated shopper'. But she is barely able to walk around the block most days. It's one thing hear about it or read about it - but when it actually happens across the street .. what appears to be a permanent slide into a different stage of life with significantly lesser 'quality of life' ....
  9. I recall old member GillianGirl wrote once in a pick thread that, as a kid, she'd cut up old plastic milk cartons. I guess on the bottom where they're thicker. Imagine that'd last longer than credit cards. Wonder if I could carve a pick out of one of my dogs' old NylaBones. Those seem indestructible.
  10. My father bought a 3 y/o 57 Pontiac identical to that Bel Air. Same color turquoise .. but he had it painted Red and White the same week at Earl Sheib for $19.99.
  11. Barbell Hip Thrust ... whatever the h3!1 that is !
  12. Funny how many good threads get sidetracked... Squirrel !
  13. Looks like we have a new J45 to add to the list started by One Wiley Fool - of the 50 some odd sub-models of the J45. The J50 version !
  14. Daughter texted this am to tell us she is weight lifting 244lbs. I felt old when my sons got to the point they could beat me arm wrestling. Now I feel decrepit.
  15. I also got one as a gift - went crazy with it. Grabbed 'Gift Card' blanks at stores for more choices after using my credit cards. Quit using them after awhile, because they wore out too quickly. Make nice novelty gifts for some folks. Starbucks ones for my daughter who loves Starbucks and plays the guitar. Though she has a Taylor, so ....
  16. I think the personality type of people who become Super Rich leads them ultimately to feel guilty and empowered to shape the direction of the human condition. "Elite" doesn't come close to describing it. At least back in the era of Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford - they were limited by technology. Now, many don't even dance around the edges with 'Green' this and 'Peace' that. They jump right into actual politics and law making - or finance people who do. I guess we've passed the point where politicians who will not accept term limits would consider not accepting donations from people and 'foundations' outside of their state, country even. And, to get back to the OP - China not only owns a lot of our farmland - but also the processors. "Food Chain" - a subset of our Supply Chain. China owns "Nathan's" . Owns "Smithfield Farms"- which owns Nathans. And my mother use to worry about what they put in hot dogs.
  17. That's the truth! And you start to understand and embrace the underlying reasons why he saved "Twist Ties" from the bread as you notice your junk drawer is full of them.
  18. Had to 'google' Grisman. Reminded he was a member of The Even Dozen Jug Band. Probably my most played 33 1/3rd RPMer back in the mid-60s. Nearly every member went on, after their one and only album, to become notable in music. Wish I still had that album. And my 1950s TOPPS baseball cards...
  19. OR, as an alternative to AMAZON - you can use SPOTIFY.......
  20. Usually it's the one of us who is wearing a lampshade on my head.
  21. Someone mixed mustard and catsup and came up with an offensive color. 😀
  22. My comment was based on several things I read that were NOT written by Fogerty. I love his music, and respect his success. Regardless, my comment, based on his many lawsuits, followed those who said he was always mad about something, hair trigger, something between him and his brother, lost control of his songs, sued for sounding like himself. Context. I don't think I'll be able to find the time to read his autobiography.
  23. Well said and succinct. In his defense, Sgt.Pepper may have had a bad root canal experience with a dentist - he keeps holding them out as examples of rich, tasteless, bourgeois, high end guitar buyers.
  24. Thanks RBS !!! Some of the points attempting to be made here possibly should be MUTE though. Murph pointed one out that pops up daily.
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