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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Another great thread! I thought we were stuck in the summer doldrums. Welcome Aboard and thanks SC4070 ! Hope you hang around. My only observation - Gibson over the years has made big and small changes to models as well as individual guitars - standard vs custom vs limited.... which make it very difficult to generalize or quantify their changing models. My thought has always been "If you've seen one J45, you've seen one J45." They're all different - some a little, some a lot. Some accidentally or whimsically - some as an evolution of a new 'sub-product line'. (Original, Modern, Historic, Custom, as nauseam) . J45s at one time were square shouldered, for example. While the Southern Jumbo is bling-ier, they had an even more plain version of the J45 - the WM-45 for several years. Country Western was a blinged down from the iconic H'Bird - sort of the opposite direction of the Southern Jumbo to the iconic J45. So, while I enjoy learning of these differences and similarities, as a tire kicker, they are above my ability to nail down. Like a kaleidoscope. But I agree - it is important to research these differences and similarities. They may someday point to black and white answers to 'How does bridge pin distance from the saddle affect sound/tone?" Thanks again for joining us.
  2. This thread has caused me to think, open up my old mind a bit.. Cars, naturally age fast and 'technology' causes older models (and parts) to become more scarce. So, Like New/ well cared for ones are more in demand - to a select market. Acoustic guitars, pretty much the opposite. High end ones are prized and cared for. Parts, tend to never wear out. So, ones that look like they've got 100,000 miles on the odometer are more prized. Again, by a select market. Not many of us here it seems. A 20 year old guitar will, in most cases, be in better shape and have held its' value more than a 20 year old guitar. I like the fact my 3 Gibsons are relatively old - 10 to 15, but in very good shape. I don't like the dings -- anymore than I like the wrinkles I see in the mirror. I now realize that I have taken better care of my guitars than my face. And like BK777, age has made me wise enough to not touch the '22 year old girlfriend' trick question.
  3. HAH ! Everyday is Saturday ! That has been my mantra for years now. I figure out what day it is by trying to remember what I watched on TV the previous night. Can't see the day/date on my watch on the rare occasions I wear it. And it's great - don't have to cringe when Monday rolls around !
  4. I've been retired for 10 years, after 38 behind a desk, half of which also behind a computer. (Ironically, I sit on one now...). I tried volunteer work at the city zoo - and at a 'horse rescue ranch right out of the gate.... both high on my list. Zoo got old after a year due to volunteers being treated like chattel, - Horses after 4 years - 20 miles each way got to be too much. And only the horses appreciated it. I am amazed at how I keep busy now, still. I wonder how I got 'personal stuff' done when I was away 9-10 hours a day. I'd seriously consider not considering staying at work in a part time role - if you want to really feel Liberated. But - I know people who feel the exact opposite. My brother in law is collecting 2 pensions: US military and CDC and now is transferring to a full time job at another Federal Agency although he's 67. He would drive his wife crazy if he stayed home. She'd go find a full time job somewhere. ANYWHERE ! So, it's important to consider how your family feels about your pending release from prison.
  5. Once, every Blue Moon, I agree with you 1000% !
  6. Lightly toasted “good” bun; then regular yellow mustard, then sweet relish and sauerkraut drained of the juice, Hebrew National grilled. The REAL 5 food groups!
  7. One opportunity I had I am thankful for decades later - was to work in retail during college. I came away with the unchanged conclusion that approximately 5% of the population should not be allowed out in public. Rude, inconsiderate, and worse. That's why Guitar Center has it so tough. Well, one reason.
  8. Interestingly disappointing to hear 'producers' having that much bias. One thing we all here seem to agree on is "You have to hear it before you ...." Their loss long term - you loss short term.
  9. I think the average guy who isn't familiar with acoustics, has seen tv shows where they are used by props and thrown in the back of a pickup truck, or enjoy videos of performers smashing their acoustics after each concert - doesn't appreciate how fragile they are. Was a student in a music class 15 years ago (jazz, community college, a dozen or so 19 yo music majors all with electrics). The instructor cautioned them to be very carful to not hit or damage my SJ200. I thought it a strange comment. Until 30 minutes later - the guy to my right smacked and dinged my lower bout with his Fender Bender headstock. I guess if I had stuck the class out, I would have wound up wit a relic'd acoustic.
  10. For some reason - last night was only half as loud. I was disappointed - even though the dogs hate it - I love the fireworks.
  11. J45fan - there is a market for 50 year old guitars with honest road wear, for 50 year old guitars that are minty fresh, and for 5 day old guitars that are minty fresh and - as discussed here - for 5 day old guitars that are made to look 50 y/o. None of the people who buy them are clowns, as someone here suggested. Saying it doesn't make it so. Writing it on a guitar forum neither. I hope you stick around and get a few thousand posts under your belt - then you'll realize some people come here to complain about blue Gibson guitars, drops of glue inside their Gibson guitar bodies, pick guards covering part of the rosette, pick guards not covering part of the rosette, plastic bridge pins, heavy tuners, too much bling, etc. In most of those discussions, someone will eventually resort to words like 'clown', 'pathetic' and worse. When those discussions are 'political' they are taken down. Otherwise, they're left up to toughen us all up a bit more. It occurred to me - a lot of the performers I see on TV have 'noticeably aged' looking guitars - often J45s They also have torn jeans, baseball hats on backwards and sing about dogs and pickup trucks they've never owned. So, I just accept it as part of the performance. I doubt anyone here, if somehow forced to discard their penchant for outrageous language, would either.
  12. Rolex and Rolls Royce make products I can't afford. Even 'used'. But I don't want them to go under. Bozeman has finite space, people and equipment. Limited quantities = higher relative demand = higher prices. I would be curious how a price for a J45 has performed to standards like the Whopper, or the F-150. Regardless, it is unfortunate that New Retail prices are out of reach of at least 90% of us. Back in the day of starving artists - they would have to paint over previous paintings when they couldn't afford new canvas. Money doesn't always flow in the direction you think it should.
  13. Three dogs here: One gets scared - the other two feed off it. Maybe if I drag them into the backyard and sit with them in a lawn chair for an hour or so. Tried everything else. Always someone within 3 or 4 houses shooting off rockets. S.A.M.s !
  14. At the risk of this getting deleted because a couple of members turn it into a negative, political argument ... I HOPE WE CAN ALL FIND THE TIME TODAY TO REFLECT ON OUR FREEDOMS AND HOW FORTUNATE WE ARE, COMPARED TO MANY THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. To 'pass it on' this blessing - try to do something to celebrate what we share as a nation and try to share that patriotism with your family and children. Even something as small as grilling hot dogs !
  15. An ''Influencer" with no juice. Should get a 22 y/o hottie to present his stuff on TikTok.
  16. I represent that! But you left out 'old', 'political', and my favorite 'fan boys' .
  17. Good on you ... you're a better musician now !! 😃 5 years old ! I was doing Teensy Weensy Spider at that age.
  18. No - I mean higher AND lower prices. Yes - Good on Gibson: I'd rather have a good guitar than a good record. (Just read NY State still hasn't put their 1950 Census on the computer yet. ) Yes - I can't accurately say where a guitar was stored before it was sold, but we all know some folks store them in their trunks. And many eventually sell them. Or their ex-wives do.
  19. Maybe you got a bogus guitar since you purchased it from 'the Everly website' ? If it has a CoA and you're the original owner - register the warranty and then call it in. As far as the case - if the seller is not an 'authorized' Gibson dealer, they may have taken the good case and substituted a cheap knock off. I'd take photos and ask Bozeman about that too. And why the CoA - doesn't state it was a Limited Run of 30. You certainly have a lot to be concerned about. As far as the finish - I can't see a photo.
  20. Yep - much more comfortable to play, neck, body. I like to think back in the day they got really good wood but didn't think about it. Not as many of us cork sniffers back then. I remember my wood working expert brother in law in GA said he use to go to different plants, scouring their discarded pallets for good wood, and would sometimes find rosewood he believed came from Brazil - back when they were burning their forests to clear farmland - I guess they also made pallets? Who knows. Apologies Jinder. Did not intend to divert/deflect your thread. Congrats on saving a great guitar from the trash heap !
  21. In 1995, Bozeman did not actually have 'marketing gurus'. Their new facility, moved from Kalamazoo had been opened for 5 years, with 100 employees. Ten+ years later, they started to expand with new regular production models within each of the model product lines. They created "True Vintage" within the J45, H'Bird and SJ200 models for example. A few years later, discontinued it but created the "Vintage" models which were identical but had a torrified spruce top. Different type of spruce. Now they have sub-groups: Original, Modern, Custom, Historic ... with versions being added and removed. They expanded their plant, a couple of years ago, I guess to offer more choice and price points for the 'market'. Some members here are quick to reply with snarky comments but have never really 'owned' a Gibson acoustic. Some come here having bought used one that someone kept in their car trunk or on their screened in back porch and then proceed to complain about Gibson quality. As you know, the standard SJ200 has Maple back & sides. If yours has Rosewood, or 'flamed' or 'quilt' maple - someone typing up the label on the manual typewriter might have just decided it was 'Special' compared to the hundreds of 'Standards'. They don't bother typing 'standard' on those labels. If you can post a photo, or describe what your specs are - someone here might suggest a reason for the 'Special'. If you're really interested, you might be able to get someone in Customer Service in Bozeman to tell you what they have listed on their specs for that serial number/model/year. Of course, their focus is making guitars - not keeping detailed records going back decades. If they don't have the records, they may not call you back. Enjoy your SJ200, I love my 2004. Because they are not mass-produced, they're all 'special' ! And ... WELCOME ABOARD !
  22. I think if I could get my wife's old Harmony fixed up - neck and bridge issues - I'd play it as much as any of my others.
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