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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I must have missed the "Recall Notice". Or was it a comment someone posted on the Unofficial Martin Guitar Forum ? "Most, if not all..." sort of tops your other posts/complaints about Gibson quality. I'm sure you must have actual proof of this claim, or you wouldn't have made it.... so I won't suggest you post it. Maybe.
  2. "Thanks friend. I love the guitar. But still have no idea how much it's worth. I see old Hummingbirds ranging from 5k to 23k..." Baja - you can get an appraisal as you are considering - but I'm guessing you've learned here 95% of what you might get from one. If you've put together a large sample of 63 H'Birds with prices, focus only on those in the same condition ('Excellent, Very Good' ?) yours is in. Throw out the highs and the lows and take an average of those in the middle of the Bell Curve. I'd doubt it's 'worth' more than $10K, based on a quick search on Reverb. But, as you know, what it's 'worth' to you is what you can get just ONE person to pay for it - IE. what it's 'worth' to them. Unless you plan on selling it, what it's worth is moot. You can insure it for whatever you want - but in the event of a loss, the insurance company will not pay based on exquisite sound, sentimental value, or even what we say here. You'll be at the mercy of a Claims Adjuster who doesn't know squat about guitars. If you're thinking of selling in a market that's going up regularly, just list it on the high end and wait for someone to agree with your price.
  3. Here's a replacement that YOUTUBE hasn't removed. Not saying it's 'vintage' Emmylou - you can tell from the elastic rubber band type capo Rodney Crowell is using. There's no such thing as a bad Emmylou video !
  4. Malstew - possibly your reply was for another thread? Maybe the Songwriter Deluxe Studio Feedback issue one ? Baja - value ? Prices have gone up substantially in the past year or two. Go to REVERB and search for your model, era. Look at recent sales for the best indication, not asking prices on ones that haven't sold. Condition is a subjective but important variable. G'Luck.
  5. Looks perfect. Much harder with the larger tiles. I did a large project 20 years ago with the brick pavers. They are more forgiving, being smaller and thicker. I'd never attempt it now. Don't know if it's cause I'm older or smarter. Now your rib eye smoke can waft over the fence and make your neighbor jealous !.
  6. DRob, yeah. It’s a great exercise, to go outside your comfort zone when challenged by a friend or relative to learn, transcribe and teach a song you otherwise wouldn’t touch. Last one I remember doing was “Sweater Weather”. Brrrr.
  7. I think those who perform so well, unlike myself, deserve credit for the countless hours of practice, lessons, and overall dedication they have. I am basically a noodler at heart - good at snippets, but not 'performances'. But I am proud of having gotten to that first plateau where I can truly appreciate it when a member shares a great performance like that one.
  8. I got mine under similar circumstances. No certificate OR Cali Girl case. Nice TKL case substitution by Guitar Center. ENJOY !
  9. The Dove is listed at $4.500 while the H'Bird is only $4.000. $500 for a longer neck ?
  10. Yep. With all do respect to any officers of the court here - I think we have twice as many lawyers as any other country in the world. We use to be "A Nation of Laws", now we're just "A Nation of Lawyers." , Ever notice, when there's an ambulance racing down the street, there's always a car racing right behind it ?
  11. Yep - 9. A three ring circus when the 19 of us get together. At this point - only one seems mildly interested in the guitar. Prefer computer games. Hopefully, when they get older...
  12. One would think artificially intelligent beings would only censor words they deem unacceptable on their platforms when they are standalone - preceded and followed by a space - and not in the middle of what one would assume might be a legitimate word. I read somewhere that somewhere down the road, computers will become 'independent' and protect themselves from being controlled by humans. Five years ago - I would have laughed it off as Science Fiction, no longer. I guess we're setting ourselves up to that 'takeover' when we say "it's a computer glitch" and just accept it.
  13. Sort of ironic - we get a 'day' in the middle of Pride Month. (Or is it counter-intuitive?) Either way, got to be with my 4 kids, we were at our 5th and last day at the shore - South Padre Island.
  14. "You are one serious Bird man - but we know. I hover right behind you. ." I'm humbled... You are clearly above and ahead. My H'bird TV fell into my lap ... wasn't searching for 'the one'. But, it is the one I would grab if the SHTF. Along with my 3 dogs... Curious, just opened the photo in the OP. Burst appears a shade lighter than the TVs I've seen - like yours, I assume the one in the middle? I also noticed it appears to have a pickup control in the sound hole. Unless installed after it left Bozeman (sacrilege !) it would indicate this guitar is on the cusp - possibly in the early days as the Standards were being upgraded to what would be carved out asTVs, but before the two were officially separated into two different models. Would be great if the original owner had preserved the 'certificate' to see what it says. But, at the end of the day, 'A Rose By Any Other Name..."
  15. I noticed the other day that USPS stamps now have one of those QR codes. (Bar Code on steroids) Glad to see our tax dollars are going somewhere useful. Nice Gearbasher - looks like pewter?
  16. The H'bird, especially the TV - is obviously different than a J45. So, different strings might get you closer to what you're looking for. Some of us prefer strings that are aged a bit so they are not overly bright. 12s are what I use. Martin Lifespan SP. Had them on for almost 3 years now. About ready for a new set. Congrats! Let us know how it works out.
  17. Congrats ! Looks minty fresh. Excellent choice! Is that TRC in the bag the original or a custom ?
  18. When there are updates, or hiccups on the system - I think I just get "System Unavailable" or something similar. BruceB seems to get a clear "BANNED" message. At this point - no one else here seems to have chimed in having had a similar experience. Even those legitimately banned. (we know who that is ... maybe currently banned and can't chime in!) So, I'd lean towards it being a scammer/hacker.
  19. Agree. I bought a fancy “multimeter”. One of those things you use to measure ohms, amps, etc. couldn’t figure it out. Had to buy a cheap standard one.
  20. For a minute I thought this was going to be about taking a 300 lb 60 year old lady from the South out dancing and dining.
  21. Yep she read "add one Half Cup". Sort of like the teacher I read who told their kids WWII was World War Eleven. Half the population has below average intelligence. Not sure if that 'means' anything though!
  22. In less than 24 hours - it's just an infection. Put on Hydrogen Peroxide. Soak it in something. Squeeze out the 'pus'. Put on Hydrogen Peroxide after it dries out again to bubble out the junk.
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