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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Just spent an hour composing a lengthy explanation on how various economic policies implemented in the past 2 years have affected prices and caused inflation, but decided to delete it because it would open the door to political diatribe. I would suggest anyone actually interested in looking at 'facts' simply look at the GDP by quarter for the past few years, given it is the single best indicator of a country's economic health. If you do, you can overlay economic decisions made by bureaucrats and politicians and figure out for yourself where shrinkflation and inflation came from.
  2. Yeah. Read it somewhere. Someone tried to explain that 1/4 is greater than 1/3 because 4 is bigger than 3. It stuck in my brain because the persons who they were interviewing were supposedly in college. Made me wonder if my degree is only worth half what I paid for it !
  3. Sarcasm = Humor. Yep.... More than half the current crop of Liberal Arts college graduates wouldn't have gotten the message. But then, they would also not realize the message "Contents Sold By Weight, not volume" on your cereal box is a marketing sham dreamed up by business majors they use to make fun of. And probably not notice when they open up a box of Kellogs Cereal - it's only 2/3rds full.
  4. FWIW - I have had a KLIQ Uber tuner, for about 8 or 9 years. Works great, display is very clear when you are precisely in tune or 'closing in on it'. Cost less than - but $25 now. I probably put it on and take it off once a day - changed battery once or twice. Keep it in a little cardboard box when not using it, so it doesn't get beat up. Just looked it up - 3 year guarantee.
  5. Quarter Pounders are down to 1/3 of a pound.
  6. The only place you can pick your seat in public is when you go to church.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if it is the cause. I read a story (20 years ago?) visiting an abandoned homestead from the 1800s in Big Bend. A family went there to try to establish a small ranch. The wife/mother was stuck by a cactus, developed an infection and soon died. The father and his children abandoned the ranch and moved back East. There's one type of cactus out there they call 'Horse Killers'. I don't think it's the thorns per se - it's what they have on them, built up in the months since the last rain storm - to inject into you. G'Luck !
  8. I have/had a 64 LG1 I bought new for $125. Gave it to my son, 7 or 8 years ago. Looked into replacing the plastic bridge ten years ago. Luthier said it was working perfectly fine and change would only be cosmetic. ZombyWoof touched on that. So you may first want to find out if yours is working ok, and if there are any other issues - chewed up bridge plate? ZombyWoof noted both these issues. Cost - like getting a quote from a Car Repair Shop - can vary. Jedzep guessed around $500 and I'd go with that. Pickguard? I'd be less worried about getting one to maintain the 'originality', ostensibly to preserve/increase it's re-sale value - then the other issues. The original p/g was close to 1/4" thick. Mine fell off twice, so I left it in the case. The phantom outline of the former p/g adds mojo, at least to me. But, if you're a heavy strummer, there are lots of thinner, more flexible and more attractive ones out there. You can get them as cheap as $5. Average 'decent' is $15 on this site. https://guitarpartsresource.com/pickguards_acoustic.htm Lot's of choices. If you go that route, do not use any strange cleaners to prepare the surface or you'll destroy the existing finish and really reduce the value of your guitar. Congrats on your new-to-you guitar !
  9. Music Villa guy describe it as 'an orchestra'. I've always felt mine was more like a Steinway Grand Concert Piano - maybe because mine isn't a cutaway and is a double bar! Regardless, they certainly have a wonderfully unique sound. The blue stain is clearly something that would be an acquired taste. You'd have to take the leap and buy it first - but I wouldn't go so far as to call it ugly.
  10. Unless my math is off by a decimal point or two - that opening bid screams HOAX !
  11. Had posted a response to the duplicate thread of this, like Dhanner. Which disappeared.... Only thing I don't see covered nicely already here - the value of LG1s has indeed been 'surging' as BKing noted. It was steady around the $1K mark but is now over double that. The used market increase is much less obviously. And, yeah, ymmv - depends on the condition of the guitar, the need/want dynamics of the potential buyer, etc. But Reverb is a barometer you can't ignore. So, Bird9, your LG1 is certainly worth investing in maintaining or improving its stability, playability and tone. Case. You need to want one ! Easy to find - price a function of how well it protects. If you aren't taking it on a plane, you don't need a tank. Conveniently, most standard classical guitar cases also fit the LG1. If you bring this to a luthier wrapped in a blanket, he may scratch his head.
  12. Binding - tough call. The right material / color could add to the body, like picking a frame for a painting or photo. The wrong material / color could detract. And, cutting the groove could lead to chipping, splintering, etc. But, I think the right shade(s) of cream would add to the beauty of the body. Fretboard - seems like ebony 'goes' better with the spalted body. But, I have a hard time matching my socks to my bermuda shorts in summer. Keep this up and you'll have people beating a path to your door !
  13. It certainly wasn't my 'nibble, nibble, mouse, mouse'. That's in the Public Domain from "Hantzel & Gretel". or was it "Hamilton" ??
  14. Nibble, nibble, mouse, mouse...
  15. Well, THAT certainly is a bloviated arrogantly presumptuous nihilistic right-wing thing to suggest! 😉 I knew we'd get there eventually.... Oh, wait. I know. It's 'sarcasm' and therefore 'allowed' ... RIGHT ?
  16. Suggest you 'accept other versions'. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ukulele+over+the+rainbow&t=osx&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1GcjuLm2_vU
  17. I'd be more inclined to buy a copy of the spectacles he has hanging on a chain around his neck.
  18. Crazy people of all ages, all nationalities, all levels of society - seem to have an undue/disproportionate influence on the very lives of peaceful people. I guess we'd better just accept it because it's been going on for centuries.
  19. Does this thread make my butt look big? (yeah - get a G String. Elixir preferably)
  20. Is this, like - you know ... a 'trap' ?
  21. Yep. Might be counterproductive to ban people, forums need members ! Controversial ones tend to keep it alive, even if they are sometimes a PITA. But I'd freeze the thread for a week so that people coming back to it can figure out what language, behavior got it shut down. Otherwise, people (like me) don't learn from their mistakes, because we assume it was the other guy ! No question in my mind that we have too much divisive bs everywhere - and do not need it here. And the best way to keep it out is, as Barney Fife would tell Andy "Nip it in the bud."
  22. I either saw that one, or one I'm sure is similar. Centered around people who left. The very definition of a 'cult'. Scary if you're born into something like that.
  23. Nope. No score if you don't make it to 8 and no extra credit for longer. Those who make it to 8 are subjectively scored then - by judges - based on how well they did compared to how tough the bull was. Sort of like Olympic Figure skating. If you fall down before your program is over, you lose. If not - you're at the mercy of the judges.
  24. The reason there is a fine line ...a 'Thin, Gray Line' between politics and current events and between politics and celebrities and between politics and religion and between politics and the weather and between politics and sports and between politics and healthcare, education and transportation ... Is because everything - EVERY subject under the sun has been made political. Protest songs ? Instruments made in China? Prime Time TV ? Even the commercials for soap. All we can safely talk about here is weather .... whoops! WHETHER we use Medium or Light strings. Or how many versions of the J45 there are. Amps. Russian tubes.... ? Danger Will Robinson ! Sooner or later, someone will interpret a comment as political, and double down. Moderating a forum is like herding baby sharks.
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