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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Wife watches rodeos 3 or 4 nights a week on RFD as keeper of The Remote. Interesting how different the levels of performance are. . Some rodeos are just for high school 'kids'. Occasionally when the rodeo is over, we get mesmerized watching a show where people dance counter clockwise on a huge dance floor to live music which is country, but sometimes includes a saxophone, etc. Most of the dancers are septuagenarians. Music, moves, wardrobe - like a time capsule.
  2. If you are reading this - I'm pretty sure you did not die yesterday. Like the sign at our city's Crab Shack restaurants: "Free Beer with your meal tomorrow."
  3. It looks to be in great shape cosmetically. If the action on the neck is good and the bridge is sound, you may not need to replace it. If you do, have the luthier look at the bridge plate underneath. They get chewed up. The PG was thick and chunky. You might choose to leave it bare. Or get a thinner one. They’re not expensive. LG1s are going for around $2k now with the general upsurge in the market. Congrats!
  4. Congrats Steve on your new SJ200. I love my 2004, 4 bar mustache! Curious what exactly you're asking Bozeman? Wine color indicates it's a Standard, as you said. Did the other one in the store have a 2 bar or a 4 bar? Bozeman is (in)famous for occasionally mixing up the specs on individual guitars. Some view these anomalies are part of Gibson's charm. Others think they indicate a QC failing. Since you got to see it before you bought it, I guess I'm just curious what your asking Bozeman? Enjoy - like getting a new car, only better now that gas has doubled in price !
  5. Congrats on finding 'the one'. I think the reason the J45 is phenomenally popular because it can do everything well, as Sgt.Pepper pointed out. Other models, companies produce some great guitars - that is not the reason for this thread. It is to be happy for one of our fold who has come back, and found a "Workhorse" is what floats his boat. Enjoy the break-in period. The honeymoon will lead to even better vibes!
  6. Wowsers! Must be the real deal if she put her name on it. Sinker Mahogany back and sides for unique tone! Interesting back story - it comes from Belize (former British Honduras) , where they lost approx. 30% of the logs they tried to float downriver where they've been sitting for 100 years. I guess live trees are protected by our Fish and Game agents. I thought the exotic wood would (🤪) add a few thousand to the price - but you can buy the pieces for around $300. https://store.hearnehardwoods.com/?filter_species=mahogany-sinker
  7. Yeah. I need remedial reading too, since your topic heading also noted 'Dove'. Still loved the sound!
  8. Not that I question the numbers, but I've always been under the impression Martin produced more acoustics than Gibson, the latter being more 'hands on'. I guess I'd want to see production numbers by year (not using 1964 as 'typical') to help factor in changes in factories and technology over the decades. And, I'd want to see the numbers by country. But, to cut to the chase - I actually couldn't care less how many either have made in the past centuries. Or this century. And care even less than that about the 2 Blue 'Diamond' studded Martins. (Sort of like giving yourself an Oscar or a Nobel Peace Prize to keep in your 'museum'. ) Only thing that matters to me is that when I go into a bricks and mortar store - they seem to have 5x as many Martins as Gibsons available.
  9. That was a great, great performance, great sounding H'Bird. Thanks Em7th !
  10. I'm guessing a lot of the HR Weenies in some companies would give you 3 days for your own funeral - but you'd have to stay at home by the phone.
  11. And innovated... imagine a time when the Federal Government could get it's collective stuff together so fast and efficiently to order stringed instrument companies reduce metal content to 10%. My father's company in Brooklyn switched from making Fuse boxes like you have in your home - to mortar shells.
  12. I was surprised to learn our Memorial Day started out in a few small cities as tributes to those of their townsmen who died in the Civil War. Which the South viewed as their Second Rebellion. WWI and WWII (which TwangGang's bagger probably thinks is World War Eleven) just solidified it as part of our culture. Sadly, after Vietnam, the Liberals in our Schools decided it would not be a National Holiday for our children and it was just another school day for them. If parents didn't tell their kids what it was - they'd grow up clueless. Fortunately, the School Ban only lasted a decade or so. Most of us have a relative or a school mate or a friend who died in one of our wars. Hard to imagine not taking 2 or 3 minutes to be thankful and remember them once a year.
  13. Agree. I'd rather be playing the guitar than listening to some self-appointed wannabe influencer talk about Going Back to the Future with a guitar legend. Like saying George Washington couldn't get elected dog catcher today because of his wooden teef.
  14. I have lots of old stuff - that isn't even worth what I paid for it decades ago. Difference between antiques and junk? What someone else is willing to pay for your old stuff.
  15. Those of us who grew up watching Father Knows Best, Leave it to Beaver, Ozzie & Harriet, etc. apparently wanted our kids to have more exciting entertainment: Miami Vice, MASH, Three's Company... Now my kids (in their 40s) love things like Game of Thrones. We are what we eat.
  16. Last night wife's turn with the remote - put on Antique Road Show. They had a Martin D-28 from the early 40s. Woman said her brother bought it in early 70s as a college student in a pawn shop for $300. Appraiser, like all of them, was an expert. Tuners had been replaced, otherwise in great condition Brazilian RW b&s. He told her it was worth around $45K - she was blown away. The show was filmed around 20 years ago. Updated the appraisal value. I think it was $90K. BUT - my point - He said people needed to hear it, so they could understand the beauty was in the tone, not the physical. WOW ! he strummed a "C" chord. We have decent speakers on our year old flat screen - but I'm sure they didn't do that Martin justice. I wouldn't hesitate to spend the money - but I am unworthy of such a fine instrument. My take away - vintage guitars are worth the money and the search. If you have the time and the cash. Now, I'm a little less enamored with my 3 current era Gibson acoustics.
  17. I read somewhere that The Greatest Generation owed their greatness to their parents and grandparents for how they were raised. There's no denying that the Baby Boomers have screwed the pooch. Dr. Spock, Walter Cronkite, had more influence on us in the media than Billy Graham and Fulton J.Sheen.
  18. I've seen videos of a few places where golf carts have evolved to a whole new level. I believe in retirement communities, I'd guess in Florida. The rich old farts trick out their golf carts out, spending as much as a new car would cost. Obviously, this is not the first First World Problem we've uncovered here: Maybe some customers are retired pimps.
  19. Agree. Just though hiding them would make it a little harder. Our house was broken into, maybe 18 years ago. Stole a guitar and a banjo. (POS ones - not hidden)/// my only good one was with me. Only other thing they stole were the remotes. Still can't figure that one out. But concluded they weren't too bright and, if someone figures out somehow you're not home and breaks in, it probably wouldn't hurt to hide things if you're gonna be gone for more than few days.
  20. Because home burglars cruise guitar forums for this kind of info. Forget I asked.... How about an easy one... What kind of strings do you use ?
  21. Curious - what do you all do with your guitars when you go 'out of town' ? I have only 3 - all good ones - and I've got 3 really good places to hide each one. On the assumption if someone breaks in, they'll try to be in and out in 5 minutes and not find them. I leave my banjo out in the middle of my music room as 'bait'.
  22. And in the news today - a $2M Solid Gold tabernacle was stolen off the altar of a Catholic Church in NYC. Thieves also cut the head off one of the religious statues for good measure. Ancient Chinese Curse: "May you live in interesting times."
  23. Medicare is more convoluted than the Tax Code. Intentionally so.
  24. Your point is well taken. The gratuitous pandering you refer to is everywhere today. Most just accept it - expect it. If it's in the trailer (which I saw a month ago in a theater) that means it's part of the marketing message.
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