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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. It's a desirable guitar. Don't rush the sale. The signature on the label (Ren Ferguson) adds significant value to those who know who he is and appreciate fine guitars. Maybe his special stash of 'Mystic Rosewood'.
  2. Not knowing how much lower you've talked them down - it's hard to tell if they'll be insulted. I think most of us here have been insulted at one time or another in our lives, including by low ball bidders. I'm not insulted when it's a guitar. I was significantly insulted when we had a really low offer on a custom house we had built. In part because the bidder started out by looking for and pointing out things he didn't like. If you tell them it's a great sounding guitar in great shape, but you 'can only afford' $X - they probably will just view it as a business transaction and not a personal insult. From what you've said, I know I'd be regretting not offering $1500 and compromising at $1600. Prices seem to be much higher, and I doubt they'll ever go down. So, the real question is whether you want this guitar, not the price - plus or minus a few hundred $ - now that you've zeroed in on what its market value is. G'Luck.
  3. Usually the sock gets stuck in the sleeve of a shirt. Go through all your shirts. Sometimes even gets jammed in a pan leg. You'll need to go through those if it's not in the shirts. G'Luck. /s/
  4. Yep... not too difficult of a process, compared to what I imagine it is dealing with a big corp publisher. Who you also want to sell it for you! My wife wrote, published one 4 or 5 years ago. Only had 3 dozen printed - maybe 150 pages. You are also you're own editor and proof reader, of course. Not designed to be in the Library of Congress ! Just family & friends in our case. Sometimes new technology does enhance our lives !
  5. Can we just talk about guitars, please.
  6. It would be great if I were taller and could hold more beer...
  7. The Marketing Dweebs must have gotten that design from watching too many episodes of "The Jetsons" during the lockdowns. If JC thinks it's as easy selling 'rad' guitars to girls as it was torn and shredded jeans - he's gonna be eating Mac&Cheese himself.
  8. Boy-o, that hit's the nail on the head ! Proof is their saying they can't provide a copy of a silly piece of paper 'because the Memphis plant closed'. Most companies want the 'warranty registration' card because they use it to harvest demographic information for the marketing weenies. Who also lose it . Proof of that is their new Dave Mustaine signature model for $5K.
  9. If you're talking about bridge pins - they're relatively inexpensive. You can find plastic ones on Amazone . Here's some choices at a guitar place: https://www.elderly.com/pages/search-results?offset=24&q=bridge pins As Sgt.Pepper said - unlikely bridge pins would be under warranty. And I'd also be curious how you snapped a few. Any damage to your bridge or bridge plate ?
  10. Today will be Day2 of trying to teach our 2 German Shepherd Dogs a new trick: to walk on an elevated plank of wood about 10' long. I tried with our first GSD - but made the mistake of starting her out with it already elevated. I'm going slower now (more time and patience being retired) so I'm getting these guys to learn to walk on it first just on the ground. Sounds simple - but it's not. Some dogs who were never exposed to a tile floor, for example, in their first couple of years - go bonkers when they first set paw on one. Took me a half dozen visits to Lowe's with one of them to get him to stand on one of those big metal carts they have for lumber and potting soil. Part of the problem was - seeing people wheel them around making lots of noise, and then having them wobble when he put his paw on one. Maybe they're teaching me patience. Raising 4 kids helped, but...
  11. Like Merciful suggested - your best bet is to contact Gibson Customer Service. Chances of finding the person who bought the guitar you have the CoA for are less than winning the lottery. Chances of them actually having YOUR CoA are half of that. If you have proof of purchase, photos of guitar (with your Dad holding a copy of today's New York Times) they most likely would be able to just send you a new CoA. It's not like you'd be asking for a new guitar. G'Luck to you and your Dad.
  12. He might as well have used a Take-Mine, for all the collective knowledge of the people in the audience regarding guitars. Of course, it was 1993. A lifetime ago.
  13. Wonder if this is a "Lifestyle" guitar ? For $5K ?
  14. Yeah. As thin as the line between Depp and Heard...
  15. I cheated and used a Sharpie Fine Liner to get to 11.
  16. Agree. I have the ultrasonic type - if you set it only to half way - the mist doesn't get more than a couple of feet out. Will run for 2 days on half a gallon of distilled water. It's a balancing act. One, I might not mind trying in HI. Lived in Jacksonville, Ft.Lauderdale and Miami - probably not a lot different. "It's not the heat, it's the humidity."
  17. So, abalone fret markers - no, but MoP are OK ?
  18. Acacia is a general type that covers woods from Australia to Africa. "Blackwood" for example is Acacia. I have a J45 Custom Shop Koa from the same timeframe. Koa is Acacia, just specific to Hawaii. I absolutely love it. I've never read anything critical about acacia - the tone whisperers say it sounds somewhere between mahogany and rosewood.
  19. As I touched on a few days ago - the air has to get and stay humid for awhile as the materials in the room - wooden flooring, rugs, leather couches, as well as guitars, absorb the invisible moisture. Some materials can retain more moisture - compare a sponge to a brick or wood to plastic - and will imperceptibly steal moisture from the air while other materials are 'full'. But, as Ghost said - it shouldn't have taken that long and that much water to get to 40% and it shouldn't have dropped off rapidly ... unless you LEFT the door open and had your AC or Fan blowing. My room has double 'french' doors with a quarter inch gap between and I can feel the air blowing out when they are closed and the Central Air system is active. Since I always keep the doors closed, I got on chair and adjusted the air vent to a minimum to get to a less volatile space. I shoot for 50%, but that's me. Interesting Duane's info on the wick type VS the mist blowing ultra-sonic . I definitely wouldn't want a mist floating over near my guitars or electronics.
  20. My volume knob goes up to 11. Just sayin'.
  21. These same people use to say "It must be true - I read it in the New York Times.".
  22. That's where I was coming from - advanced age! 18 months is a looong time to wait for a high end guitar. I would not. The very definition of a First World Problem. Jury rigging one, or waiting until a used on 'eventually shows up' ? OP wants one thing and one thing only - a brand spanking new Gibson Custom SJ and was hoping someone would tell him it will take less than a year and a half. No Joy ! I'm guessing Bozeman, like the rest of us, is dealing with the long term effects of The New Normal.
  23. Now you can rest easy. I’m going to look seriously at that unit next time it gets down to 40% here. Our temp today on the back porch was 99. “Felt Like” was 108. YOWCH! ( Thanks Ghost FL for the tip)
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