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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Of find a Five Star Dealer and ask them if they'd support having a go. Not sure with the "Supply Chain' issues if Gibson is open to one-offs, if that is what you want. Or the lead time if they are still doing them. But use to be Five Star Dealers would get a particular flavor in mind (I'm thinking acoustics) and if they thought there was a demand - they'd order 50 as a "Limited Edition" run. Eventually sell them all with the Internet making all things possible. G'Luck. (So - what is your idea? or are you keeping it under wraps ?)
  2. Just noticed - your orange sound hole label says "Limited Edition". I don't recall ever seeing that before. Just checked - I have two that say 'Guaranteed' and one that says 'Custom Shop' (although it is a limited edition according to the certificate that came with it.) . I was just getting comfortable with the Orange vs White thing. If I had to guess - I'd agree with your wondering if when you removed and re-positioned your pick guard shortly after you got it - likely caused the glumpy spots that are visible now. Sort of like fingerprints in wet paint.
  3. I'm not a scientist, but I watch them on TV. Ever notice how sound is muffled when it's snowing? Even when it's foggy out? I'm assuming when it's 95% humid, sound from an amp/guitar/banjo doesn't carry as far as when it's 40% RH. Now as for guitars sounding better .... I'd guess thin slices of wood expected to vibrate and/or project sound have a sweet spot re. humidity and temperature. I'm pretty sure that I actually do play better when they sound better. Temp and hydration for me: Two cold beers.
  4. A little to the left. Thanks for asking.
  5. A beat up guitar with a pristine p/g not showing glue drops under magnification? I have the same p/g and burst on my J45 and never noticed a problem.
  6. Listened on my MacBook w Apple ear buds... and old ears .... They all sounded good, of course. Went back and listened to the un-processed a second time. My preference was the 1991 followed by the 2001 hogs overall. Thought the RW low ends were less 'thumpy'. Assume strings were all the same. wonder if that was a bone pick...
  7. I’ve got a similar model - a Hummingbird TV and have found my preference is Martin life span SP phosphor bronze. I guess they are “medium light”. Never had a symphony on The Island when I was a kid. Or a n NBA team. Or Iced Tea.
  8. Hard to tell from photos usually - but that looks to be a quality made guitar from the outside. And in excellent condition. I think you won the lottery ! Just enjoy it - A Rose By Any Other Name ..."
  9. Gibson may be stuck for eternity producing "The Iconic J45" - in a standard version. A model at a slightly lower price than the other 99 versions - many of which will look better to some and sound better to some - but a 'standard' for those buyers who want 'the real thing'. I have one of the other 99 versions (J45CustomKoa) - it sounds better than the few standards I've tried over the years at GC. But that could be me. My memory, my age, my ears - different strings ... or just 'my dog is better than your dog' -itis.
  10. Hard to make any comments on this thread without someone crawling out from under their rock to find fault with it.
  11. Did the lawn for the first time this season on Friday. First time is always the hardest. Yesterday went to the local grocery chain store. Big & Fancy - reflective of the neighborhood. As we were leaving - we saw this guy, long hair, beard early 30s, dressed nicely - waltz out the door without paying - had one of those plastic baskets you can carry on your arm - it was stuffed. Walked calmly to his car, no one paid any attention to him. While some people traditionally resort to eating cat food when they can no longer afford people food. Made me realize the sickness is growing.
  12. dv, you might look around for something else you can do left-handed now that you've turned the corner. It might speed up your already great progress. Fork or toothbrush or just your comb in your left hand... will be awkward at first - you might want to start out wearing safety goggles, and after a while may just go back to using your right hand - but I'm guessing expanding the mind-motor control connections for your left hand will benefit your playing lefty. G'Luck !
  13. Everything has been made political by the gaslighting media. Even science.
  14. Ghost - It's like stepping on a balloon. They try to wear you down with deflection. ZZ's "But I would say that the radical right now dominates and controls the republican party, and even this forum." is just yet another example of his calling the kettle black. Thinks this forum is a sewer that should be shut down - and seems intent on bringing that about. Or at least getting this thread deleted. It's how they roll.
  15. "Sounds as if all you nazis think a bullet in the back of the head is deserved by ANYONE, black OR white, who resists an officer and despite not endangering said officer in any way. " All You Nazis ... yeah, that's certainly driving home a point. Again - put up an exact reference or delete the slander and apologize, "So, what is it makes YOU think I'd be a nazi? " Trying to imply I called or suggested you were a Nazi - is weak, lame way to deflect from the fact you are calling others ( I assume me) on here Nazis. "Accuse your opponent of what you are doing." Provide an exact reference or quote where I suggested you were a Nazi. Of course - I've asked you back up your accusations here several times and all you do is deflect. For example: " I never once condoned police brutality under any circumstances.". Provide a quote or reference where I suggested you did. If anything is clear from your comments - it's that you believe police are brutal and abhor it. The opposite of condone. I'm done with trying to get you to support your accusations. Will let you have the last word.
  16. WhiteFang wrote: "Sounds as if all you nazis think a bullet in the back of the head is deserved by ANYONE, black OR white, who resists an officer and despite not endangering said officer in any way. " Either point to an exact quote where someone here wrote that - or delete your 'nazi' reference and apologize.
  17. Our 15 y/o granddaughter was shot multiple times with an AirSoft gun yesterday in a 'Drive By'. A Tik Tok inspired fad, has been happening according to police frequently here. Here - upper middle class suburbs 20 miles from downtown San Antonio. A bullet from a 9mm will go around 2000fps - an airsoft around 500 fps. Leave bruises, welts, can break skin. And, of course, the 'you'll put your eye out with that Red Ryder' line comes to mind. Broad daylight on the sidewalk a block from her home. Nothing on the local news about it. Only on the social media - "Next Door". Justice ? I'm wondering - if these teenage boys were actually caught by the under-funded police - what would 'justice' be? My idea and my son's idea would probably be 180 degrees different than the criminals parents. "It's not assault - it's just kids playing with a bb gun." That's why we have laws, sentencing guidelines and parole boards. Oh, and our other granddaughter has been regularly bullied by a 200 pound girl in school. School has done nothing - bully continues to brag and intimidate even after slamming her head into the wall with no consequences. "Because we don't know what your daughter did to provoke the attack." Some here do not support the police because they believe the JUSTICE SYSTEM is broken. Ask yourself - "WHO broke it?" Who violates sentencing guidelines? Who chooses not to prosecute shoplifters if they only take $1000 in booty at a time? Who appoints parole boards that ignore guideline and let murderers out before their light, plea deal sentences are served? Who ignores our immigration laws? Who claims they are against bullying but seen to encourage it? Answer that question honestly and you'll be half way to seeing a solution. But, what those who are intentionally breaking our Justice System are counting on - is apathy. Getting fed up and going back to work, paying taxes and, like the antelope - hope the predator will pick someone else's kid out of the herd. Oh, and to beat a dead horse - "Toy Gun". Air Soft guns cost hundreds $ and look IDENTICAL to real ones. Sooner or later, in this country of 330 million - some 'kids with toy guns' are going to shoot at someone legally carrying a firearm and he is going to shoot back. Then what? We'll decide on 'justice' based on his age, race and job description?
  18. Legacy - a perfect description. I've not heard this classic in decades. I'm reminded of the debt we owe to those folks who went into the mountains and valleys to find and record the artists who had been carrying forward the musical traditions brought over from Europe which were like time capsules in the dells and dales. Pure music of the people.: "folk music" was a catch all that included gospel, sea chanteys, cow punchers, chain gangs, railroad building. Yep - LEGACY ! Thank you TPBill.
  19. WhiteFang wrote" "Of course, his shooting at the officers gives the cops an out." Gee, that doesn't sound biased !!!🤪 Whether you shoot at a cop (or any armed citizen) or you try to disarm a cop (or any armed citizen) or are white or black or in-between. You are risking Your Own Life. I'm pretty sure it works that way in most other countries too. Darwin's Law - it's real folks.
  20. We're 'babysitting' our 10 y/o granddaughter for a few hours mid-day while her Mom gets a makeover and our son rides his bike 50 miles up in the Hill Country. I am making two visits to our daughter's house while she and her family are gone for 12 hours attending a funeral outside of Huntsville. Visits are to let their 4 dogs out in the backyard, then back inside. One of them - they just got last night from the city's Animal Care Services. Where the dogs usually last about a week. One way or the other. This one was full of ticks. Shelter never claims to know the breed - everything is half 'lab' or 'pit bull'. They guessed this one is Great Pyrenees/Lab. Looks more like a white Golden Retriever puppy. They will not let you have a dog unless they 'fix' it. (Many believe dogs shouldn't be fixed as puppies - it affects their normal growth and future health). So, they do the surgery and release the dog a couple of hours later, covered in ticks, and tell you that you cannot bathe it or use any medications on it for 10 days. This is the 'customer service' you get when you combine government workers and volunteers. I'm hoping daughter and grandson found and removed all the ticks last night - they spent around 3 hours - so I don't bring any home to our 3 dogs.
  21. Wow ! You are 100% correct ! Once again I forgot ! Apologies !
  22. What I've learned recently ? A lot more in the last 3 years than the previous 30. Embarrassed to admit it. Ironically, most of what I've learned recently was brought about by external pressures - pandemics, politics, protests, politics. The daily cognitive dissonance in the news caused internal conflict which pushed me to try to figure out how to reconcile it with 'The Meaning of Life". "Live the moment." is actually an ancient teaching. More recently - "The Power of Now", or "Think Like A Monk". We've had the dumbed down versions abound for years- "Stop to smell the coffee." "Don't Let The Turkeys Get You Down." which, for me, were too glib at the time. Or maybe I wasn't ready. A better one - "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." But we're all in different places throughout our lives, and in different places than those around us. I would't want a Supreme Court Justice spending all her time 'smelling the coffee'. But - to me, that is what some of the 'journalists' should be doing. Because most today admit they went into 'journalism' to be influencers and change peoples minds, not simply Report The Facts. And, others become full time 'activists' while we are too busy working, paying taxes and raising families. It's a day to day challenge for most of us to find the right 'balance'. Sounds like HarVie has found it !
  23. Impressively commendable ! "The devil is in the details." Wow !
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