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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Forgot about those. I don't really consider them 'classic', More in the category of 'forgotten'. Or nearly forgotten. Or, like "The Three Stooges" - best forgotten. IMHO.
  2. You have excellent taste. Full Disclosure: I have one that looks identical ! Mine is Koa though, and has an Orange Label. I guess they ran out of the white ones that day. Don't see '2015 on the TRCover. I read that the extra-fancy abalone headstock decoration was designed by Ren shortly before he jumped ship. It's clearly a 'forever' guitar. G'Luck !
  3. The more she repeats herself, the more I don't listen. Every now and then I'll ask "What?" so she thinks I'm listening. It's a fine line.
  4. So they don’t need a Sneeze Guard over the salad bar.
  5. ZZ - rather than ask to have yourself banned - there is a feature on this forum where you can block specific members posts. I don't know how it works, but you might consider it. I'd be happy and un-offended to be your test subject. But first... You wrote: "When fortyears suggests that the victim of the police shooting got what he deserves, that tells me all I need to know about him. There are very few posts that he makes that aren't reflective of his political agenda, even when the subject is apolitical. " And you also wrote: "Yeah, I've been guilty of getting in pissing matches, and I've never changed anyone's mind. But, I typically react to a person who bases their opinion on disinformation- disproven assumptions that people are so willing to make and spread... " alternative facts" as Kellyanne Conway put it. There is just so much of it everywhere, and so few people are willing to do the research." Couldn't agree more. I'd like to offer a defense to your contention that I'm biased in some negative, political way. I did not mean to suggest that the Michigan person got what he deserved. That would be heartless by any measure. My intent was to simply state it was likely not a criminal act on the part of the police officer. A sad result, but probably not one the officer was criminally (or in my opinion morally) responsible for. Part of my reason for posting a counter to white fang's claim that it was cold blooded murder was based on a similar case a couple of years ago. I recapped it in this thread back when white fang first brought up that recent Michigan shooting. My 'bia's is based on a complete distrust of the media specific to that 2020 Atlanta case involving a taser a month after George Floyd. The officer was fired, charged with murder and the media enflamed the incident without reporting on the officer's eventually being exonerated. It was found by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to have been self defense and in line with the Atlanta Police Dept's own Manual. For many examples like that - I distrust the media and try to hold off on judgement until those we've entrusted to do investigations complete their work. I do not know nearly enough about the Michigan shooting to say anything other than - "Innocent Until Proven Guilty". So, I apologize if my posts are too short, or unclear or leave impressions I don't intend. Like you stated, where I quoted you above, 'I typically react to a person who bases their opinion on disinformation - disproven assumptions.." Me too. I'm sure there are more things you and I agree on than we disagree. But - there will always be exceptions. Take Johnny Dip and his ex-wife ! Peace. Out.
  6. Yes - many survive cancer. It is not the death sentence it use to be - due to early detection. I've had several of those skin cancers removed. See the Dermatologist 4x a year. My wife had Lung cancer 7 years ago, one of 5 lobes removed and is doing fine- cured. She had Breast cancer 3 years ago, had the lump removed and is doing fine - cured. We are extremely lucky (Blessed) but sadly - most are not. Still, cancer is #2 at 500K deaths a year - HEART Disease is #1 at 700K.
  7. In my case, it's an imaginary line. Red. Dotted....
  8. "Just because it's your job, doesn't make it right, Boss." and "I wish you'd stop being so good to me, Captain." Truly the very definition of a classic movie !
  9. If you’re interested in simply owning an HBird, get it. If you’re on a quest to own the sound…. Keep Looking.
  10. Most people who think a forum is a sewer and wish it were shut down - don't keep coming back to fuel the flames.
  11. Microsoft should pay the Spell Check Nazis a dollar for every error they correct.
  12. Oh. I thought you were going to say "Here's another case of a black man resisting arrest and taking an officer's Stun Gun." We must listen to different radio stations.
  13. Of course, some folks could take those two completely sarcastic, humorous attempts to pour oil on the waters and make them political. I agree with your comment completely - I'm more worried about both those things (substitute J45 for LPs) than the opinions some here hold - WHEN they hold them in check. I come here for the sarcasm and irony - thanks for the sarcasm ! Got the irony earlier. I'm sure we can all agree we do not come here for actual conflict and divisiveness though.
  14. Solo with mando? Blue Ridge Mountain Blues is a keeper’
  15. Tough Question. Doctor Zhivago, Bonnie & Clyde, Hunt For Red October, Cutting Edge, My Fair Lady, Gigi.
  16. If you go to the website for REVERB - and search for J45s, you'll get a good variety to look at and match as closely as possible to the one you're interested in. Note - there are MANY different versions of the J45 Model. Make sure you know if yours is a 'standard' or is one of the variations on the theme. And, of course, condition matters. G'Luck.
  17. 'either side' 'whatever' ... I'm confused. Are you for or against Easter ?
  18. Was my mother's favorite holiday/holyday. So is special in our family, and our children's families too.
  19. Maybe if we let our prisons use GAS more often, stories like this wouldn't happen.
  20. None of my 3 dogs can tell the difference between pins. And they can hear it when a squirrel farst in a tree a mile away. Do this - buy 6 sets of identical strings and 6 sets of different pins. Pull out the G string and put all 6 of them on you favorite guitar - with a different type pin material. See if you can hear the difference. I've never done it. My dogs told me not to bother.
  21. Sad that she didn't have family or friends or church members to help her out so she didn't have to resort to letting what I'm guessing is an ex-con into her home.
  22. Em7, you may have just misunderstood the anachronism 'Old Timey'. It's really a 'genre' of sorts. Probably written before the 20th century, un-amplified". Not Americana, Country Western, Gospel or Blues. Something the New Lost City Ramblers or Doc Watson would do, but not the mainstay of Cash, Haggard, Willie, or even Ringo's 'They're Gonna Put Me In The Movies" ! Not geezer-rock. More like 'ballads'.
  23. RBS - Congrats on a big milestone! We'll both be the same age for about a month. Growing old is not for the feint of heart !
  24. Rabs - that piece of wood is amazing. Hope you can do something with it while retaining its 'character' as a piece of wood, and not something someone has to ask "Is that really wood?" Reminds me of that poem "I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree."
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