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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I'd rather spend time talking with the guy who calls me every day to check up and make sure my Car Repair Insurance is up to date.
  2. The media will also jump on the 'shot him in the back' cliche without considering whether the suspect was shooting over his shoulder, or had shot at the officer and then spun around to run as the officer was returning fire. There was a case in Atlanta in June 2020- that caused some 'protests' - because it fits the narrative which WhiteFang is claiming is common: "who do we blame for letting the indiscriminate murder of clearly innocent young black men by police go unaddressed? " If you Google that Wendy's Shooting - you'll find dozens of results that all state 'White cop shoots unarmed black man in back.". But you will not get any answers to the final legal outcome. Because it didn't fit the narrative. So - to return to the thread --- What have we learned in the past 3 years? We've learned a lot about 'peaceful protests' Of business, church and school lockdowns. Of 'national scientific experts' who tell us 'no masks' then 'yes masks' then 'two masks' We're still learning about covered up 'laptops' . But, I would hope at least we all here could at least agree on One Single Solitary Learning - that the Media is dishonest. Dishonest to the point of being the cause of most of the problems and divisiveness we've seen spring up - glaringly in the past 3 years - but going back at least 20.
  3. Yeah. Same world leaders who are letting Russia get away with murder (and rape and torture), want to give another oil producing oligarchy (Iran) have nukes. I fear for my grandchildren 1000x more than I did 20 years ago.
  4. Whoa ! Ten times more complex than I would have thought. Guy is a surgeon, and an artist ! Has more tools than my wife has shoes! THANKS Em7 !
  5. That is a desirable model/year guitar. It is not anywhere close to being 'firewood'. Take your time finding a GOOD luthier. Not a 'Guitar Center Technician' or a guy who fixes stuff in his garage. Word of mouth, recommendations from a rock n' roll guitar store clerk, Craigslist, etc. NOPE. As Murph suggested, if you give us an idea where you are - someone here will likely be able to recommend a good one.
  6. Two years ago was not a good time to launch a new product line, restaurant or hardly anything. First lockdowns decimated the ability of companies that relied on workers to produce goods, then of course, the supply chain - as Sal pointed out - missing a critical $50 chip for a luxury car? Can't get rosewood? If you really want one - you should give GC a chance. I've bought instruments from them a half dozen times and never had an issue.
  7. I Googled this to refresh my memory - I was right - the woman killed was white. The officer was sentenced to 11 years. Doesn't that have zero to do with your claim we are " letting the indiscriminate murder of clearly innocent young black men by police go unaddressed? " In your home town, too ! I guess some of us haven't learned anything in the past 3 years.
  8. A case several months ago - cop told lots of people fighting in front of home - as he is getting out of his car to the free-for-all, he sees a large black female who has pinned a smaller female to a car, has a knife in raised hand and is clearly going to stab her. WIth her back to the cop, indifferent or unaware of his presence, she is a second away from possibly killing her victim - the cop has no choice and shoots her in the back. Immediately, the activists and media accuse him of all sorts of unspeakable crimes. If he hadn't saved the victim - they would have done the same thing. Truly, clearly on video, it was a no-win situation the cop was faced with because of a person who in the very act of committing murder.
  9. A quick search says we pay double that on Amazing.
  10. Can you imagine the angst if Zuckerberg shut down Farcebook ? It would be like "The Day The Earth Stood Still".
  11. I know next to nothing about Feral Income Taxes, and we don't have a state income tax here ... but, I would consider, in addition to the impact on your SS payments, how it would impact what you would pay. If you have something like TurboTax, you can do a 'sensitivity' test - take your current tax file and make one change - add $18K to regular income, and see how it impacts what you owe Big Bro. In other words - are you going to work your butt off and wind up with, not $18K, but only $10K ?
  12. That was my experience, academically speaking, when I got to college. 🤕
  13. Pin and Pickup are pluses, so's the case, obviously - but the big Plus is the guitar ! It is a 100% keeper ! Answers the question: "If I could only have one guitar...?" Congrats. And, Welcome !!
  14. Reminds me of that song "Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places".
  15. Sure. Statistically, when you have a large group of people, you'll have some bad ones. Bad doctors, politicians, priests, parents, etc. That's why cops have Internal Affairs departments as well as Civilian Review Boards. Doctors have their own review boards. Bad parents have Child Protective Services. Bad politicians have ... what? the election process? My point was that police are unique in that their lives are on the line when a person points a gun at them, they have to decide if they think it might be a minor with a toy gun. When they decide they do not want to risk their lives, and then defend themselves (as every citizen would have the right to do in that situation) some people run to the media to find out what to think about it. And the media reminds them "SEE - Bad Cops DO exist." If that man child with the toy gun pointed it at a politician and the politician shot him - the media would spin the story based on the political party of the person defending his life. Maybe in some alternate universe, the solution would be parents telling their kids 'Do not point ANYTHING at a police officer."
  16. It's been so long, I forgot my signoname. Kept trying to use "Guitar Light".
  17. I opened it, but to read more than one paragraph - I would have had to 'subscribe' by sending my email address. So - the Free Speech article at the Detroit Free Press - wasn't really 'free'. Based on the first paragraph, I decided not to play.
  18. If the War On Police continues at the current pace - in 10 years or so, we will not have 'police'. The defunding, demoralizing and demonizing will cause all the good ones to leave over time. "Watch Out What You Wish For" At that point, the 're-imagined' police will be brownshirts. I think the National Socialist Party in Germany called them Gestapo. Sending people to prison for decades - when they have to make a split second, life or death decision "Is that person 17 years old or 18? Is that a toy gun? " And then there's the shooting of the proverbial 'knife wielding' person. If you are within 20 feet of a person holding a knife - he can be on you in seconds and stabbing you before you can draw, aim and fire. And, sadly, your chances of hitting the assailant are approximately 14%, because of adrenaline. So, as has been stated, it is always best if you are ordered to do something by a police officer - to do it. Or, as Dirty Harry put it, "Are you feeling lucky, punk?"
  19. Just curious - what is an example of this? When I see news stories about a shooting involving police, I don't know what happened, just the end result. I wasn't there and the news reporter wasn't either. WhiteFang, You made the claim that murder is going unaddressed in the US. You made it more specific by claiming it was racist. I suppose 'systemically racist' since you believe it is the Justice System. GhostFL asked for examples. I'd like more than just a dismissive "Breona Taylor - say her name". I've read studies that have looked at ALL these shootings by police and concluded that less than a dozen each year were negligent. I think you can count on one finger the number that were actually MURDER, based on the definition. The rest were either Self Defense, or Accidental. There is a difference, of course between accidental and negligent. The media will take a case like Breona Taylor and spin it immediately without half the facts As Ghost suggested - it takes time to decide if a shooting is even chargeable to get it to court. I assume you believe all our courts are 'systemically racist' because they cover up these 'murders of clearly innocent young black men by police'. Derek Chauvin would disagree. So would Amber Guyger. And scores of others who were charged, but cleared. Just an attempt here to agree with GhostFL that we need to ask other commenters to back up their claims to avoid discussions going off the deep end. Peace, out.
  20. When someone goes the extra mile, as Californian did, to provide facts in a discussion, it does not enhance the discussion or elevate your own credibility when you attack his spelling. In fact it does the opposite. I'm guessing you saw 'Eddie Murray" and knew immediately who CAman meant - but went to Google to find some arcane person named 'Murray' you could throw back at him with some factoids going back nearly 45 years as if you could roll them off your tongue. Since this is a serious discussion, suggesting you were only being funny doesn't work: It was meant to detract from the point being made. I made a New Years Resolution that I would never ever use the Sad.Angry,Confuse emojis on this forum and have gotten further into the year than ever before with a NY Resolution: Have not used them this year and believe I can safely say I never will. Often those who oppose the use of those negatory emojis suggest that instead, you man-up and explain what you're unhappy about under your own sign on name. So - that's what I'm doing here: providing Constructive Criticism! 😀
  21. In an attempt to also not really address the question, but dance around it: I do not believe Gibson used the 'Standard' moniker 21 years ago, as BK7 pointed out. They change specs often, without changing the names. In part because, as ZmbyWf pointed out our old friend OneWileyFool counted close to 100 different 'versions' of the J45 model. They would run out of names and attract even more good natured ridicule here if they attempted it. I have a J45 Custom - there are probably close to 100 different sets of specs for those that have accumulated over the years. So, in conclusion, I don't really think you can reach a conclusion. There really is no such thing as a "J45". And there is no such thing as a 'J45 Standard'. Like a kaleidoscope - they evolve year to year, and change during the 'model year'. All you could attempt to do is detail the specs on yours and compare them to any one of the 100+ other versions, to no avail. G'Luck!
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