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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Given what's happening to the price of beef - I may be smoking lentil beans this summer. Except on Fourth or July. We have 3 dogs and one is really old.
  2. Neighbor has one. I can't imagine a better way of smoking. Gave my old school one to my son. Got tired of having to babysit it all day. Drank too much beer in the process.
  3. You left off a big one: "Insurrection", but you're 100% right. These buzzwords are used to silence others. Sort of like bullying on steroids. We here have much more in common with each other, as has been pointed out. And yet, as has also been pointed out, we cannot change each others minds. Because, I believe, our minds (values, opinions) have been developing for decades. Mostly from what we see, hear, read in the media. And more recently - Social Media. We're screwed. Peace, out.
  4. I've tried them in GC - wanted to like them. Couldn't - for all the reasons Murf listed. 5 String Banjo is as far as "something different" I can go. But, I second the notion of an SJ200.
  5. Bob Blingly ! I know Bob's uncle - Fred Hyperbole. I wasn't talking about bumper stickers that use graphic language to insult your employer. I was talking about having a bumper sticker that said "Coexist", "Trump 2024" or equally mild middle of the road comments. You risk getting your car keyed if you have a "I back the blue.' bumper sticker. I've worked for several uptight companies - in middle management, you were only expected to wear a sport coat and tie, not a suit. I think I'd find a new job if a were a repairman in the field being required to wear a suit. Voting with your feet is the other side of 'freedom' - the response to an overly controlling work environment. A private company has every right to tell you how high to jump and when you can come down, but they'll eventually wind up with lemmings who are less than qualified for their jobs. I don't believe a private company (which is usually a lawyer and an HR weenie who convince senior management they know what they're doing (sort of like a Dr. Fauci) has the right to go into your Social Media to look for reasons to fire you. As we use to say - "It's not work-related." Best solution - is to sue them in civil court. Nope - I'm not 'woke to something going on since the beginning of private sector employment'. I'm "woke" to something that has grown out of control in my lifetime ... like a cancer. Like 'De-fund Police' , Open Borders, "Don't admit people to hospitals if they haven't had the CV19 Vaccine" and People wearing two masks while driving alone in their cars. (Well, maybe I heard that last one from Fred Hyperbole. No one could be that intimidated.)
  6. That's why Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat cake."
  7. Agree. Reminds me of an OpEd I read 30 years ago from a law school professor complaining that Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas was not ruling to support his people. This LAW professor believed judges should make decisions based, not on the law, but that they had “constituents” they represented and should favor. Imagine all the screwed up lawyers this “professor” educated.
  8. 'might' is the operative word, obviously. Some people actually believe the flutter of a butterflies wings can create a domino effect causing a hurricane. They would then call to ban butterflies.
  9. New Voter ID Test: Shine a flashlight in the voters ear - if any light comes out the other ear - a Poll Watcher fills out his ballot for him.
  10. ... please ask him to turn it up to 11.
  11. I had a coffee cup back in the 80s with the cliche'd guidance "Don't Let The Turkeys Get You Down." I think it came out around the same time Al Gore invented the Internet. On here, complaints similar to yours were brought up back then as well and that Turkey Cliche was distilled down simply to "If you don't like someone's comment, don't read it." I don't know if it was tongue in cheek or if it was stolen from Yogi Berra. Sort of hard to know if you don't like sushi until you try it, and you sure can't unsee that photo of a topless Milk Jugged Putin once you see it. I guess, since you can't get those offensive forum members banned - all you can do is block them. Or just skip over any comments you see written by those on your list.
  12. Trailers For Sale or Rent... Rooms to let 50 cents. No phone, no pool, no pets. Aint got no cigarettes. Oh, and no electric guitars...
  13. Free Speech ? Yeah - like a "Free Lunch". No Such Thing. Nothing is free. Ukraine is finding that out now. As we let the small but vocal "Woke Progressives" shout down our concerns for their attacks on our values - we also give up free speech. We remove our bumper stickers in fear our employer will fire us. The First Amendment - wasn't "Free" to the Founding Fathers. Most who signed the Declaration of Independence suffered because they did. Universities in the previous century bent over backwards to encourage 'free speech'. Students For a Democratic Society, etc. Now those who protested to support Free Speech back then are in charge and are trying to shut it down by labelling it 'Hate Speech' etc. So, they were for it, before they were against it. I guess another thing I learned in the past 3 years is that HYPOCRISY enables all other types of nefarious, egregious behavior.
  14. I've learned that the older I get, the harder I have to try to ignore things I didn't even notice when I was in my 30s. Toilet Paper shortage ? Nah. It'll get resolved before I run out. Lead in the water in Flint? Ship in bottled water. Plus, I don't live there. Life if great when you don't take ANYTHING seriously. Just heard San Antonio City Council approved to study an Elon Musk Boring Company proposal to build a 9 mile tunnel here - 9 miles through solid limestone rock to go from downtown San Antonio to the airport. For $250M! It'll cost double, easy. I never cared or even thought about the famed "Bridge To Nowhere" but now I'm upset a billionaire wants me to pay for a tunnel that will be used by probably less than 10% of those who go to the airport. He's built one in Las Vegas: 2 miles. Citizens do not actually drive in it: City provides free rides in Teslas. So - another scheme for politicians and billionaires to get richer on our dime. When I ask my 40 year old kids what they think about it - they don't have an opinion. He has similar proposals in front of other cities. Wonder if the US Dept of Transportation has a dog in this fight? But - in retrospect - it took me longer than 3 years to figure that out. So - in the past 3 years? Simple: It's easier to divide than to unite.
  15. I've seen her clips before ... amazing doesn't come close. I guess, at this point in my musical hobby, I realize one of the benefits of playing the guitar is being able to enjoy the artistry of someone like Josephine Alexandra. Billy Strings, Mollie Tuttle, and literally thousands of others. After seeing this again - I realize I never studied 'Music'. It was only 'Music Appreciation'.
  16. Beautiful !! Congrats... Ebony f/b ? what are the back and sides? That case is a perfect upgrade too ! Drool-worthy all round.
  17. It's very difficult trying to tell from a photo if a dark line is a crack or part of the grain. First thing I'd do is document it - good photo with a ruler to show exact length so you can tell if it gets longer. That, of course would indicate a crack, not grain. Second, while waiting to see if it lengthens - I'd bring it to a luthier, or an expert in wood sales or finishing for an opinion. Then, if they are certain it's a crack - I'd bring it back to the retailer.... before their return policy expires. If it has - have them provide you with direction on how to proceed, no doubt having it sent to a repair facility certified by Gibson within their warranty.
  18. Just sounds so much kinder and gentler than saying - "If you were me, you should buy the guitar, use these strings, etc."
  19. Can anyone explain to me why gasoline is twice as much in CA as in places like OKC ? Is it state and local taxes? Sin taxes ?
  20. I thought that was funny 40 years ago. Now I find it strangely offensive. (Sarcasm)
  21. If I had a nickel for every time I heard a cover I liked more than the original, I’d be able to afford gas.
  22. Agree. I noodle through the basic cords for a song and find there is a note I can add to it with one finger somewhere that will support the melody. Sometimes I find that jury-rigged contraption is actually a fancy chord.
  23. Precursor to the Southern Jumbo, J45s were square shoulder back then as were H'Birds. Hard to classify..... label doesn't say anything but 'Deluxe' ? I'd guess around $2500 USD.
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