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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Here's a clip of 3 'well known' songs (I didn't recognize the 3rd) which only use TWO chords - which include open strings. So, based on the direction we're going after 4 pages - I'm thinking there are only two kinds of chords - Cowboy and Jazz.
  2. RBSinTo - Maybe, since you're the OP and were asking about Cowboy Chords, DanRob sent you his Cowboy Chord version and not the entirely correct one. 🙃
  3. Thanks for giving me another reason for holding on to my 2011 Ford Taurus SHO.
  4. Just read thru this a 2nd time. Apologies if I missed anyone's erudite expose - but I did not see G7. I even have a freekin CAPO that says 'G7' on it. How can you play in "C", with 'F' barred or not - if you don't have G7 to complete the trilogy ?
  5. Aaaaah. You brought up one of the biggest 'challenges'!!! Some grow closer together. Some grow further apart. For me, it helped to read a bit and find out how destructive it can be carrying over the same ego-driven mentality that was necessary in the workplace to the marriage. We had been married 40 years when I retired. Just passed 51. Could have gone the other way if I hadn't learned not to take things personally.
  6. They're paving over paradise and putting up parking lots everywhere. We had a cool used record shop on one of the main drags. Along with an iconic hamburger place and a rib place - gone. It became the 'in' location to create a "Millennial Village". Upscale apartments, micro-breweries, express bus routes. Our little city has increased from 1.2M to 1.5M in the past 20 years. Outside the city 'loop', they clear hundreds of acres of every living thing so they can put in apartments. Put all the trees in wood chippers to crate 'mulch'. Probably includes rabbits, snakes and armadillos. Of course, the City doesn't do anything to widen or otherwise improve the roads, so 'rush hour' is no longer an hour. Closer to three. Then, they clear another hundred acres and put in Self Storage facilities, Starbucks, Nail Salons and oil change drive thrus. There was a 200 year old single, solitary oak on one site here being cleared for houses on 100' x 70' lots. They left it - until all the houses were sold - since it added beauty and character - and then cut it down and squeezed in one more house. If a developer or real estate investor could milk a thousand bucks out of a property - they'd tear down the Washington Monument. Same thing happened when we lived in South Florida - Dredge and Fill. Bankers, Developers and Politicians got rich. Good Times.
  7. I hope so. Common sense in November would help !
  8. Putin is channelling Saddam Hussein.
  9. I'm wondering if, as they ban 'fossil fuel' and stop making gas powered cars, boats, busses, motor boats (engine boats?) if the demand for electricity to charge all those batteries every night will cause them to ban electric guitars ? (OK, I'm fishing here. trying to get to 10K before they stop giving away free guitars.)
  10. "Travel' use to be in the top 5 of what people planned to do when they retired. Not a good time to own a Winnebago Franchise or one of those $1M beach houses you rent out for $800/day. Back 20 years ago - when gas was going up due to Mideast Unrest - some politicians were mad that people weren't cutting down on their driving - so they were pushing hard to increase the Federal Tax on gasoline at the pump. The more things change, the more they stay insane.
  11. Congrats! You can't go wrong with a J45 !
  12. Interestingly ironic ... we were all (with a few obvious exceptions) that young and innocent in 1972. Additional comments seem to confirm the music did die. Along with the innocence. Paradise Lost, Milton?
  13. I saw a photo of a field in France with thousands of govt purchased electric vehicles they abandoned. The battery replacement was approximately 60% of a new electric vehicle. I think I'll take a Surrey With the Fringe on Top before shelling out $80K for what would cost half that if gas powered. Even with the Federal Govt giving a $7500 'rebate' , I would not want a vehicle that lost 40% of it's power when the temperature dipped into the 20s. Of course a One Horse Open Sleigh has it's disadvantages too.
  14. “… meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two imposters the same.”
  15. Congratulations! Not like finding a cure for CoronaVirus, but still an accomplishment. Funny how half the threads here lately seem to wind up with the word “Martin” in them. Have a beer.
  16. I'm not playing Russian Roulette with my guitars. Even if the chance is 0.01% - I'll play it safe. Back in the day, I had a heavy duty cloth bag with some type of baked clay pebbles. Like clay flower pot material, only lighter, more porous. Was something they sold in hardware stores to remove dampness from closets, car trunks. Kept it in the case (in the compartment with the lid) for 3 decades. Old brown faux alligator cardboard case that came with my new LG-1. Worked perfectly in NY, South Florida, Massachusetts, Texas. Absorbed moisture when it was too much and released it when it was too little. Luthier who leveled my frets finally - said not to change anything. I can't find those baggy thingys anymore though.
  17. Yeah what's that song "Left California, Right Carolina" ?
  18. Often when we're going somewhere and she asks 'How do I look?' - I tell her she looks like a young Imelda Marcos. She eventually stopped buying shoes she never wore. "Case Queen Shoes". Throws out the "2Fer" coupons that come in the mail. If I'd discovered this magical incantation a few decades earlier, I'd have a few more guitars.
  19. I was in GC a few years ago BP, Before the Pandemic, noodling in the Acoustic Room (not the Inner Sanctum where the Martins, Taylors and a couple of Gibsons hang) trying to remember Malagueña from my music lessons, nearly 60 years earlier. This young guy comes up to me and says "Wow, you must be a teacher!" I thanked him and stopped playing, thinking to myself - "Decades old muscle memory, fingerpicking a $300 git with horrible action, not remembering the chorus let alone the bridge ....This guy must have the worst guitar teacher in the world!" But to hedge my bets, I bought the guitar. (Nope, j/k - didn't buy it, but that was the last time I played at that venue!)
  20. Back to the question, and in the woke spirit of Inclusivity: https://www.martinguitar.com/gear-accessories/guitar-parts-accessories/18A0089.html I have this on all my guitars.
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