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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Lester use ter do one that sounded like this - Ruben James, but it wasn't Flatt.
  2. That happened to me one morning with my toaster. The toast landed jelly side down on the oriental carpet.
  3. This is significantly more complex than stripping and re-finishing kitchen cabinets. I'm guessing the 'sealer' is nitrocellulose. Is it the burst stain that you feel is 'heavy' or the nitro - which is usually put on pretty thin? In my very limited experience - removing stain in a piece of wood, usually requires removing the wood. If I were me, I'd either bring it to a luthier and pay for a consult and a quote on what he'd do and how much he'd charge ... OR I'd go to a pawn shop and buy a Mexican Martin and let it serve as your guinea pig. As JedZ noted, bridge, rosette, are issues - as are the binding around the face and around the fretboard. Unless you view this as a fun project and have the tools and skills - it might be cheaper to sell/trade it for a guitar that has a natural maple finish. Oh - and I'm guessing the face is spruce, not maple. Are you stripping the back and sides as well?
  4. Yeah, its a guitar - just play it. But don't come back here crying because you left your tuner or capo on for a week and they left an impression in the nitro.
  5. Yeah, play it. But you might also want to avoid getting any chemicals on it. Or on your forearm. Bug spray. Sunscreen. Tequila.
  6. We live about 20 minutes from a popular venue - John T. Floores Country Store , where Willie came into his own. When I see the grind these guys go through , sleeping on a bus in the parking lot, waking up at 6pm instead of 6am to do a 10 o’clock show, I realize how very much they must love the music.
  7. Since I've already shared everything I know about retirement ... Boyd, I'm curious - how is your 'cabin in the woods' decorated? Busman's Holiday with 4 bare walls ... or does it look like a set from one of Puccini's Operas ? Butterfly wallpaper ? On a side note: I had the same experience you seem to - difficulty playing/enjoying guitar after 8 - 10 hours on a computer 'working for the man' doing technical stuff. Wonder if it is left brain/right brain issues? My guitar playing stalled and stagnated for most of my work life. Now - with retirement (see how I did that?) there are 3 guitars within arms reach on the wall instead of just one in it's case under the bed. My wife is trying to get me to set something up in Excel - the though of it makes me nauseous. So, I guess I'm cured.
  8. KB - great story. Goes to show some of the quality at Gibson wasn't just in their finished products.
  9. Tega, from what you've written - you have a legitimate complaint. The problem with asking a technical question like this - some people on forums don't spend a lot of time reading long posts. So you get mixed responses. I'd hope no one would say a neck finish cracking up to the fretboard is normal, acceptable, or could be fixed for a few hundred dollars. Keep fighting with the retailer.
  10. Welcome! Much has been said about them, as you know - or you wouldn't have set your sights on "The King of The Flat Tops." My only suggestion would be - you only live once: Make your decision based on the assumption this might be the last guitar you purchase, and/or the only guitar you are able to own. Don't get whatever you can find this month. Or whatever you can afford this month. Don't think of the SJ200 as a 'placeholder' - it's the brass ring. Get the real deal. G'luck.
  11. Wowsers! "Die Fledermaus" is to die for ! ! !
  12. No hassle. A couple of times I’ve been in a similar situation. If you go to collect your guitar on a busy Saturday morning and (no doubt) find it still defective. You might try asking for the manager. Loudly tell him all the points you’ve made here. You just want a guitar that has no defects. Sometimes making a scene works. Sometimes going to social media to do the same thing does. They monitor it, as do their Regional Managers.
  13. Murph, I've been retired for 10 years. Like ZmbyWf mentioned - when I had a couple of years to go it was enlightening to realize , that I didn't have to show up before 8 and leave at 6 and eat at my desk. "No, I can't complete a 3 week project in one week because some department head didn't plan his vacation well." Etc. PERSPECTIVE - I got it day by day over the 38 years, but only realized it when I saw the brass ring. Now I value that perspective almost as much as the retirement savings we have. As K'sDad notes - you can do whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want, and take however long you want. You can enjoy the journey and not be forced to produce results. I cannot believe how busy, but relaxed I am. A different kind of 'busy'. Tried different things at first - was afraid I'd be bored. Volunteer Program at the Zoo on Fridays, Horse Rescue Ranch on Tuesdays - but after a year I quit the first and after 4 years quit the second. Still as busy as ever - not getting ready for a monthly management meeting - something more enjoyable like grilling, dog walking, learning a new instrument or song. You'll realize why they call it "The Golden Years" the first morning you wake up and don't have to go to work. The yoke is gone! And, as KidBlast said - there will ALWAYS be unrest and turmoil in the world and, sadly, even in the country. Nothing changes ... human nature. But we've gotten perspective from living through so many different versions of it.
  14. Weekly guitar lesson today with 8 y/o granddaughter. I think this is the 6th. Now devolved to bringing her to soccer practice as well as babysitting until midnight like last week. With a 40 minute guitar lesson in there somewhere. I may have to start charging. Classic "First World Problem". Maybe I should be giving her shooting lessons instead.
  15. I prefer the larger piles - they are much easier to find and pick up. Our little 15 lb. mix leaves small surprises that are very hard to see, especially in the dead, brown grass of winter. But they stick to the bottom of your shoe just fine. (This thread has turned to crap - sorry, I take full responsibility for it !)
  16. My first thought was also - 'sounds like it's you and not the J45'. I assume you do not have this issue with your SJ200 and Dove... . If they are different tone woods, that could be part of it. Combined with the different body shapes. But I'm more inclined to think you happen to pick up the J45 when you're not inspired. My 'mood' affects which of my 3 I pick up - they are all very different) and if I'm not 'up' , my enjoyment factor suffers. I know it's me, not the guitar - My playing is also not "up'. The J45 is an "Everyman's Guitar". I'd think twice before I traded it in (plus or minus some cash -which does not seem to be your concern. You'd get more for your sale, and pay more for your purchase - an incoming tide raises all boats. ) If you're thinking of a second, albeit different SJ200 - do you enjoy it twice as much as your J45? You already have a long neck with a full body and a maple. If I were me, I'd try putting it under my bed for a couple of months, play the SJ200 twice as much - and see if I missed the J45. G'luck.
  17. I woke up tired this morning. Dreamt I had been on a dessert island with a computer that kept asking me if I was a robot when I tried to reboot it. Finally I got a prompt: "Why is the word hyphenated, non-hyphenated?"
  18. THATS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT ! You played more chords in that one song than I've ever known ! Commendable job on a song with a difficulty factor of 11 ! Thanks!!
  19. Excellent point. The shop extended their 14 day return/replacement policy (indefinitely) when they said "Let It Settle In". As RCT said - you should NOT tinker with it, or let anyone else. It is the Retailers Responsibility to closely inspect incoming items to make sure they are not 'defective' so they can immediately reject/return them. If, within 14 day YOU did their job for them - caught them with their ......, they should have been all over themselves with apologies. They think you're a newbie and don't realize you know more about guitars than they do, so they're trying to put you off till you go away. If we all accept BS from stores, employers, employees and politicians simply because of Ukraine (we sort of did it because of the Pandemic) the world really will fall apart. If I were me (I think you came her for 'advice') I'd take that git, all the case candy and the bill of sale, drop it off at the store - ask for either an immediate replacement, a check refund or a receipt acknowledging you left it with them and it is 'DEfreakinFective'. If they refuse, tell them your brother in law works for a law firm and his best friend there will sue them for free. As has been said here by others smarter than I - they are hosing you.
  20. I agree. That's why I pile the poop on his stoop.
  21. Whitefang - now that story will be stuck in my mind for 60 years. My parents had 2 Scotties, one at a time. After he second one died, my father loved dogs too much to get another.
  22. Had an LG1 as my one and only for +/- 40 years. Based on the 4 or 5 photos which appear to be of good quality - I'd say that is not a burst from that era. Dark edges too thin/hi-lighted center too wide and bright. Since plastic bridge was replaced, and top probably refinished - other things may have been done. Still strip tuners, maybe just the buttons were replaced - you're right, their too clean looking. Pickguard looks to be right except for the fact you can almost see the bright portion of the burst underneath - the original pg was thick and dark. Does it have the "LGI' black ink stamp visible inside the sound hole on the inside of the back ? Bottom line is - how does it sound compared to the price? LG1s are going for around $1500. Not sure is this Bride of Frankenstein should command that much. If I were me, I'd not trade a 2017 J45 for a pig in a poke.
  23. Doesn't Gibson sue copiers who use their 'open book' headstock profile? Martin's is sort of squarish, maybe not seen as an actual protectable design. Fender might fit into that category for six on one side tuner headstocks. I've always wanted to try out making something like that - but given my skill level, would have to start with a ukulele. G'Luck.
  24. I buy more dog food with the money I save by doing it myself. Plus I get to keep what I pick up and put it on the doorstep of my neighbor who just put out a "BETO For Governor" political sign - 9 months before the election.
  25. Yep. The Pareto Principle. 20% of the people on a Gibson site will like j45s 80% of the time.
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