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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I'm guessing string companies have a scientist or two on board with a fancy electronic gizmo that can measure different things on a string when plucked. And, like the car makers that have machines that open and slam car doors a thousand times to see if they hold up - I bet the string manufacturers also have an automated string plucker. I'm sure they have graphs and statistics that tell them exactly how long a strings 'good tone' will last. Uranium half-life studies, etc. Certainly the String CEO doesn't let his Marketing guy LIE to us when he says certain strings 'last twice as long. So - while they can be scientific, we cannot. We are basically alll using different listening devices with a wide range of sensitivities, Trying to remember how a brand of string sounded 3 years ago after a week, a month, a year... (Sorry 7DayMel). Did we fingerpick more back then? Vinegar based BBQ sauce in our pores? In other words -we are the very definition of Unscientific. Can't agree if strings last 2 weeks or 2 years. So, since we can't "follow the science" (problem compounded by using 'Social Media' to report our research findings). we should all just agree - the world is flat, and change our strings when we 'feel 'like it. After all, perception is reality.
  2. I pick up at least 15 pounds of the stuff in the yard each week. It's very therapeutic. The 2 GSDs have figured out what I'm doing - and each will leave me a nice big steaming pile sometime in the 45 minutes it takes. Sort of reminds me of Social Media.
  3. NHC - Yep, Yes, and Right on... We have two German Shepherd Dogs and a small 'mix'. Have had a half dozen different breeds - GSDs are the best ... and the worst. They are so smart, so loyal, so loving and so may other things - but they stake out a piece of your heart. Our first one died a bit over a year ago. She was only 9. Cancer. Symptoms hit on a Monday - vet had to put her down on Tuesday. I think that hit me harder than anything I can remember. I guess it prepares you for the death of loved ones. As I type this - one is lying right next to me - the other is a few feet back with his ball - eyeing me with a forlorn look on his face. As soon as I close the cover on my laptop - they'll both jump up and run to the back door.
  4. Went to the movies yesterday - saw a new flic "Dog". I'd highly recommended it Unless you're a cat person.
  5. So - that was 11 hours ago - I assume he stopped after kissing your wife? How old is Sundance? It was 7 below when he was out? That is well outside the range dogs can maintain their body temps in. How long was he out? How long was he shaking? Was he shaking when he came in? Sounds neurological - reaction to the cold, (plus the dramatic change from warm to cold to warm.) Does he have an undercoat? Doesn't sound like hypothermia if he's OK now. I'd watch closely for any other symptoms - eating, drinking, normal activity level, interest in toys/play, restlessness. Also - regardless of the cold - I'd go out with him the next several times to make sure he goes normally and the result looks normal. Watch for blood in urine as it comes out, very dark stools. Snow on the ground will help. Of course, on the web, they tell you to go see your vet if your dog sneezes. I think those sites are financed by vets. G'Luck
  6. Agree completely. I usually find, when I decide it's time to change the strings ( because they've become 'stringy' and dull) that the date I wrote in on the old string card I left in the case was 2 years back. I like the 'novelty' sound of new strings, but always look forward to them settling in so I can actually hear the guitar itself and not the tintinnabulation. Don't use Sunbeam, so have no clue on their lifespan.
  7. Yep. Imagine if the entire adult population of the world were crybaby snowflakes wanting protection from "The Moderator" ! Where's the fun in that?
  8. I'd say you've been practicing a bit out on the front porch of your cabin during your sabbatical! Cold, old fingers still work fine! Your hippy git teacher would be proud!
  9. Good on you! I can bat either way, but only catch righty (with my left hand). Archery - lefty. I bet there'd be a lot more 'Leftys' if parents and teachers didn't push righteousness.
  10. It's fun to make vague laws you can enforce however you want upon whomever you want. I have a 9 volt battery powered 'cigar box' amplifier. It is just loud enough to be heard over the cries of anguish of the snowflakes melting in the park.
  11. That's a SUPER classic Jazz Tune and album! ( Glad we got off of trying to decide how many times we strum all 6 strings, pick each individually or do alternate tunings over the weeks, months and years... to come up with a Weighted Age of the strings we have on each guitar. Probably should also consider the type of pick we use. Sharp point or rounded? At that point we can then subjective evaluate the tonal performance of the lows, mids and high strings. (So are the first and second strings the highs, third and fourth the mids, and 5th an 6th the lows? Is an "E" note played on the 5th string a mid?)
  12. Beauteous ! Bet she sounds as good as she looks ! Worth the Wait 4 sure !
  13. 'Where are the new Gibsons?" They're on the internet. Even before the Pandemic Lockdown, Labor Shortages and Supply Chain issues - it was difficult finding much of a selection in any one brick and mortar location. i assume you realize they haven't sold them at every Mom & Pop for decades. And I assume you realize that Bozeman can't compete in terms of offerings with Martin or Taylor who have larger, more automated facilities and also produce products overseas with their brand name on them. Looks like GC has lots of J45s available - different versions. Not sure what you're looking for. I'm pretty sure the factory is still up & running. Welcome ! 😀
  14. Did they charge you ? ("She's not only merely dead. She's really most sincerely dead.") ! Munchkin Coroner ref. Fixing to get up for my 2nd cup of coffee. All on my plate today is to pick up 8 y/o granddaughter at her school - for her 5th guitar lesson and babysitting until midnight. Pick up 90 lbs of dog food at Tractor Supply on the way. And a bottle of that urine scent remover for our 100+ lb. GSD rescue that, after 5 months, decided to mark around inside the house. Cases stored behind 2 closed doors !
  15. I vaguely remember having those slight aches and pains when I started to learn to play righty, being a righty. Didn't have pecs, so that wasn't an issue, but I remember getting kinks in my 4th finger when I'd stretch it to the 5th fret. This is inspiring - I'm thinking of learning to play the harmonica lefty now...
  16. Yep.. Ice is hard. But Spring is coming, so the science is changing.
  17. Just saw a clip (also on Fox) of some guy windsurfing. Off the coast of the Netherlands. Winds looked to be in the 60s. He could barely hold on to his sail. The whitecaps had whitecaps. Probably winter season in the Netherlands.
  18. Nighthawk, Yep. The Ruling Elite (Hollywood, Politicians and the Ultra-rich) go maskless while the catering company that pays minimum wage forces (or your fired) employees to wear masks while schlepping food and drinks. Bet the Tip Jars were as empty as the heads of those in the Sky Boxes.
  19. Sparque, Wow - that's a full day.. for me it would be a week ! All I did yesterday was go to the marina with my middle son to 'help' him change the skids on his boat trailer. Fiddled with the banjo, noodled with the J45. Took a nap in response to two 24 oz. cans of Yuenling at the marina and in preparation for babysitting one of our 6 y/o granddaughters.
  20. Yep. Sort of like the United Nations.
  21. Here ya go. Back to guitars? OK. As I recall, you've only had one Gibson acoustic in your life and only for a few weeks.
  22. Sgt. Pepper, the quote was from gdecant who is from Ohio. Many here in Texas believe the Civil War was about slavery. As far as his "denying millions of people basic human rights! Hmmm". I'm not sure what that is suppose to mean. Unless gdecant is confusing Texas with China. I'm constantly amazed at how you can take a pleasant thread - about guitars - and try to turn it into a shyte storm. I read somewhere that It takes as much effort to choose to be happy as it does to choose to be unhappy. Maybe JVI is on to something.
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