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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Understood. Mums the word. I started giving our 8 yo granddaughter weekly lessons a month ago. Had been randomly giving her 'lessons' on a uke. I know full well she would rather have a guitar with pictures of kittens on it than any of mine. As long as they stay motivate until they get to the point they love it enough to 'self-motivate' - right?
  2. I understand. My comment was in the context of the OP, having the guitar in question in his possession, , was aware of the fact it is a square shoulder, bridge belly down, nut width, etc. and was ONLY asking about the year.
  3. Hah ! Pickpocket. How did I miss that? Gibson is mugging it up.
  4. RBS - if you don't mind jangly along with sparkly - Taylor has one for you. Can't tell if it's blue. http://images5.fanpop.com/image/forum/182000/182633_1339209824467_full.jpg
  5. I found a curly in my lunch once. Does that count ?
  6. Whoa..... This will make the 4th time this year I agree with you completely on something.
  7. Not being into sushi ... I never got started.
  8. Yeah. A loooong time ago, we were told how the US had like - 10X as many lawyers as the average country - and it was a potential problem. Whoever predicted that should get a medal.
  9. WF, Yep. When I proposed to my wife, circumstances were such that I used a Cigar Band. She was not expecting the proposal and was more focused on the question and her answer. When she said 'Yes', I assured her I would produce a diamond ring of her choosing on my next weekend "Liberty". Had to go from Jacksonville to NYC to get the $ and the ring then fly down to Miami to present it to her. In her eyes, and her parents, that made it 'official'. Her father announced it and presented my as her 'fiancee' that night at a party they had already planned. He was not yet able to pronounce my last name ... but caught on in time for the wedding 3 months later. I'm sure you have equally great memories.
  10. I think you should give it a serious shot. I hurt my rotator cuff a couple of years ago. Dog lives to play 'fetch' in backyard. So, I committed to learn how to throw lefty. Was ridiculous at first. A few times ball went in opposite direction, etc. I'd guess it took 3 or 4 months doing it for 10 - 15 minutes every day to get as accurate as my right arm/hand (which benefited rom the rest). Still, of course, not quite as strong and accurate as my right, but I'd guess the gap will close over the years. My wife is/was an Occupational Therapist and had mentioned over the years how some people have strokes disabling their 'strong' side and are helpless trying to do anything left handed. So - I try to do stuff Lefty when I can. Buttoning shirt, etc. I'm sure playing guitar or bass would be twice as easy as learning from scratch! G'Luck !
  11. We use to enjoy the Winter version much more than the Summer (regular?) version. But, like the Super Bowl, it's just gotten too commercialized and politicized.
  12. NC, I like to say it's the fleas on the tail of the dog wagging us all. But, no WF, it's not Polish Dancing. Of course, that would be too complicated even for the IOC> Do you let other countries compete? People with dual citizenship ? DNA testing? Or wonder about CULTURE MISAPPROPRIATION ? It's the other kind of pole dancing: A former 4 year guitar student does it now and told me a couple of weeks ago she hopes it gets recognized as a sport. I just kept my head down and kept eating my pizza and drinking my beer.
  13. Beautiful guitar - a rose by any other name ... If the seller was the original owner, I'd take his word over the luthier. If not, and there is evidence the bridge was replaced, I'd believe the luthier. Of course, the only REAL issue is how it plays - feel and sound - after the set up. Regardless of the 3 year difference - you've got a winner !
  14. I’ve heard it from a reliable sluice- an aspiring professional - that the IOC is considering Pole Dancing as the next “sport” they’ll add.
  15. As opposed to people on Social Media perhaps?
  16. Is this intended to engage our Canadian friends in some good-natured discussion?
  17. I've used Murphy's Wood Oil Soap for several years on the raw wood on the fretboard and bridge. Coconut/vegetable based cleaner. Works great. I'm sure it would not harm a nitro finish. Very small amount goes a long way. I'd double check the case - that could be the source of the problem. Hopefully the previous owner did not have a cat that only played Martins. I have no idea how you'd clean the inside of a case. Airing it out might be enough - unless it's pernicious.
  18. NC, not just a 'hoodie' an AVIATOR hoodie. I bet Gibson will get Tom Cruise to wear one in Top Gun III.
  19. You can take the CEO out of the Lifestyle Apparel Industry, but you can't take the Lifestyle Apparel Industry out of the CEO.
  20. Probably the ones waving your Maple Leaf Flag, and banners calling for "Freedom" in the freezing cold while the government is arresting people bringing them food or petrol.
  21. If I were to try that, there'd me a chalk outline in my music room.
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