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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. My vote is with RvrDxn - a "do it yourself" plate mate, installed after market to reduce or prevent the string end balls from chewing up the bridge pin holes. Possible the holes are a little too close to to the other holes in the bridge to locate the bolts, which we've seen occurred in prior years at Bozeman.
  2. It is illegal to deny banking service to 'certain people because of their skin color'. Those people have a legion of organizations they can go to, from the local media to Al Sharpton to the DoJ. Anyone who made such an ALLEGED statement would be fired quicker than Donald Sterling had to sell his NBA team. I've come not to believe anecdotal, accusatory allegations - ever since sitting in front of my TV and watching partisan Senators roast Kavanaugh for days on end. You keep coming back to "The US is an extreme racist country." Though you pay lip service to 'Yeah other countries too.', but you state what we US parents teach our kids is THE SAME as a Muslim terrorist holding a baby strapped with explosives. That statement was a 'Kavanaugh' moment for me. Or should I say - for you. I don't know any parents "who teach our own kids religious/racist indoctrination right out of the womb to this day" And I doubt you do either. I bet you read it somewhere.
  3. ZZ, Yeah I agree. Trump the businessman had a small charity, mostly focused in NYC. Investigated for years by the NYStateAttorney General. Now "scum gag politicians " are another matter - they create foundations that are massive - like The Clinton Foundation. Insider Trading - occurs on both sides in Congress. We can deflect and sling mud all day long ... I was just trying to provide an explanation on why a person mentioned here already (Sharpton) is believed to be a part of the problem, and not the solution, when it comes to a topic mentioned here already (racism).
  4. " 'Buckskin Stallion Blues' is about a girl and a horse. I still miss the horse. " Lyle Lovett.
  5. Al Sharpton, started out weighing 3x what he is now. His "Action Network" was under IRS investigation, allegedly based on his withdrawing money from that Not For Profit for his own personal use. Millions for lavishness. He invented the concept of racial extortion. For Example: He would go to a corporation, like Chrysler, who he learned was closing a dealership in a sketchy Chicago neighborhood and tell them that unless they made a hefty 'donation' to his "Charity" he would rally the city against their racist decision. Repeat and Rinse. I would point out that he was the most frequent visitor to a prior occupant of the White House, but that would be 'political' and this thread is everything but that. So, yeah... It's grown from being a cottage industry to a full fledged capitalists dream.
  6. In that case, if I were me, I'd return it to the Gibson Dealer, ask for a refund and tell them to call you when they get one in that is 100%, AFTER they've don't THEIR due diligence ! G'luck.
  7. Yeah. I get especially offended by a particular ad by a group called "The AD Council" which does what you describe. Googled them. Just a small bunch of activists who figured out a way to get rich by fronting for smaller activist groups to produce TV ads for them.
  8. RCT has been known to do that on long road trips with the windows locked up after lighting a Dutch Oven.
  9. Lots of wisdom in various posts here, some hidden under veneers of beer... but this one struck a chord. I've also found it not just 'liberating' but energizing when I'm aware enough of what my ego is telling my mind to think - to put the brakes on, and just let it go. A little more complicated than "Frozen", but has made it more pleasant in retirement, being under lockdown, etc. to be able to take a criticism, some passive aggressiveness or worse - and not get 'butt hurt'. Turn it around and say something nice to the launcher of the barb 5 minutes later. After awhile - that person realizes they are not getting the hoped for response of a witty, shyte response, and the sun comes out again. After months of this, it's almost always sunny all day long. Not possible here of course, on social media. So - All of your mothers wear combat boots !
  10. Methinks we owe JVi a debt of gratitude for initiating this thread. It gave us a chance to talk about 'feelings' without using that vile word.
  11. Wowsers ! Congrats on a real Winner ! Love the p/g. Is it engraved? Motif if very 'western' with the lasso and the blooming pear cactus - I love it! (Where is old member Guitar Light ? He would be rubbing my nose in it for suggesting Gibson acoustics were better than Epiphone's. ) Think I'll frame Sgt.Pepper's over the top praise and put it on the wall in my throne room.
  12. More Cowbell.... In other words, a little anger and vileness can help get bland, boring posts moving. So, I respectfully disagree.
  13. Yes, of course. We had a thread here several years ago. No one liked the p/g one bit. Consensus was it looked like a cartoon drawn by an 8 year old. But, as I recall - the guitar itself was pretty good on paper.
  14. Sounds like it's yours and you got in from the original owner. The fret inlays change shape and proportion as they go up the neck and the frets get narrower. Doesn't happen with dot, but does on the fancier inlays like on the SJ and H'Bird. "Custom Shop" ... it's not a place, it's a concept. A real sweet guitar - take good care of her and she'll take care of you. Welcome Peter !
  15. Isn't a pigeon just an overweight dove that lives off handouts in the park ?
  16. Had a wisdom tooth pulled 6 or 7 years ago. Dentist said it was the 2nd worst one he ever had to pull. Took it out in 3 or 4 pieces. Jaw hurt for a week - the muscle from him pulling on it while I tried to keep it open. Next time I'll have him use a smidgeon of C4.
  17. Assuming you've selected the 2 or 3 worst gouges and magnified them 3x, I would be more worried about the process a 'repair person' might take causing other issues, not so visible to the not so naked eye. Especially if the worst are down around the 12th fret on the bass side, where I rarely Venture. But, of course, it's your scratch and it's not perfect. Most of the gouges aren't as deep as the grain in the wood. Might not be as noticeable with strings on it whilst playing. If you can bring it back to where you purchased it and ask for a replacement - that might be the safest route.
  18. EIM - Thanks so much ! Best 16 minutes I've spent this year !
  19. Thanks Jibb. Puts the wealth of info supplied above by some of the Forums Finest in perspective. Like most, I've never had the chance to A/B these 2 specific models. But I'm sure to most ears - the J45 would sound 'better'. For the reasons noted above.
  20. Agree w/Sarge. For ME - the answer is statistically irrelevant: ZERO. Because I don't want one. Would give it to grandkid or sell it if someone gave it to me. I'm sure they are fine guitars, but I'd rather play the ones I've spent years acquiring.
  21. Jibb, on another original post you’ve asked about the value/prices on Epiphones EJ200s. Very different than what you’re interested in here. Are you planning on buying two guitars? The nuances between the J45 and LG2 are in a different ball field than the EJ200.
  22. Yep ! We could call it the "Can't we just talk about guitars - NOT" thread.
  23. OR... was it a political decision ? Of course a couple of years ago, we would have believed this as silly as believing someone coming into Guitar Center to shoplift an $8K guitar will remove their mask for the video camera by the door.
  24. How this went? Let me help you ... someone pointed out the irony of medical mask mandates enabling grand larceny and a couple of posts later you compared medical masks mandates to stores requiring people wear shoes and shirts. Funny thing about the internet - it's like herding cats. And cretins.
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