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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. A 5 minute search on the internet seems to confirm Dash's estimate of $300. If you asked this same question on the Epiphone sub-forum here, you might get a higher price. We had a member here several years ago who's main contribution was to insist that Epiphones were just as good as Gibsons. Maybe he's found a home over there. Not sure the reason for the question, in the context of your other post re. J45s and LG2s. Sort of different animals. Species even.
  2. Pinch, I apologize for that! I can't keep track of anything - let alone where we all hail from. I've heard too many of our 'experts' hear give conflicting advice on masks to take them seriously anymore. As far as Corona 'vaccines' and the various 'mandates' - Brigham & Women's in Boston MASS - the 793 bed teaching hospital for Harvard Medical School - this week removed a 40 something year old father from their Heart Transplant Waiting List - because he has not accepted the 'vaccine'. It just keeps getting better and better. (that last was sarcasm).
  3. I truly enjoyed that. Singing, guitar, playing, song choice.... Thanks!
  4. Merciful E - Glad you all are being encouraged to return to the physical workplace. Here, something like 1/4 of those who had to work from home are wanting to continue to stay at home.
  5. Chief, I was also gonna ask you if your 'sarcasm' button was locked when you typed "In Canada they follow the rules" re. wearing masks. Given it's a thread about a Canuck stealing an $8K guitar. I'm wondering if they kept too many Draft Dodgers back in the 60s and they multiplied.
  6. What a great thread - guitars, guns, grand larceny, masks, pandemics, sexual innuendo ... Pinch - I gotta ask - was that sarcasm ? Didn't UK just remove the mask mandate?
  7. KB, we lived in Central Mass (Chicopee) for 5 winters. That old house had steam heat. Which sounds good - but steam stayed in the radiators and house got dry. A lot of variability in humidifiers. The small one I have is 'ultrasonic', which sounds complicated, but isn't. Cost $50. Aside from their engineered output being for a 'small room' up to a small house. May take a while if your house / studio had as much wood in it as ours did.
  8. May have come with a very cheap cardboard type case. It is valuable enough to go out and spend a couple of hundred on a substantial one. TKS comes to mine. Congrats. And, yes, as JedZep suggested, tune the strings down a good bit. At least until you have time to have a 'luthier' look at it for neck issues, loose braces, etc. Not a tech at Guitar Center...
  9. Pinch, Thanks for not substituting 'banjo players' for Drummers.
  10. A week at 21%... wow. Good to know! Thanks.
  11. RCT, I was feeling I needed to go out and buy a straight edge and a micrometer until your 2 posts. Thanks, because while I don't know if my guitars have been laughing at me, I have caught my wife smirking when I get crazy if I run out of distilled water for the humidifier in my music room when the hydrometer dips to 40%. "My guitars would point and laugh at me if they knew I was worrying about these things. "C'mon man, it's us, when have we let you down????". That's what they would say to me." I am reminded of my one and only '64 WOOD LG1 - kept in closets and under beds in 5 different states over 40 years - usually in its chipboard case without humidpaks, sponges or desiccants. It never let me down. Did try out a Rain Song 8 years ago in a Mom & Pop. Sounded great. But, felt stiff and artificial. That made the tone sound the same. So, while I was tempted to have a guitar I could use to paddle a canoe and hammer in tent stakes - with limited guitar funds - my next purchase was a J45. Final addition to complement my other 2 Gibsons. Which, are never in closets or under beds - only in cases when leaving the house.
  12. I've been ***-suming that when the humidity changes, and my guitars (which I leave out in a 400' room with a modicum of humidity control on top of the standard house HVAC)) go sharp of flat - its the face raising or lowering and bringing the bridge/saddle up and down. That there is more play there than the truss rod supported neck. Might affect my long neck one more than the two shorties, based on reflection.
  13. On the acoustic side, there was a similar procession I'm sure: Norlin, of course; Pickguard covering the rosette; Putting Mom & Pops out of business: Flubberguard; can't order custom spec'd guitars; takes too long to get custom spec'd guitars' ; Too many versions of the J45; Not enough J45s with maple b/s .... BS indeed. "You can please some of the people some of the time..."
  14. Covid RELATED .... That is the verbiage they use now.... But 'Cause of Death' and 'related' are two different things. An existing condition can cause complications when a new condition, injury or infection presents itself and triggers those complications. COMORBIDITY The simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient.
  15. Funny, you never appreciate the breadth and depth of a person's life work ... until they're dead. RIP Michael.
  16. Newfangled invention .... gun safe. Drop down drawer with your niner right there all you have to do is touch the finger pads.
  17. Chief, I have a Drive Thru Window for shrinks, thanks! BTW - In the old Navy each ship had a Landing Party. The one I was assigned to had two weeks of small arms ( and related) training at Virginia Beach. I thought they let the Coasties have guns....? Or did NightHawk get after them too ?
  18. When I was in the old Navy, we would muster every morning. Line up - a couple of dozen of us - to make sure we were all there. If we were inside - not out on the weather decks - there was an unofficial contest to see who could cause us to break ranks with the most rank of wind breaking, award winning Dutch Ovens ever. Broccoli and Hard Boiled eggs for Midnight Rations ensured a trophy. (Some flirted with being violent. )
  19. Post that on the UMGF, they want the info too. Just when I was starting to like you.... (J/K) !
  20. Admin suggests you stated your opinion and should leave it at that, not inviting arguments from those who disagree. Yet, you persisted. So, like the good Sgt., I'll play. Shutting down discussions you don't like, using the excuse that we are 'flirting with tools than CAN be used to act out violence'.... is the same as saying "He mentioned a Band Saw, I don't like building cabinetry, so this conversation should be shut down." Sort of a back door way of suppressing Free Speech. WHOOPS ! Is that political? or is it religious? Doesn't that law also encourage freedom to associate with others? It's very confusing. And I'm not the sad emoji fairy either. Gave those up for Lent.
  21. UMGF.... UNOFFICIAL. Not associated with Martin. Financial Supported by donations. Several forums clearly invite 'other' guitar maker owners. One even invites solutions to technical issues. I'd have thought you'd be happy I gave Martin a plug. Unofficially. Again - if you read either the OPs original post or my last comment - it was a solution TO an issue. (BTW, thanks for the quick response.)
  22. Chief, "My WTF moment was when you were having an issue with your p/g on a Gibson, yet another member wanted you to post it on the UMGF. " "...because that is an opinion and an opinion is what it is, and is not a fact, " You're welcome. (Btw, OP posted a Solution, not an Issue. )
  23. They've got some hotties in Moscow. "Back In USSR".
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